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2、本文遵循水体景观设计的基本原则和方法,运用生态学原理、“设计遵从自然”理论,以大连英歌石植物园总体规划为基础,从景观要素和景观布局入手,对水体沿岸进行分段景观设计,通过对重要景观的识别、控制和恢复设计、在增加生物栖息地稳定性以及保护物种扩张所需求的空间的前提下,实现活动空间的合理布局。对其中水体景观进行相关的规划设计。拟从自然与人工之间寻找一种平衡关系,反对为了一些人工设施而破坏水体自然风貌的做法,力图创造一个整体的、联贯的水体景观,为人民营造高质量的户外休闲空间。关键词:水体景观,生态绿廊,游憩空间Waterscape Planning and Design of Dalian YingGe

3、Shi Botanical GardenLandscape Architecture07-6 Liu JijiaoSupervisor:Li GuanhengAbstractWater is one of the most active element in nature. It is the link between human being and the nature. Its very important for man-made environment. Nowadays more and more attention has been paid to show the aesthet

4、ics of water, the soul of water and ecology function of water, especially in landscape design field.Along with rapidly growing of urbanization, the quality of life is more important for human being, especially comfortable and fashionable environmental quality. How to reappear the function of city wa

5、ter sight, to show its history and culture, is the main subject of landscape design.In this paper the water landscape follows the basic design principles and method, using ecology principle and the theory of design follows nature, the Dalian YingGeShi botanical garden planning for foundation, from l

6、andscape and landscape layout of water on the coast to block landscape design, through to the important recognition, control and landscape design, in increasing biological restore stability and protect species habitat expansion demand space premise, realize the reasonable layout of space of activity

7、. From the natural and artificial to find a balance between relationship of some artificial facilities, against destroying natural scene of the water practice, to create a whole, the water landscape, banded for peoples building high quality of outdoor leisure space.Key words:Waterscape, Ecological C

8、orridor, Recreational Space目录1. 绪论11.1毕业设计的背景及目的11.2中西方水体景观设计发展及趋势11.3 水体景观设计相关理论11.3.1景观生态学原理11.3.2 “设计遵从自然”理论22.项目背景42.1基地位置42.2 项目意义42.2.1 植物园价值42.2.2 城市发展42.2.3 城市形象43.现状分析53.1 现状景观建筑分析53.2 现状高程分析53.2 现状高程分析53.3 现状坡度分析 53.4 现状水体分析53.5 现状优劣势分析53.5.1 优势分析53.5.2 劣势分析64. 规划定位与目标74.1 规划定位74.2 规划目标74.

9、3 发展战略75.设计原则85.1 本体性85.2 生态性85.3 文化性85.4 游赏性86.设计理念97.总体布局107.1 景观结构规划107.1.1 谷地景观脉络107.1.2 植被景观脉络107.2 水系统规划107.3 道路交通规划117.4 服务设施规划118. 功能区域分析128.1 梅坞128.2 闲逸竹海128.3 万紫千红丁香碧桃园128.4 火照红妆海棠栒子园128.5 秋林炫彩槭树蔷薇园128.6 岩石园139. 水体设计149.1 水体形态设计149.2 护岸设计149.3 滨水空间设计1510.种植设计1610.1 种植原则1610.1.1生态学原则1610.1.2 艺术性原则1610.1.3 经济性原则1610.2 植物名录1711.结论36致谢37参考文献381.绪论1.1毕业设计的背景及目的随着社会的不断发展,文明的的不断进步,水在园林建造中的地位日益重要,其环境景观作用也更加突出,因此现代景



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