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1、 Kuva: Pekka Vuori Kie-98.7011 Seija Koski 2 SUOMI 1A SISLT - CONTENTS Sislt - Contents. .2 KAPPALE 1 .3 Diphthongs. Consonants * Personal pronouns. * to be (olla) * Greetings and good-byes. KAPPALE 2 .10 * Personal endings of the verbs. * Verb type 1 (puhua,kysy). * Negative verb. KAPPALE 3 .14 * Q

2、uestion. * Negative question. * Countries, languages and nationalities. * Genitive case. * Possessive suffixes. * Vowel harmony. KAPPALE 4 .22 * Numbers * Telling time. When? (Milloin?) At what time? (Mihin aikaan?). * Expressions of time. * Past tense of to be (olla). * On the phone. * Shopping. Ho

3、w much? (Kuinka paljon?) * Singular and plural (basic plural). * Clothes. KAPPALE 5 .32 * Verb type 2 (syd, juoda), 3 (tulla, menn), 4 (haluta, tykt). * Daily programme. KAPPALE 6 .37 * Partitive case (singular). * Food. * Shopping. KAPPALE 7 .45 * What kind? (Millainen?) * Colours. What colour? (Mi

4、nkvrinen?) * Describing a person or a thing. Adjectives. KAPPALE 8 .48 * Possessive construction (-lla on). Who has? (Kenell on?) * Family. * Home. Dwelling and living. * Where? (Miss?), open and closed location. * “There is /are” sentence. * Parts of the body. Review exercises .57 Key to the exerci

5、ses . 62 Lhteet (Sources) .65 3 KAPPALE 1_ The Finnish language The Finnish language belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family and is closely related to Estonian and remotely related to Hungarian. Therefore, it is understandable that the structure and vocabulary of Finnish differ greatly from other

6、 languages spoken in Europe. Some basic features 1) No articles and no grammatical gender auto a/the car mies a/the man, der Mann nainen a/the woman, die Dame lapsi a/the child, das Kind hn he, she 2) Lots of endings and suffixes Endings and suffixes are usually used instead of prepositions or other

7、 individual words to express different meanings and relations. So, the necessary information is often at the end of the word. auto + ssa in a/the car auto + i + ssa + ni + kin also in my cars puhu + t you speak puhu + i + t + ko? did you speak? The attribute in front of the noun is in the same case

8、and number as the noun: tuo+ssa iso+ssa talo+ssa in that big house When a word has an ending attached to it, the stem (root) of the word may change: vesi vede + ss water in the water nainen naise + t woman women mies miehe + t man men lapsi lapse + t child children 3) A lot of original (different fr

9、om other Western languages) vocabulary puhelin telephone tietokone computer shk electricity osasto department iti mother 4) New words can be formed with suffixes kirja kirjasto, kirjailija, book library, writer, kirjallinen, kirjallisuus literal, literature 4 5) A lot of compound words Sticking toge

10、ther two, three or even more words makes the Finnish words sometimes very long. sanakirja (word/book) dictionary tietokone (data/machine) computer matkapuhelin (travel/phone) mobile phone 6) Written (literary) and spoken Finnish At the beginning, it can be frustrating for a learner of Finnish langua

11、ge that written and spoken Finnish differ from each other. The spoken language is not connected with any social class but tells more about the part of the country the speaker comes from or sometimes maybe age. Spoken language Written language (Helsinki district) Onks toi sun? Onko tuo sinun? Is that

12、 yours? Haluut s tn? Haluatko sin tmn? Do you want this (one)? Saanks m kattoo? Saanko min katsoa? May I have a look? Me otetaan noi. Me otamme nuo. Well take those. 7) International loan words There are also quite a few loan words in Finnish, borrowed from the Indo-European languages, formerly part

13、icularly from Swedish, nowadays mainly from English. bussi hotelli musiikki tee presidentti lamppu metro pankki filmi kahvi professori televisio auto museo teatteri viini tohtori sohva taksi pubi konsertti siideri kokki paperi piano materiaali matematiikka tekniikka politiikka energia kitara systeem

14、i fysiikka insinri demokratia kaasu viulu kompromissi kemia projekti kriisi bensiini rumpu idea historia raportti armeija akku 8) The main stress is always on the first syllable of the word banaani tomaatti musiikki poliisi televisio prosentti 9) Vowel harmony Vowels a, o, u can not occur together with , , y in a single word. The vowels e and i are “neutral”, they can mix with any vowel. Because of this vowel harmony also the endings and suffixes have two variants: Espoo + ssa Helsingi + ss



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