高级英语the trial that rocked the world法庭及人物背景介绍

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《高级英语the trial that rocked the world法庭及人物背景介绍》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高级英语the trial that rocked the world法庭及人物背景介绍(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,The trial that rocked the world,By John Scopes,the American court,State courts,the judge,the jury,the Prosecutor and the Defense,美国州法院的设置,由州法律自行规定,因而各州法院体制名称不尽相同。州法院系统大致有州基层法院、州上诉法院和州最高法院三级。州最高法院对所在州的宪法和法律享有解释权。,The State Court of Appeal,The state Supreme Court,The State Grassroots Court,State cour

2、ts,Defense (被告),Prosecutor(主控方),The judge (法官),The jury (陪审团),The Prosecutor (布莱恩Bryan),The Defense (斯科普斯Scopes),The defense lawyer (达罗Darrow),Another lawyer (马隆Malone),The editor ( 门肯Mencken),oppose,Make a determine,The judge,The judges role is to make a judgment according to law.,The jurys role is

3、 to judge whether the defendant is guilty.,陪审团,A grand jury 大陪审团,A petty jury 小陪审团,The jury,大陪审团,A grand jury usually have 12 to 23 members. they consider the evidence and determine whether a trial is justified. 大陪审团成员一般 在1223人,仔细考 虑证据并确定审判 的公正性,A petty jury usually have 12 members, sits at the tria

4、l proper and after hearing the evidence, reaches a verdict. 小陪审团,通常由12名成员 组成,根据证据作出判决。,小陪审团,Fundamentalism (原教主义),Evolutionist(进化论),William Jennings Bryan(1860-1925),The Prosecutor,William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925): was born in Salem. In his middle-class family, great emphasis was placed on religio

5、n and morality in politics and conduct of national affairs .After graduating from Illinois College of Law in Chicago, he had his own law office. In 1887,Byran moved to Lincoln, Nebraska practicing law and turning toward politics.,威廉詹宁斯布莱恩( 1860年至1925年) :出生于塞伦,中产阶级家庭,在政治 和国家事务中都把重心放在宗教和道德上 。从芝加哥伊利诺伊州

6、大学法学院毕业后 他开了一家律师事务所. 1887年, 搬到 林肯的内布拉斯加,研究法律并转向政治。,John Scopes (19001970),The Defense,The author(the accused person),John Scopes (19001970)was an American teacher who violated a state law by teaching the theory of evolution in a Tennessee high school. As the party, he wrote this article to commemora

7、te the trial .,约翰斯科普斯 (1900 1970)是一个 在教学在田纳西州的一个高中教进化 论而被起诉违反了州法律理论的美国 教师。作为当事人,他写了这篇文章来 纪念当年的审判经过。, Dayton Street 代顿街,John Scopes School 斯科普斯 所在的学校,The defense lawyer,Clarence Darrow (1857-1938),Clarence Darrow (1857-1938): An American lawyer. He acted profession-ally in many cases against monopoli

8、es or on the side of labor; he pleaded for the Negro defendants in the Scottsboro trial (1932). He was also the president of the American League to abolish Capital Punishment.,20世纪美国桂冠律师 The best lawyer in 20th century,历史上最伟大的辩护律师 ,达罗19岁进入安艾伯学院攻 读法律,21岁考取律师执照。 在近60年的法庭生涯中,达罗 以坚定的正义信念和巨大的道 德勇气,为劳工领袖、

9、无政府 主义者、黑人以及其他的刑事 被告作过无数次成功的辩护。 其激烈的辩护场面、娴熟的辩 论艺术、曲折的辩护过程,赋 予律师这一理性的法律职业美 国西部牛仔式的传奇色彩,达 罗因而被誉为美国律师界的“老 狮子”。,克拉伦斯达罗,达罗不仅是一位伟 大的律师,同时也是 一位成功的演讲家、 辩论家、政治活动家 和杂文作家。著有 波斯珍珠、法明 顿、抗拒并非罪 恶、以牙还牙 、犯罪的原因及其 处置、无神论与 异教等作品。,Another defense lawyer Dudley Field Malone 达德雷费尔德马隆 (1882-1954),He is an American lawyer.

10、He was city attorney at New York (1909) and became third assistant secretary of state in 1913.Malone, known widely as an exponent of liberal ideas, was a member of the defense legal staff at the Scopes trial in Tennessee.,达德雷费尔德马隆( 1882至1954年) : 美国律师。他是纽约城市律师( 1909年) ,于1913年成为国务卿。马龙,自由思想 倡导者,在猴子审判中他

11、是法律工作人员。,Henry Louis Mencken(1880-1956),The editor,亨利路易斯门肯,Henry Louis Mencken is a US controversialist, humorous journalist, and critic. he is often regarded as one of the most influential American writers of the early 20th century. Mencken Worked on Baltimore Sun for much time of his life.,亨利路易斯门肯是一个美国辩论家,幽默的记者和评论家。 他被看作是美国20世纪最具影响力的早期作家之一。门肯 在巴尔的摩太阳报工作了大半辈子。,Thank you,


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