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1、Toyota Kata 丰田套路 Improvement Methodology 改善方法 Problem Solving & Improvement Approach 问题解决&改善,Training Content 培训内容,Part 1. Understand the Direction 理解方向 Part 2. Grasp the Current Condition 掌握现状 Part 3. Establish the Next Target Condition 确立下一个目标 Part 4. PDCA | Problem Solving Tools Toward the Target

2、 Condition PDCA/问题解决的工具,迈向目标,2,(this training material is based on Toyota Kata by Mike Rother),Introduction 介绍,大多数“精益”企业所在的位置,丰田之路的4P模型,管理决策以长期理念为基础,即使因此牺牲短期财务目标也在所不惜。,流动浮现问题 拉动避免生产过剩 生产均衡化 自働化 工作标准化 视觉管理 可靠技术,培养能实现公司理念的领导者 尊重、发展及激励公司员工与团队 尊重、激励与帮助供应商。,持续改进 现地现物 周全决策,快速执行,Problem Solving (Continuous

3、 Improvement and Learning),Philosophy (Long-Term thinking),Process (Eliminate Waste),People & Partners (Respect, Challenge, And Grow them),Base management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of a short-term financial goals,Create process “flow” to surface problems Use pull syste

4、ms to avoid overproduction Level out the workload (Heijunka) Stop when there is a quality problem (Jidoka) Standardize tasks for continuous improvement Use visual control so no problems are hidden Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology,Grow leaders who live the philosophy Respect, develop,

5、and challenge your people and teams Respect, challenge, and help your suppliers,Continuous organizational learning through kaizen Go see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (Genchi Genbutsu) Make decisions slowly by consensus thoroughly considering all options; implement rapidly (Nem

6、awashi),A 4 P model of the Toyota Way,Where most “Lean” companies are,Where does an improvement happen? 改善会在什么地方发生?,At process levelphysical or service process (information | transactional) 在流程层面生产或者服务的流程(信息| 交互),Usual Triggers for Improvement 通常改善的出发点,Cost Reduction 降低成本 Productivity 生产率 Introducti

7、on of new. 新产品,流程,设计,技术等的导入 Problems 问题,Problem Definitions 问题的定义,Wikipedia: A problem is an obstacle, impediment, difficulty or challenge, or any situation that invites resolution; the resolution of which is recognized as a solution or contribution toward a known purpose or goal. A problem implies

8、a desired outcome coupled with an apparent deficiency, doubt or inconsistency(矛盾) that prevents the outcome from taking place. 维基百科:问题很难有一个确定的、无异议的定义,但是,一般来说都问题包含有以下三个基本成分: 上下文 - 和问题相关的场景,指一组已经是明确已知(?)的,关于问题的条件的描述。 目标 - 指关于构成问题的结论的明确的描述。 障碍 - 指问题的正确解决方法不是显而易见的,必须通过一定的思维活动,才能找到答案。 一般而言,问题是由于某些导致不能达到目

9、的或者实现目标的认识障碍。它是指不期待的现状没有被解决或者事态出现意外。,Business Dictionary: A perceived gap between the existing state and a desired state, or a deviation from a norm, standard, or status quo. Although many problems turn out to have several solutions (the means to close the gap or correct the deviation), difficulties

10、 arise where such means are either not obvious or are not immediately available. 商业字典: 一个认为现有的状态和一个理想的状态,或与一个规范,标准,或现状的偏差之间的差距。 虽然许多问题有几种解决方案(缩小差距的手段或纠正偏差),出现困难等手段并不明显,或者不立即可用。,Problem Definitions 问题的定义,Toyota Kata 丰田套路,The Improvement Kata 改善的套路,PART 1 第 1 部分,Understand the Direction 理解方向,Vision 愿景

11、,现状,对客户的愿景,愿景是一个方向指示器,没有一个方向 给一个愿景,长期愿景或方向有助于我们集中思想和行动, 因为如果没有愿景或方向。 各种建议在接受评估时将是各自独立的,而不是作为整体努力的一部分。,Challenge 挑战,现状,对客户的愿景,挑战,因为愿景是模糊不清晰的,Target Conditions 目标状态,现状,对客户的愿景,挑战,目标状态,Obstacles 障碍,现状,愿景,目标状态,障碍,PART 2 第 2 部分,Grasp the Current Condition 掌握现状,Process Analysis (Grasp the Situation) 流程分析(掌

12、握现状),The purpose of Process Analysis is not to uncover problems, wastes or potential improvements (this will come later!). Grasping the current situation is to obtain facts and data you need in order to define the appropriate target condition. Once you have the target condition, then you can strive

13、to move toward it and discover what you need to work on (problems, wastes, obstacles).,Goal: develop a systematic way of observing and analyzing a process by a routine practice kata of grasping the situation.,Grasp the current situation,Establish next target condition,Target Condition,Process Analys

14、is (Grasp the Situation) 流程分析(掌握现状),流程分析的目的不是去发现问题、浪费或者潜在的改进机会(这些后面会随之而来) 掌握现状,获得需要的事实和数据,来确定合理的目标状态 一旦确定了目标状态,你就可以朝着目标努力,然后就可以发现你需要克服的问题(问题,浪费,障碍),Goal: develop a systematic way of observing and analyzing a process by a routine practice kata of grasping the situation. 目标:通过“套路”来掌握现状,建立一个系统的方式来观察和分析

15、流程,掌握现状,建立下一阶段的目标,目标状态,Start with VSM then move to process level 从价值流图析(VSM)开始,然后到工序层面,Grasping the Current Condition 掌握现状,Find out current pattern of operation, so you can establish a desired pattern of operation (target condition). 找出现有的运行模式,就能够建立你所期望达到的模式(目标状态) The goal here is to learn the routi

16、ne of process analysis. 目标是学习流程分析的“方法” Start with a process easier to understand and analyze. 从容易理解和分析的流程开始,What do you actually know? 你真正知道什么? How do you know it? 你如何知道的? What do you need to know? 你需要知道什么? How can you learn it? 你怎么学到的? Lean is not acting on assumptions or jumping to conclusions. 精益不能依靠假设来行动,也不能直接跳到结论。,Questioning Mind 提问题的思维,“Data is of course important, but I place greater emphasis on facts.” “数据确实很重要,但是我更强调事实” Taiichi Ohno 大野耐一,Go See and



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