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1、Whats the theme of this text?,Theme of the text,For Mandela, gardening is the source of spiritual fulfillment. Gardening gives Mandela inspiration for his revolutionary cause. Political leaders are like gardeners,refuse作为名词时的意思是“废料、废物、垃圾”,以及“厨房里、花园里、家里的垃圾袋、堆、箱等”,如refuse disposal废料的处理。 refuse作为动词时的意思

2、是“拒绝,回绝”、“不同意、不愿意帮助、不允许”、“拒绝接受一件礼物、建议、邀请”。,Exercises Page217, Three Phrases and Idioms: as much as possible ask for permission at first at great length at heart at the time be empty of behind bars drive back eitheror from the beginning of,Phrases and Idioms:,give in give up in order to neither nor p

3、rovide with read into remove from spend time on supply with take pride in through trial and error,page219, exercise 1,improve-improvement endure-endurance succeed-success allow-allowance supply-supply provide-provision cultivate-cultivation nourish-nourishment fulfill-fulfillment attempt-attempt eli

4、minate-elimination refuse-refusal,page219, exercise 1,gardening-garden fertilizer-fertilize mixture-mix liberation-liberate requirement-require failure-fail enduring-endure alternative-alternate result- result satisfaction-satisfy,动名词和现在分词的区别:,eg: sleeping baby and reading room 这里sleeping是现在分词,因为sle

5、eping=baby is sleeping, sleeping显然是个分词;而reading room不等同于room is reading,所以reading是动名词,Vocabulary,1.一家建筑公司(gerund) 2. 缺少的一个环节(present participle) 3. 一个动人的故事( present participle) 4. 阅读技能(gerund) 5. 一件泳衣(gerund) 6. 落日(present participle) 7. 起居室(gerund) 8. 睡美人(present participle) 9. 安眠药片(gerund) 10.乏味的演

6、讲/报告(present participle),Vocabulary,11.饮用水(gerund) 12.流血的鼻( present participle) 13. 藏身之处(gerund) 14.太笼统/绝对的话( present participle) 15.狩猎的季节(gerund) 16.最后的润色(gerund) 17.指导原则( present participle) 18.下个星期( present participle) 19.颤抖的双腿( present participle) 20.一张渔网(gerund),Vocabulary,21.一根手杖(gerund) 22.现有

7、的制度( present participle) 23.饮食习惯(gerund) 24.(比萨)斜塔(gerund) 25.一个有前途的学生( present participle) 26.正在增长的人口( present participle),Vocabulary,The Leaning Tower of Pisa 钟楼始建于1173年,设计为垂直建造, 但是在工程开始后不久(1178),便由于地基不均匀和土层松软而倾斜,1372年完工,塔身倾斜向东南。 比萨斜塔是比萨城的标志,1987年它和相邻的大教堂、洗礼堂、墓园一起因其对11世纪至14世纪意大利建筑艺术的巨大影响,而被联合国教育科学

8、文化组织评选为世界遗产。 比萨斜塔从地基到塔顶高58.36米,从地面到塔顶高55米,钟楼墙体在地面上的宽度是4.09米,在塔顶宽2.48米,总重约14453吨,重心在地基上方22.6米处。圆形地基面积为285平方米,对地面的平均压强为497千帕。目前的倾斜约10%,即5.5度,偏离地基外沿2.3米,顶层突出4.5米。 1178年首次发现倾斜。,Picture of the Leaning tower of Pisa,Picture of the Leaning tower of Pisa,Picture of the Leaning tower of Pisa,Vocabulary 2,hav

9、e, get, show, produce, achieve have, take, accept, show, bear, assume discuss, debate, raise, settle, confuse, avoid pursue, have, develop have, make, lose, avoid face, lives, time, money, trouble roots, chairs, hats, coats, gloves, shoes, bandages, make-up, doubts land enemies, rivals, opponents, s

10、uspects, errors oil, cars, cotton, results, a movie care, time, money, experience, patience, courage the dead, treasure, past, head plants, children, animals, relationship meetings, appointments, time, place, books, flowers, business affairs,Vocabulary 3,cut out(停止; 裁剪; 剪下; 取代), cut out/ remove, fro

11、m 2. provides/supplies , with 表示“向某人提供某物” supply / provide sb. with sth. supply / provide sth. for sb. supply sth. to sb 3. brought back Reservoir 蓄水池;贮液器;储藏;蓄积 4. ask, permission. 5. empty of 6. take, in, through trial and error at great length, providing, with in some ways, at heart,Vocabulary 4,1

12、.in 2. up 3. away give sb away 暴露(自己的真实情况或身份);出卖 give sth away to sb 赠送某人某物 4. way give way让路;撤退;倒塌;失去控制 5. out give out 分发,散发,公布(消息) up give sb up认为(某人)没有救了; 宣告无法治好; 表示对没有希望; 引渡罪犯,投案 7.out 8. up 9. with,Vocabulary 5,1, If they refused to give back these small inlands, the two countries would not be

13、 able to normalize their diplomatic relations completely. 2. I know that it is stupid to give up this opportunity, but I have no other choice/ alternative. 3. For lack of public support,the White House had to give in at last. 4. It may not be possible to eliminate drugs all at once/immediately/ at o

14、ne go, but now there are millions of people throughout the world who succeed in kicking the habit of cigarette smoking every year. 5. We have already made contact with the representatives of the other side and arranged to meet in Xiamen before long to discuss important issues we are both interested

15、in. before long 的意思是“不久,很快”。,Vocabulary 5,6. One day, that new building suddenly give way/collapsed/fell down, burying many people under it. 7. Love requires nourishment from both sides, and true love is in the giving, not in the taking. 8. As soon as Grandmas health improved, she began to give out

16、her belongings to her folks and friends. 9. It requires perfect honesty on both sides to cultivate a lasting/ an enduring friendly relationship. 10. It is announced that our economic plan this year has been fulfilled and our domestic/ home market has also been flourishing.,Vocabulary 6,the prison authorities informed/ announced us, manual labor would end, arrange. pursue my two favorite hobbies If you want to survive the prison, try to develop ways to take satisfaction ful



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