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1、华东交通大学毕业论文华东交通大学East China Jiaotong University 毕业论文 Graduation Thesis(20092013)题 目: 浅析我国农村民间金融的规范和发展 分 院: 经济管理院 专 业: 金融学 班 级: 金融2009-1 学 号: 20090510620121 学生姓名: 尚显江 指导教师: 吴勇 起讫日期: 2012. 112013. 05 摘 要我国民间金融在农村地区的规模非常庞大,其对我国农村地区经济社会和国民经济的发展有着重要的作用。我国农村民间金融的存在和发展具有两面性,从建设性方面看,农村民间金融促进了农村经济的发展、满足农村资金借贷


3、体制,加强规范,促进发展。本文由四部分组成,第一章为概论,对我国农村民间金融发展的现状进行了归纳,对民间金融的概念进行了界定;第二章是我国农村民间金融的规范发展存在的问题;第三章对我国农村民间金融的的存在和发展的原因进行了分析;第四章是我国农村民间金融存在问题的对策和建议,希望通过正规金融机构与民间金融组织的协调发展,维护农村金融体制的规范与发展。关键词: 农村;民间金融;金融体制;规范;发展;Abstract Folk financial strength in Chinas rural areas should not be underestimated,its impact is ver

4、y importanceChinas rural existence and development of folk finance had both positive and negative sideFrom a positive point of view, Folk finance in Chinas rural areas to promote rural economic development,resolving individual farmers and rural enterprises production and other funds needed to make u

5、p for lack of creditas well as speed up the flow and use of social capital has played a positive roleFrom a negative point of view, on the one hand,impact of monetary policy and the comprehensive implementation of interest rate policy, bring difficulties to the national macro-control, on the other h

6、and,rural underground financial pregnant with a huge financial risk, prone to economic disputes, disrupting social order or undermines social stability, in addition,monitoring absence,coupled with the internal organization of the rural financial system instability, Ground Floor, easy to damage the i

7、nterests of farmersTherefore,China must strengthen the rural underground financial supervision and guidance,while avoiding disadvantages. By the means of macroeconomic regulation and market competition, we should integrate rural finance organization into unified financial system to construct rural f

8、inancial system.This paper consists of four parts, the first chapter is introduction, to our country rural folk financial development the present situation to carry on the induction, the folk financial concept of defined; The second chapter is our country rural folk financial normative development o

9、f existing problems; The third chapter of rural folk financial existence and development of the reasons for the analysis; The fourth chapter is our country rural folk financial problems countermeasures and Suggestions, and hope that through the formal financial institutions and the coordinated devel

10、opment of private financial institutions, maintaining the rural financial system specifications and development.Key words:Rural country; Folk finance; Financial system; Standard; Development;目 录摘 要IAbstractII目 录III1引 言1 1.1研究背景和意义1 1.2研究方法12我国农村民间金融发展的现状22.1农村民间金融的概念和形式22.2农村民间金融的特点32.3农村民间金融的优势33我国

11、农村民间金融发展中存在的主要问题53.1农村金融体制落后53.2民间金融往往与政府调控意愿相悖53.3借贷比例、利率相对偏高63.4农村民间金融生态环境欠佳74 我国农村民间金融发展的原因分析84.1农村中小企业资金需求增加84.2农村缺乏有效的投资渠道84.3农村信用社管理方式滞后8 4.4农民生活模式发生转变84.5正规金融制度缺陷与供给弱化94.6金融机构改革导致涉农机构锐减94.7农村民间金融高利率的成因95我国农村民间金融规范发展的对策建议11 5.1确立农村民间金融的合法地位,引导发展11 5.2 鼓励机构创新,优化农村生态环境115.3借鉴国际经验,开展正规金融与民间金融的合作1

12、2结 语13参考文献14致 谢1515 1 引 言1.1 研究背景和意义十二五规划开局之年已经过去,从过去的实践中得出,以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,是关系我国发展全局的战略抉择。要适应国内外经济形势新变化,加快形成新的经济发展方式,把推动发展的立足点转到提高质量和效益上来,中国的“三农”问题已经到了不能回避和无法回避的阶段,解决“三农”问题要依赖农村金融体制的有效改革,而关注民间金融的运作是农村金融体制的改革必须注意的。当前农村民间金融的规范和发展是农村经济和农村金融必须关注的当务之急。 截至2012年底,我国银行业金融机构共有法人机构3747家,资产总额133.6万亿元,同比增长17.9%,负债总额125.0万亿元,同比增长17.8%;不良贷款余额1.07万亿元,比年初增加234亿元,不良贷款率1.56%,同比下降0.22个百分点。商业银行整体加权平均资本充足率13.25%,同比上升0.54个百分点;贷款损失准备金余额1.46万亿元,比年初增加2653亿元;拨备覆盖率29


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