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1、电影英语中的精彩口语(DOC) 作者: 日期:11 绝望主妇 desperate housewives.Come across an article.读到这样一篇文章Anything newsworthy? 有新闻价值吗I performed my chores. 做家务I ran my errands. 跑腿It is a normal day, I spent the day as I spent every other day.I went to the hallway and retrieve a revolver. 左轮手枪I was startled by a popping so

2、und.My curiosity aroused.Drop in on me even unannounced. 随便来坐坐After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender to meScreams. 尖叫Youve got to sent an ambulance. 你们要马上派救护车来Stand motionless. 呆呆的站着Look on the bright side. 朝好的方面想Resident come to the funeral to pay their respect to him.A gr

3、eat recipe for fried chicken.Moving up the corporate ladder. 爬职U r pregnant now. This is not the case. 事实并非如此Life is so hectic. 兴奋I appreciate your irony. 反话。Behave today, behave yourself. 规矩一点。I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood.I know someone who knows someone who k

4、nows someone an elf. 我认识小恶魔(吓唬小孩的话。)If you act up, I will. 如果你捣蛋R u willing to risking that? 要试试吗?I work in mergers and acquisitions. 我是搞兼并和收购的Convertible. Pin a receipt on her chest. 钉个价目表。In the context conversation.People are starring, keep ur voice down. 别人都在看呢。小声点Many talents were known thru hi

5、s neighborhood.He is out of his mind with grief. 悲痛万分Dont tease me about my Macaroni, say like I rarely made it well 不要调侃我的通心粉Lipstick on my t shirt,Sometimes people pretend to be one way while totally different inside. 内心却完全不同。U confront me? 反对我?Philanderers book. 花花公子之类的书Tell me u punched him. 你打他

6、了吗?An erect penis dont have a conscience. Even a limp one is not that ethical. 阳痿的。也没有I dont know how I gonna survive this.Everyone has moments of desperationsHave a crisis in her life.Death wish. 遗言Burnt and undercooked. 烧焦却又没有煮熟。He illustrates childrens books. 画插图I am looking all over for u. 到处找你I

7、 saw u 2 flirting. 调情Love life 我的私生活Dog barks. 狗吠The first to stop by. 拜访An eligible bachelor. Rumors travels quickly. She was the most predatory divorcee in the five block radius. Slut 荡妇Rivalry with somebody can be friendly. 公平竞争。I cant afford to lose the job.I wont even dignify your suggestion. 我

8、不会考虑你的建议。Dont say “its ok” in a sullen tone.Serve cuisine / Show ur cuisine. 展示厨艺。A warning sign shows he is doing drugs. He raise the question that I mostly dreaded. Can I have a drug? 我来一根烟吧Plastic surgery. 整容手术, no big deal.Stop stalling and go. 别拖拉。Stuff the pipe, get the clog, then ask the plum

9、ber. 堵管子,Popsicle sticks stuffed the sink.DetergentShe longed to share the truth about her hundreds painful betrayal. 想要一个倾听她丈夫背叛的痛苦的人You sound frazzled. 你听起来很疲惫。Put on a condom. I got distracted. 我心烦意乱的She sobbed quietly in the bathroomParamedic 护理人员He got smoke inhalation 窒息You will get thru this.

10、 You will find a way to survive this. 度过难关Police line, do not crossA phoenix raising from the ashes. 凤凰涅槃Have a toast. 干杯 、 lift them up. 干完He find the skeleton on the closet.Platinum jewelry 白金首饰 = white goldInfuse her life.He is panicked. 惊慌I want u to know my full force of wrathThe peaceful faade

11、 was shattered. 宁静的生活打破了Discover the implication. 发现含义He is still mourning, he will freak out. 失去理智。Another bear claw. 有一重大打击It is an age-old joke, with poor taste. 低级。Propose / engage 求婚 / 订婚A marriage counselor顾问She is parched. 口渴万分your nerdy friends. 狐朋狗友I can fix it if you dont tell me. 我不会放过你的,

12、如果,Sort of a tradition. 老传统。 Home cooked mealI order takeout. 叫外卖I am working out the kinks. 突发奇想。Fluids. 点滴I am glad you rekindle your love life.U can be homeless, or u can be ungracious, yet you really cant afford to be both. What kind of a Christian would I be if I denied shelter to a friend in n

13、eed? 我还算什么基督徒呢,如果我不能给困难中的朋友提供庇护There is something we can salvageAn accomplished marriage counselor经验丰富的。He deal with all kinds of problems ranging from subsidence abuse to infidelity. 吸毒到婚外情。Buckle up. 系好安全带Do u know why I pulled u over. -I have a theory. 拦你的车在路边? 愿闻其详!U stand here and judge me. 品头品

14、足I am not giving u a ticket. 我不开罚单了Do u have a clue? 有证据吗?Whatever u feel, it is so far away below the surface, no one see thru it.Would you respond what he said.Pls 够够 slow motion. 用慢镜头I dont want to intrude. 我不想打扰你们, three is a crowd.The more, the merrier. R u a vegetarian? 你是素食者吗Add salt to the would. 雪上加霜Kids are always be willful. 任性The truth is elusive. Joint session 多人会话Color palette. 点缀From sunup to sundown.U will never know what freak them out? 你不知道是什么招它惹它了啊It takes 2 to mess up something 一个巴掌拍不响He was took away in handcuffs. 手铐U


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