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1、 2017-2018学年度下学期期中考试初 三 英 语 试 题考生注意:1、考试时间120分钟 2、全卷共两大部分,总分120分第一部分 听 力 部 分(共25分)一、听句子,选择相应图片。(5分)A.B.C. D. E. 1._ 2._3._4._5._二听对话,选择正确答案。(5分) ( )6. What colour are Peters trousers? A.White. B. Blue. C.Black. ( ) 7. Where does Nick come from? A.France. B. England. C. Canada. ( )8. What day was it

2、yesterday? A.Monday. B. Sunday. C.Wednesday.( ) 9. How long has Mr Green had the watch ?A. More than three years. B.Less than three years. C. Just three years. ( )10.How does the man go to the post office? A.By bus. B.By taxi C. On foot.三听对话和短文,选择正确答案。(5分)听对话,完成第1113小题。( ) 11.Whos ill in the hospita

3、l? A. Li Mings aunt. B. Marys aunt. C. Marys uncle. ( ) 12.How far is the hospital from Marys home? A.About 7 kilometres. B. About 8 kilometres C. About 6 kilometres( ) 13.What will Li Ming do?A. To ask a policeman. B.To help Mary. C.To stay at home.听短文,完成第1415小题( ) 14.What have Americans enjoyed do

4、ing?A. Teleshopping B. Telephoning C.Shopping( ) 15.Do all the Europeans like the new way of shopping? A.Yes, they do. B.No,they dont. C.I dont know.四、听短文,选择正确答案。(5分)( ) 16. A. In the police station. B. In the park. C. At the bus stop. ( ) 17. A.Because they thought he was a thief. B. Because he was

5、 riding around in the park.C.Because there was no name on the seat.( ) 18. A.The middle letter. B.His name C.Peters name.( ) 19. A. Bob B. Kate C.Peter( ) 20. A.There was the boys name on the seat. B.Peters name was on the seat. C.The middle letter of the name was not clear.五、听短文,根据短文内容,完成下列表格。 (5分)

6、 SimonIn the pastNow21._in classTakes notes in every class22._with other studentsGet on well with others23._do homeworkGood homeworkCome to school lateCome to school 24._Simon 25._a lot.第二部分 笔 答 部 分(共95分)六单项选择:(15分)( ) 26.Would you mind _your cell phone? The meeting is important.A. turn on B. turnin

7、g on C. turn off D. turning off( ) 27.Do you like the _magazine _Zhi Yin ?A. monthly; calling B. monthly; called C.month; called D. monthly ;calls( ) 28. My physics teacher said that light _ faster than sound.A. travel B.travels C. travelled D. traveling( ) 29. Are you_the edge of the canyon-No,were

8、 still _the bottom of it.A. on;at B. at;at C. on;in D. at;on( ) 30.We are encouraged _English loudly in public.A. to listen to B. listen to C.to speask D. speask ( ) 31. I like playing basketball. _.A. So do I B. So I doC. So am I D. So I am( ) 32.-Sorry, I broke your MP3 player. -It doesnt matter._

9、.A.Ill see to that. B.Youd pay for it. C.Here it is. D. Promise. ( ) 33.I have read some of Mark Twains_.A. work B. jobs C. magazine D. works( ) 34. This is a book written _ Mark Twain. A . with B. in C. by D. to ( ) 35. Everyone except Mary _ to the party last week.A. invited B. was invited C. is i

10、nvited D. were invited( ) 36. I believe that these mountains _with trees in a few years time. A. are covered B. will be covered C. are covering D. will cover ( ) 37. Is the tie made_silk? Yes. Its made _Italy. A. from;in B. of;in C. from;of D. of;from( ) 38.How much does it cost to build the school

11、library? Four _yuan.A. million of B. millions of C. millions D. millon ( ) 39. I dont like the skirt _. A. any more B. any much C. any many D. no longer( ) 40. We are still _ by Confuciusworks. A. influence B. influenced C. influencely D. influenciny 七 完形填空:(10分)John lived with his mother in a very

12、big house, and when his mother 41 , the house became too big 42 him, so he bought a 43 one in the next street. There was a very nice, old clock in his 44 house, and when the men came to take his things to the new house, John thought, “Im not going to let them 45 my beautiful old clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it, and then it will be very expensive to repair it.” So he _46_and began to carry it down the road in hi


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