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1、山东农业大学 硕士学位论文 农业政策性金融的职能定位及运行机制研究 姓名:杨吾华 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:农村金融 指导教师:董继刚 2010-12-12 山东农业大学硕士专业学位论文 I 摘 要 农业政策性金融是适应党的十四大提出建设社会主义市场经济体制, 深化金融体制改革,加强对农业支持的背景下成立的。中国农业发展银行 作为政策性金融的承担者,在一定意义上就是农业政策性金融的代名词。 农发行成立以来在保护和提高粮食综合生产能力、稳定粮棉市场、保护农 民利益、促进农业生产、建立健全农村金融服务体系、维护农村稳定和推 进粮食流通体制改革等方面发挥了重要作用,取得了较为显著成效。但随 着我国社

2、会主义市场经济体制改革的不断深入,市场机制日益成熟。金融 改革和开放、金融服务与竞争进入了一个新的历史阶段。特别是按照党的 十六届五中全会提出的建设社会主义新农村的战略任务的要求, 农发行迫 切需要向现代农业政策性银行实现战略转型, 这既是方向又是目标。 因此, 开展本问题的研究具有重要的理论与现实意义。 本文依据相关理论,系统地考察了我国农业政策性金融的现实,以 中国农业发展银行为主,分别从管理体制、战略定位、职能边界、筹资 及运行机制等角度系统分析了其现状、存在问题以及存在问题的原因。 借鉴国外农业政策性金融发展的经验,对我国农业政策性金融体系再造 进行了全方位反思, 在基础上,提出了新形

3、势下我国农业政策性金融的 战略目标、职能定位及运行机制未来趋势,并提出了相应的对策建议。 本文共分为六部分:第一部分是引言,主要介绍研究的背景与意义, 研究的内容与方法,研究路线和可行性分析等五个问题。第二部分是有关 农业政策性金融的基本理论, 主要从农业经济发展和金融发展两个方面寻 求理论根源。第三部分是农业政策性金融的现状、存在问题及原因分析, 主要分析农业政策性金融存在问题,以及存在问题的原因。第四部分是国 外农业政策性金融制度考察及经验借鉴分析, 主要介绍六个国家的农业政 农业政策性金融的职能定位及运行机制研究 II 策性金融概况,为我国农业发展金融的改革提供有益的经验借鉴。第五部 分

4、是我国农业政策性金融的职能定位及运行机制, 在结合国情和借鉴国外 农业政策性金融机构运作特点的基础上, 论述我国农业政策性金融的改革 目标、运行机制、职能定位和战略性转型。第六部分是进一步完善我国农 业政策性金融的政策建议。主要从深化内部综合改革、理顺与政府之间的 关系、优化服务主体、构建金融服务体系等方面论述,更好的发挥农业政 策性金融职能。 关键词:关键词:农业政策性金融;中国农业发展银行;职能定位;运行机制 山东农业大学硕士专业学位论文 III Abstract Agricultural financial policy is to adapt the partys congress p

5、roposed the building of a socialist market economic system and deepen the financial system, strengthening of agricultural support in the context of established. Agricultural Development Bank of China as a bearer of financial policy, in a sense, is synonymous with rural public finance. It has played

6、an important role in protecting and improving the overall grain production capacity, stability, grain and cotton markets, protect the interests of farmers, promoting agricultural production, establish and improve the rural financial service system, and maintaining rural stability and promoting the f

7、ood distribution system since its establishment. But with Chinas socialist market economy, the deepening of reform, market mechanisms become increasingly mature. Financial reform and opening up of financial services and competition entered a new historical stage. In particular, in accordance with th

8、e Party Plenum building new socialist countryside put forward the strategic task of the requirements of the Agricultural Development Bank urgently needed modern agricultural policy bank to achieve a strategic transformation, which is both direction and is the target. Therefore, studying this questio

9、n has important theoretical and practical significance. Based on the theory of this paper systematically examines agricultural policy finance the reality-based Agricultural Development Bank of China, respectively, from the management system, strategic positioning, the functions of the border, financ

10、ing and operational mechanism of the angle of the system analyzes the situation, problems and the reasons. Paper on Chinas agricultural policy for a full range of financial system re-reflection, in reference to foreign agricultural policy based on the experience of financial development is proposed

11、under the new situation of Chinas agricultural policy 农业政策性金融的职能定位及运行机制研究 IV finance strategic objectives, functions and Operation of future trends, and the corresponding countermeasures. This paper is divided into six sections. The first part is introductory, the study focuses on the meaning and pu

12、rpose to study the contents of the ideas, research methods and innovative point-five issues. The second part is the new rural development and agricultural policy finance and the relationship between the Agricultural Development Bank, the main exposition of the theory of building a new countryside, t

13、he key to building a new countryside, the rural policy-oriented rural finance to build a new theoretical and empirical effects of the five Issue. The third part is the Agricultural Development Bank of the status quo, existing problems and cause analysis, the main analytical problems with the Agricul

14、tural Development Bank, as well as the root causes of problems.The fourth part is the operation of foreign agricultural policy bank characteristic analysis, focuses on four operational characteristics of both developed and two developing countries for the reform of Chinas Agricultural Development Ba

15、nk to provide useful lessons. The fifth part is the Agricultural Development Banks strategic positioning and operating mechanism of the building, in the light of national conditions and reference to foreign policy-oriented rural financial institutions, on the basis of the operational characteristics

16、, discusses the positioning of Chinas Agricultural Development Bank of the adjustment and operation mechanism of the building. The sixth part is the suggestions for pushing of Chinas Agricultural Development Bank. Key words: Rural Financial Policy; Agricultural Development Bank; Strategic Positioning;Operating Mechanism 关于学位论文原创性和使用授权的声明 本人所呈交的学位论文,是在导师指导下,独立进行科学研究所 取得的成果。 对在论文研究期间给予指导、 帮助和做出重要贡献的个 人或集体,均在文中明确说明。本声明的法律责任由本人承担。 本人完全了解山东农业大学有关保留和使用学位论文的规定, 同 意学校保留和按要求向国家有关部门或机构送交论文纸质本和电子


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