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1、世界人口每12年增加10亿世界,The difficulties start with the sheer(完全的) number of people using the stuff. (L.1 , Para.3),sheer : adj. 绝对的;透明的;峻峭的 adv. 完全;陡峭地vi. 偏航 vt. 使偏航;使急转向 n. 偏航;透明薄织物 比较级sheerer 最高级sheerest 用来强调事物大小、程度或数量。 eg. The area is under threat from the sheer number of tourists using it. 这一地区由于游客人数太多

2、而面临威胁。 The stuff 指水资源。,Both drought(干旱) and hunger existed, as they have throughout history, but most people could be fed without irrigated (灌溉)farming.(L.3 , Para.3).,irrigate v. to supply water to an area of land through pipes or channels so that crops will grow灌溉 irrigated land /crops :经过灌溉的土地、农作

3、物 developed country 发达国家 developing country 发展中国家 irrigation n. 灌溉。,Then the green revolution, in an inspired combination of new crop breeds, fertilisers(肥料) and water, made possible a huge rise in the population. (L.4,Para.3),breed n. a particular type of crop or domestic animal品种vi. 繁殖;饲养;产生 vt. 繁

4、殖;饲养;养育,教育;引起 n. 生物 品种;种类,类型 过去式bred 过去分词bred A breed of cattle/sheep:某个品种的牛/羊,make+宾语+宾语补足语,A series of 一系列的 A battery of 一连串的 A piece of 一片,一块 a variety of种种;各种各样的;一些;多种多样的 a kind of一种;一类;表示一种不确定性;某种 a pair of一双;一对;一副;一把 a couple of几个;两个;一对;一双 a matter of的问题;大约;问题;左右,and is heading for 9 billion i

5、n 2050. The area under irrigation has doubled and the amount of water drawn for farming has tripled.(L.7,Para.3),head for 朝进行:We headed for the door.我们朝着门走去。 triple v.成为三倍,使增至三倍。eg. Sales will triple by next year.到明年销售额将增至三倍。 adj. (1) 三部分的;三人的;三组的。A triple alliance 三方同盟 (2) 三倍的; 同义:treblev.(使)成三倍 同缀

6、:trianglen.三角形 triple jump 三级跳远 triple integral 三重积分 triple point 三相点 triple threat (美)三面手,The proportion(等比关系) of people living in countries chronically(长期的,慢性的) short of water is set to rise from 8% at the turn of the 21st century to 45% by 2050. (L.7,Para.3),Chronicallyadv.长期地;慢性地。 eg.This school

7、 is in short of English teachers Chronically.这学校长期缺乏英语老师。 Most of them were Chronically ill.他们多数人患有慢性病。 be set to do sth. 有可能做的。eg.Interest rates are set to rise again.利率可能又要提高了。 be set on sth. /on doing sth.一心想做;决心做,Unfortunately, it takes nearly twice as much water to grow a kilo of peanuts(花生) as

8、 a kilo of soyabeans(大豆), nearly four times as much water to produce a kilo of beef as a kilo of chicken.(L.2,Para.4),A is N times as +形容词或副词原形+ as B A is N times + 形容词或副词比较级+ than B A is N times the sizes (length , amount , etc.)+of B eg. This room is three times as large as/three times lager than/

9、three times the size of that one.这个房间的大小是那个房间的三倍。,It takes about 22% of the worlds withdrawals. Domestic activities take the other 8%. Together, the demands of these two categories (分类)quadrupled (四倍的)in the second half of the 20th century, growing twice as fast as those of farming. (L.1,Para.5),Bca

10、tegory :n. a group of people or things that are of the same type(人或事物的)类别,种类。,One reason is that the supply of water is finite. The world will have no more of it in 2025 or 2050than it has today, or when it lapped (包围)at the sides of Noahs ark(l.1 , para.6),finite fanat adj. having a definite limit

11、or fixed size 有限的;限定的 n. 有限之物 eg. Theres a finite number of notes but a limitless number of musical compositions. 音符的数量是有限的,但乐曲的数量却是无限的 反义:infinite 无限的,无穷尽的。,lap: V. (水轻柔而有规律地)拍打;(动物)舔食,舔着喝。 n. (坐着时的)大腿部;(跑到等的)一圈;(行程或工作中的)一段 lap sth. up(不加考虑地)乐于接受某事 Sth.drops/falls into sb.s lap(毫不费劲地)得到做称心事的机会;赐良机

12、eg. Her dream job just fell into her lap.她没费劲就找到了梦寐以求的工作。,If some of it seems to come from the skies, that is because it has evaporated from the Earths surface, condensed and returned.(L.4, para.6),evaporatevpret vt. 使蒸发;使脱水;使消失.vi. 蒸发,挥发;消失,失踪 eg. This liquid is not to be exposed to air, for it wil

13、l soon evaporate.这种夜体不可暴露在空气中,因为它会很快蒸发掉。 condensekndens vi. 浓缩;凝结vt. 使浓缩;使压缩 eg. The steam will condense on the inside of the microwave loosening any stuck on food.蒸汽将在微波炉内浓缩以驱走食物上的附着物。,In principle ,the salt can be removed to increase the supply of fresh water, but at present desalination is expens

14、ive and uses lots of energy.(L.2,para.7),In principle 原则上;理论上;大体上;基本上 eg.We accepted the item in principle.我们在原则上接受了这个条款。 in theory 理论上 in general 大体上 Desalination n. the process of removing salt from sea water(海水的)脱盐 A desalination plant 脱盐工厂,The rest is falling as rain, sitting in lakes and reservoirs or flowing in rivers where it is, with luck, replaced by rainfall and melting snow and ice. There is also, take note, water vapour in the atmosphere.(L.4, para.8),take note (of sth.)注意到;(将)铭记在心 Take notes 做笔记,eg.take note of what your teacher says. 将你老师说的话铭记在心,


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