My weekend plan课件

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《My weekend plan课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《My weekend plan课件(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 My Weekend Plan Read and write 大王镇老城学校 许颖靖,义务教育教科书 英语 (PEP) (三年级起点) 六年级上册,What are you going to do this weekend?,Free-talk:,I am going to_.,Clapping game(击掌游戏),看到 时,用力拍一下手, 看到 时,轻轻拍一下手。,在朗读单词时,如果也这样注意轻重和节奏, 你的英语将是令人惊奇的!,autumn,tonight,together,diary,festival,(节日),partner,(日记),(同桌、 同伴),It is t

2、he autumn season.,I am so happy today!,We can be together with my friends.,We love autumn !,We eat_in autumn.,On Mid-Autumn Festival,we eat mooncakes with my family.,the story about Change,I know .,Mid-Autumn Festival,Christmas Day,Spring Festival,Chinas National Day,I like_.,Read and guess:,Its a b

3、ig day for western country . Its in winter too. The family will get together and have a big dinner . They will have a big party too. Children can get gifts from Father Christmas.,I like _best.,?,Christmas Day,Listen and choose:,仔细听一段录音,说一说文章是关于什么主题的?,Its about,On Mid-Autumn Festival , _s family are

4、going to get together and have a big dinner.,A. Mike,B. Wu Yifan,Wu Yifan,任务阅读,任务1:听课文录音,圈出文中提到的吴一凡家的家庭成员。P28,任务阅读,任务2:自由朗读课文,用“_”划出每位成员中秋节要做的事情。,_,_,_,_,Sunday Dear Diary, Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. My aunt is going to make mooncakes.

5、 My grandma will tell us a story about Change. Robin and I are going to read a poem(诗歌).,任务阅读,任务3: 听录音模仿课文的朗读,注意语音语调。,Tomorrow is _. _s family are going to get together and have a big dinner. Wu Yifans aunt is going to _. Wu Yifans grandma will _. Wu Yifan and Robin are going to _.,任务阅读,任务4: 根据黑板上表格

6、的内容, 复述课文主要内容。,Mid-Autumn Festival,Wu Yifan,make mooncakes,tell stories,read a poem,F,A,M,I,L,Y,Enjoy the poem!,藏头诗,eat mooncakes,enjoy the moon,have a big dinner,A: What are you going to do for Mid-Autumn Festival? B: Im going to,Lets say and write:,Time for reading!,欣赏同龄人写的 关于节日的日记,Tips for readin

7、g阅读建议: 1、第一遍大声快速阅读. 2、第二遍仔细阅读,用 圈出文章所提 到的人物。用_划出每个人物所做的事情。 3、第三遍优美朗读,注意语音语调。遇到不会的单词可以问同学或老师。,Time for writing!,选择喜欢的日子, 试着写一篇日记。,Thursday Dear Diary, Tomorrow is _. Im going to_. My mother is going to_. My father is going to_. We will be very happy!,Time for writing!,选择喜欢的日子, 试着写一篇日记。,Words bank(可参考

8、的内容),Homework,1.Listen to the text and repeat it 3 times. ( 听音、模仿朗读课文3遍。),3. Finish the diary, and read it to your partner. ( 完成日记,并且读给你的伙伴听。),2. Finish the table on P29. ( 完成P29 上的表格。),M: What are you going to do tomorrow? S: Im going to have an art lesson. M: What are you going to do in your lesso

9、n? S: Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. M: Sounds great! Im going to see a film tomorrow. S: Have a good time! M: You too, I have to do my homework now.Bye. S: OK.bye.,M=Mike S=Sarah,Listen and repeat,Tips:请注意模仿语音语调和连读哦!,role play(角色表演),Wu Yifans family,Wu Yifans aunt,Wu Yifans grangm

10、a,Wu Yifan and Robin,His family is going to get together.,will,Wu Yifans family,任务阅读,任务4:快读课文,圈出文中提到的Wu Yifan 的家庭成员。,Read and guess:,Its a big day for China. Its in winter. The family will get together and have a big dinner . Children are very happy, because they can eat a lot of candies and get red bags.,I like _best.,?,Spring Festival,朗读句子时也要注意轻重和节奏,期待你令人惊奇的朗读!,It is the autumn season.,Mid-Autumn Festival is in autumn.,We can be together with my family.,We love Mid-Autumn Festival!,


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