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1、分类号 编 号 华北水利水电学院继续教育学院 North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power 自考助学毕业设计(论文)题目 助学学校 专 业 姓 名 准考证号 指导教师 年 月 日摘要在商务谈判过程中,让步策略是谈判成功的必要保证。让步策略是指在谈判过程中,利益主体为了满足自己的某种利益需要,必须放弃另外一些利益需要,以达到解决彼此之间的分歧,互相协调,利益互补的目的。商务谈判活动是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定交换各种条件的一项必不可少的活动,它可以促进双方达成协议,是双方洽谈的一项重要环节。商务谈判


3、达成有效的协议而不得不采取的行动,那么在商务谈判中的让步究竟又有什么学问呢?本文将会对成功商务谈判中的让步策略进行研究和解读。 AbstractIn the course of business negotiations, concessions policy is necessary to ensure success of the negotiations. Concessions strategy in the negotiation process, stakeholders in order to meet the need of an interest, you must give

4、 up some benefits will be required to resolve their differences and co-ordination, complementarity of interests purpose.The business negotiations Activities in economic activities, the negotiating parties through consultation to determine the exchange of a variety of conditions related to an essenti

5、al activities, which can promote agreement between the parties is an important part of negotiations between the two sides. Business negotiations people glue mutual adjustment of interests, reduce differences, and, ultimately, the establishment of common interests do behavioral processes. If negotiat

6、ion skills to master inappropriate, not only will make the two sides clashed resulting in the breakdown of trade, but also lead to economic losses. In business negotiations, should be good to collect information related to the content of the talks, good for serious analytical thinking, grasp the nat

7、ure of the problem, then what you want to express the content, applying appropriate methods and strategies accurate, concise expression. Second, understanding the skills of negotiating time, place, and they also occupy an important position in the negotiations. Finally, the negotiation strategy to g

8、rasp. Such as: start strategy, pricing strategy, refused strategiesThe saying goes, take a step backward. In fact, negotiation is a compromise compromise and concessions is a common phenomenon in business negotiations. Can be said that the existence of the business negotiations, there concessions ac

9、tion; concessions action there will be no business negotiations. Concessions fact, both parties to the agreement had to take action, then concessions in business negotiations exactly what knowledge? This article will study and interpretation of the concession strategy successful business negotiation

10、s 目录 1论文提纲1 1.1序论1 1.2本论2 1.3结论22论文正文3 2.1让步策略是谈判主题实现合作的必要手段3 2.2让步策略必须有合理的依据4 2.3让步策略的内涵5 2.4让步的策略和注意事项7 2.5让步的策略必须服从的原则8 2.6让步策略选择时的影响因素9 2.7让步策略的种类9 2.8让步的基本原则10 2.9让步的实施步骤与方式113结论124参考文献13论文提纲:1.1序论(一)成功商务谈判中的让步策略(二)通过这篇文章,让我们可以更好的了解关于商务谈判中的让步策略的成功之处。1.2本论(一)让步策略是谈判主题实现合作的必要手段(二)让步策略必须有合理的依据 1、让

11、步的目标必须明确 2、 让步要坚持原则 3、把握让步的尺度和时机(三)让步策略的内涵 1 .对让步的理解 2. 让步的时机选择 3. 让步的幅度选择 4.让步的类型 5.让步的原则(四)让步的策略和注意事项 1.让步的策略 2.让步策略的注意事项(五)让步的策略必须服从的原则 1、目标价值最大化原则 2、刚性原则 3、时机原则 4、清晰原则 5、弥补原则 (六)让步策略选择时的影响因素(七)让步策略的种类 1、予远利谋近惠的让步策略 2、互利互惠的让步策略 3、己方丝毫无损的让步策略(八)让步的基本原则 1、有效适度的让步 2、让步要谨慎有序 3、双方共同做出让步 4、明白性让步 5、高期望让步 (九)让步的实施步骤与方式 (一)、让步的实施步骤 (二)、让步前的选择 (1)时间的选择 (2)利益对象的选择 (3)成本的选择 (4)人的选择: (5)环境的选择1.3结论 (一)充分解析商务谈判中的让步策略的相关内容(二)夯实商务谈判让步策略的基础知识和相关应用2论文正文: 在整个商务谈判中,始终是一个让步的过程,在双方不断让步的基础上,不断地形成共识,最终在让步中达成协议,结束谈判。在准


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