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1、电力系统谐波分析与抑制技术的分析-谐波毕业论文 作者: 日期:2 南昌大学自考本科毕业设计编号 毕业设计报 告设计题目:电力系统谐波分析与抑制技术的分析 专业名称: 电力系统及其自动化 报告准备日期:2013年9月2013年11月 提 交 日 期: 2013年11月 答 辩 日 期: 2013年11月 答辩委员会主席: 评阅人: 目 录摘要1第一章 绪论31.1电力系统谐波的研究目的和意义31.2谐波的基本意义与特点41.2.1谐波的基本意义及数学表达41.3电力系统谐波的原理61.3.1谐波的基本原理61.3.2电力系统谐波的基本模型71.4本文的主要工作11第二章 谐波的检测方法以及危害1

2、22.1谐波的检测方法122.1.1带阻滤波法122.1.2带通选频法和FFT变换法132.1.3瞬时空间矢量法142.1.4自适应检测法152.1.5小波变换检测法152.2电力系统谐波的危害162.2.1对供电线路的危害162.2.2对电力设备的危害172.2.3对用电设备的危害192.2.4对弱电系统设备的干扰21第三章 滤波器293.1有源电力滤波器的概述293.1.1有源电力滤波器的理论基础293.1.2有源电力滤波器的工作原理293.1.3有源电力滤波器的使用优势293.2无源电力滤波器的概述333.2.1无源电力滤波器的分类333.2.2无源电力滤波器的工作原理353.2.3无源

3、电力滤波器所受到的影响36第四章 谐波检测仿真分析404.1 谐波信号模型的建立414.1.1 MATLAB424.1.2电力系统谐波信号434.2 MATLAB小波分析444.2.1信号模型的小波分析模型46第五章 抑制谐波的方法40 第五章 总结与展望49参考文献50致 谢51南昌大学自考本科毕业设计电力系统谐波及其抑制技术的研究摘要随着电力系统的发展以及电力市场的开放,电能质量问题越来越引起广泛关注。由于各种非线性负载(谐波源)应用普及,产生的谐波对电网的污染日益严重。因此,谐波及其抑制技术己成为国内外广泛关注的课题。本文首先对国内外谐波问题及其现状进行了描述,介绍了抑制电网谐波的主要方


5、方法进行了改进,提出了三相三线制并联有源电力滤波器谐波检测方法。基于瞬时无功功率理论的ip-iq改进方法。谐波电流检测方法在系统稳定情况下进行了仿真分析,证明了ip-iq检测方法能实时、准确地检测不同负载情况下的谐波。研究了并联有源电力滤波器电流控制方法,确定采用三角波比较控制方式作为本文所研究三相三线制并联有源电力滤波器控制策略。最后依据前面所研究的谐波检测方法和控制部分构建了三相三线制并联有源电力滤波器进行了Matlab仿真实验,仿真结果验证了该滤波装置的良好补偿性能。关键词 电力系统谐波; 脉宽调制; 有源电力滤波器; 瞬时无功功率理论ABSTRACTWith the developme

6、nt of electric power systems as well as the opening up of electricity markets, power quality problems has attracted wide attention. Due to various nonlinear loads (harmonic) wider, increasing pollution of harmonic to power grid. Therefore, harmonic and suppression technique has become the subject of

7、 widespread attention at home and abroad.Firstly the harmonic problems and describes the status quo at home and abroad, introduced the main means of suppressing harmonics from the traditional LC filter to the development process of shunt active power filter and its future development trend of APF. I

8、ntroduces the basic concepts of electric power harmonic as well as the emergence and impact of nonlinear load harmonic source and conducted an analysis of several typical nonlinear harmonic sources. Subsequent establishment of mathematical model of nonlinear load harmonic source and mathematical for

9、mula came to a conclusion, using Matlab6.5 software, SIMUINK simulation environment for platform was established in model and simulation to prove the impact of nonlinear load users for linear users.At present, in the harmonic context, already has a practical passive filter technology is mature, but

10、due to the existence of passive power filter some of the shortcomings. Because of its dynamic compensation of active power filter harmonic superiority have become a hot research topic. This paper, taking into account the electric power system in most cases in an equilibrium State, were made to the e

11、xisting harmonic current detecting method based on instantaneous reactive power improvement, presents three-phase three-wire shunt active power filter for harmonic detection method. IP-IQ beg for improvement method based on instantaneous reactive power theory. Harmonic current detecting method for s

12、imulation analysis of systems under stable conditions, proves that detection IP-IQ method and accurate detection in real time under different load harmonics.Study on current control method for shunt active power filter, determines this triangle wave comparison control method, as this study on contro

13、l strategy for three-phase three-wire shunt active power filter.Finally based on earlier research of harmonic detection method and control part-built three-phase three-wire shunt active power filter and Matlab simulation, simulation results show a good compensation for the filter performance.Key wor

14、ds: of power system harmonics; Pulse width modulation; Active power filters Instantaneous reactive power theory第一章 绪 论1.1研究的目的和意义随着科学技术的发展,随着工业生产水平和人民生活水平的提高,非线性用电设备在电网中大量投运,造成了电网的谐波分量占的比重越来越大。它不仅增加了电网的供电损耗,而且干扰电网的保护装置与自动化装置的正常运行,造成了这些装置的误动与拒动,直接威胁电网的安全运行。20世纪80年代以来,电力电子学已逐渐成为一门新兴交叉边缘科学,与此相对应的现代电力电子技术也得到迅速发展。但由于电力电子装置是一种非线性时变拓扑负荷,由其造成的谐波污染对电力系统安全、稳定、经济运行构成潜在的威胁,给周围电气环境带来极大影响,被公认为电网的一大公害。因此,电力系统谐波及其治理的研究已经严峻地摆在了电力科技工作者面前。在传统电力系统中正弦波形被畸变的现象早已存在,由于其功率相对不大,因而危害并不明显。可是现代电力系统



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