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1、建筑专业英语 单词翻译 来源: 李昱辰.avi的日志 1比例与尺度 proportion and scale2黄金分割 golden section3折衷主义 eclecticism 4功能主义 functionalism5后现代主post-modernism 6极简抽象派艺术 minimalism7解构主义 deconstruction, deconstructivism8哥特教Gothic cathedral 9哥特复兴Gothic Revival10希腊神庙 Greek temple 11凯旋门 triumphal arch12意大利文艺复兴 Italian Renaissance 13

2、公爵府邸 ducal mansion14多立克柱式,爱奥尼柱式,科林斯柱式Doric order, Ionic order, Corinthian order15古典主义 classicism16装饰美学 ornamental aesthetics17注册建筑师 licensed architect18注册规划师 licensed planner19电气工程师electrical engineer20注册结构工程师 licensed structural engineer21设备工程plant engineer 22机械工程师 mechanical engineer23景观建筑师 landsc

3、ape architect24景观规划landscape planning25场地规划site planning 26总体规general planning27方案设schematic design 28初步设计 preliminary design29购物中shopping center30住宅组团 housing cluster/group31市政中心 civic center32居住区 residential community 33居住密度 residential density34施工图与施工说明书 working drawings and the specifications35标

4、准层平面 typical floor plan 36立面与剖面elevation and section37投标价格 bid price 38详图 detail drawing39工程监理 project supervision40项目管理 project management41工程预 project budget42咨询服务 consulting service43设计荷载 design load44自然通风 natural ventilation45标准荷载 standard load46剖断线 section line47空气调节系统 air-conditioning system 4

5、8建筑合同 building contract49三维空间 three-dimensional space 50能源消耗 energy consumption51供暖与通风 heating and ventilation52给水排水 water supply and drainage53暖气管道 thermal flue, heating pipe54建筑实践architectural practice55环境质量 quality of environment56给水管 supply pipe57挑出压顶 projecting coping58落水管 drain pipe59过梁与悬臂梁 li

6、ntel and cantilever 60屋檐与山墙eaves and gable61压力与拉力 compression and tension 62亭子 pavilion63天窗 dormer window 64避雷针 lightning rod65落地窗 French window 66凸窗 bay window67上下推拉窗 sash-window 68百叶窗 louver window69材料特性 nature of material 70钢过梁 steel lintel71钢筋混凝土柱子 reinforced concrete column72混凝土梁concrete beam73

7、钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab 74混凝土薄壳concrete shell75承载 bearing strength 76楼梯踏步 stair step77承重墙 bearing wall 78楼梯厅 stair hall79砖石结构 masonry construction 80楼梯井 stairwell81超大型建筑结构(巨型结构) megastructure82楼梯平台 stair landing83钢框架结构 steel-frame construction 84楼梯栏杆 stair railing85地下地质构造 subsurface geologi

8、cal formation86房间布置 room layout 87日光浴室 solarium88建筑创作 architectural creation 89太阳能板 solar panel90建筑草图 architectural sketch 91投资成本 capital cost92建筑构思 architectural conception 93建筑成本 construction cost94建筑布局 architectural layout 95拱跨度 arch span96绘图比例尺 drafting scale 97绘图板 drafting board98旧建筑改造 renovati

9、on of old building 99声学设计 acoustic design100照明设计 lighting design, illumination design 101人行道 pedestrian walkway 102过街楼 bridge gallery103展览馆 exhibition building 104体育馆 gymnasium 106体育场 stadium107保龄球 bowling alley 108排式平房 row houses109半独立式住宅 semi-detached house 110独立式住宅 detached house112大城市形态的决定因素 cru

10、cial elements of metropolitan form113中央商务区 central business district 114地标与节点landmark and node115外部形态 external form and image 116壁画与雕塑mural and sculpture117建筑工业化 building industrialization 118现有建筑 existing building119场所感的缺失 absence of a sense of place 120房地产 real estate121交通流线与停车场 circulation and pa

11、rking 122交通量load of traffic123绿地覆盖率 green coverage ratio 124周边地区 peripheral area125持久的平衡 sustainable equilibrium 126城市更新 urban renewal127多功能高层建筑 multi-use high-rise building128低层中密度住宅群 low-rise medium-density cluster housing129城市改造 urban redevelopment 130城市布局 city layout131过境交通 through-traffic highw

12、ay132城市化与郊区化 urbanization and suburbanization133城市分区规划 city district planning 134城市膨胀 urban expansion135城市管理 city administration, 136城市规划管理局city planning and administration bureau137城市发展模式 urban development pattern 138城市规模 city size139公共设施分布 utility distribution 140城市设计 urban design141城市防灾规划 disaste

13、r planning, calamity precaution planning142城市抗震规划 seismic planning, 143城市风貌 cityscape, city style and features144城市城乡规划urban and rural planning, town and country planning145城市天际线 city skyline, skyline of town146城市景观 cityscape, city appearance147城镇群(集合城市)conurbation148城市噪声 city noise 149城市生态urban ecology150城市学urbanology 151城市设施 urban facilities152城市



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