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1、Model United NationsInternational Collaboration on Natural DisastersNanjing University Of Aeronautics And Astronautics2010-11-3I. Welcome Letter Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisors: Welcome to the General Assembly in the Model United Nations held in Nanjing University Of Aeronautics And Astronautics

2、. We are the Dias of the General Assembly and we will be your loyalist companions during the two-day conference. We assure you that we will try every effort to offer you an excellent platform to for you to solve a global problemInternational Collaboration on Natural Disasters. There is no denying th

3、at natural disasters damage the social and economic infrastructure of all countries. This severe hazard has already been a very dangerous obstacle to the development of human social and economy and also the insurance of human rights. Earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, famine and so on, these names has

4、 taken away millions lives of human beings in the history. How to avoid such tragedies repeating themselves is a question for all of you to answer in this conference. We hope that every one of you will fully enjoy being a delegate who represents a nation and try to protect the national interest whil

5、e managing to solve the issue. You will give speeches, debate with other delegates, and wring papersdoing all the work of a real delegate in the United Nations. We hope you will enjoy being a Muner! Good luck and see you in November! General Assembly Dias Members 2010 Nanjing University Of Aeronauti

6、cs And Astronautics Of Aeronautics And Astronautics Model United Nations Conference.Brief Introduction and Conference Agenda南京航空航天大学外国语学院模拟联合国参会指南一、活动主题:南航外院2010年模拟联合国大会二、活动简介:模拟联合国是一个具有全球性视角的学生活动。以拓宽学生视野,锻炼学生综合性能力为宗旨,以培养国际性人才为目标,是一项健康积极、极富教育意义的学生活动。模拟联合国中所探讨的涉及裁军、环保和社会发展等诸多方面的国际议题多具有跨学科的性质,这有助于加强跨学

7、科的交流。三活动目的:为了给同学们创造一个平台,让同学们能释放自己对模拟联合国活动的热情,提高英语及汉语表达能力,组织、策划、管理的能力,研究和写作的能力,公开发言和辩论的能力,解决冲突、求同存异的能力,与人沟通交往等多方面能力,全面提高自身修养,培养世界眼光。四、主办单位:学生处,南航外国语学院学生会五、活动时间:英文场:2010.11.3 13:00六、活动地点:艺术中心多功能厅七、活动对象:全体在校学生(要求:关心时事,有一定的政治见解、良好的交流能力、口才和临场应变能力)八、活动流程:第一部分:开始,介绍主席团和代表队第二部分:正式活动开始(流程详见模联具体流程介绍)第三部分:评委点评

8、第四部分:新闻发布会(宣布投票结果及评委评出的最佳团队奖和最佳表现奖)第五部分:颁奖仪式,活动结束南京航空航天大学外院团委学生会 2010年10月. Statement of the Problem 1.委员会:联合国大会United Nations General Assembly 2.议题:自然灾害的全球互助 International Collaboration on Natural Disasters3.国家:英文场:中国,美国,英国,法国,俄罗斯,智利,海地,澳大利亚,德国,伊朗,印度,沙特阿拉伯,南非,苏丹(14个国家)After the devastating earthquak

9、e hit China in 12th of May 2008, the humanitarian assistance of the international society soon arrived in China, along with great sympathy from all over the globe. However, if we look back into recent years, we will be astounded to see a list of event which relating to natural disasters ravaging cou

10、ntries of the international society. Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, typhoon Fengshen in Philippines, Tropical Storm Arthur in Latin America & The Caribbean, flash floods in Afghanistan, volcano eruption in Colombia, earthquake in Kyrgyzstan, and of course the new-arrival Haiti earthquake, the list goes

11、on and on. Facing these severe disasters, every single country is fragile, but countries will be much stronger if united. With the coming of the globalization era, we live in a shared risk society. Since global environmental security has been seen as a global public good, how to act for global crisi

12、s management under the logic of collective action has become a primary subject for the global actors. Thanks to much effort given by lots of people , the regional cooperation has already been on its way. For instance, according to the tremendous damage resulted from the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004

13、and the engagement of disaster recovered and reduction from global society, above issues will be discussed through the case of Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System. It is a useful system to prohibit such huge damage caused by tsunami from happening again. In conclusion, it is highly possible and nece

14、ssary to establish an analytically framework to explore the relationships between international organizations on the issue of reduce the effect of natural disaster and about how to improve the global cooperation in disaster reduction. Background Materials Haiti Earthquake Time: 16:53:10, 12 January

15、2010 Countries and regions affected: Haiti Death toll of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, according to RNW findings: Buried Unrecovered bodies Total Government estimates Logne 3,364 1,636 5,000 20,000-30,000 Petit-Gove, Grand-Gove andGressier 1,347 20 1,367 ? Jacmel ? ? 400 4,000 main cemetery 18,000 18,000 ? other cemeteries 7,000 7,000 ? mass graves in Titanyen 13,000-20,000 13,000-20,000 ? Total buried victims 62,0



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