(水滴系列)九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do(第6课时)教案 人教新目标版

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《(水滴系列)九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do(第6课时)教案 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(水滴系列)九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do(第6课时)教案 人教新目标版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 What would you do? 第五课时Reading: What would you do if?Learning Goals: In this lesson, the students will learn to use Second Conditional to talk about imaginary situations. The teacher should remind the Ss of the right tense structure in the Second Conditional during reading What Would You Do I

2、f? By reading, the Ss can learn how to deal with some accidents and problems better. Lead the Ss to use what theyve already known to deal with more problems.Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Pre-reading activities1. PreviewAsk the Ss to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the S

3、s to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.(1)一本急救书 _(2)在附近的架子上 _(3)在处理青少年问题上有丰富的经验 _(4)出版 _(5)碰巧,偶然 _(6) 用一块干净的布盖上伤口 _(7)从楼上摔下来 _(8)匆忙给医院打电话 _(9) 得到医疗救助 _(10)使她舒服 _(11)冷的自来水 _ (12)觉得有些疼痛 _(13)停止运动 _(14)吸烟的危害 _(15)把药藏离孩子 _(16)向你的医生征求建议 _Ask t

4、he Ss to translate the following sentences.-如果你碰巧切伤了你自己,你将会怎么办?-你应该用一块干净的布盖住伤口并用力压它。_(设计说明:本部分词组和句子为学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)2. Lead in(1)Show some pictures to the Ss and ask the Ss to classify the pictures into two groups: accident, prob

5、lem. (2)Ask the Ss to try giving definitions for “accident” and “problem”. Then the teacher has a summary:“accident”: happens suddenly and causes injury.“problem”: makes people unhappy, nervous and try to deal with it.(3)Check the Ss if they know how to deal with some accidents or problems in the da

6、ily life. Show some pictures of accidents and problems to the students and ask the students to show their opinions. What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? What would you do if someone fell downstairs and couldnt move? What would you do if someone offered you cigarettes?(设计说明:先用直观形象的图片或是视

7、频帮助学生们直观形象的感知accident 和problem 的区别,再让学生们尝试给accident 和problem 下定义会容易很多,最后通过引导学生们思考如何处理常见的accident 和problem激发学生们尝试解决更多accident 和problem的探究热情,从而自然导入阅读 Reading。)Step II. While-reading activities1. Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.Some Ss might know how to deal with the above t

8、hings. Some might not. Tell the Ss if they want to know how to deal with the above things better, they can read the Reading on P32-33. Ask the Ss to read the reading passage and find out :What would you do if?What is the reading passage about ?It is about how to deal with _ and _.2. Read the text ca

9、refully and silently to find the specific ideas读取细节(1)Ask the Ss to read the page about accidents and find out:How many accidents are mentioned? There are _ accidents.(2) Tell the Ss to read the passage more carefully and find out how to deal with these accidents. Ask the Ss to read and fill in the

10、blanks in the chart.Cut yourself by accident.Cover the cut with _ and press it hard. If its a _ cut, you should see a doctor.Someone falls downstairs and doesnt move._first and then make him or her comfortable and stay with him or her.Burn yourself by accident.First find out how bad it is. Then put

11、the burned area under _.Injure your knee while running.If you feel some pain, you should _ .(3) Then, ask the Ss to read the page about problems and find out:How many problems are mentioned? There are _ problems.(4) Tell the Ss to read the passage more carefully and find out how to deal with the pro

12、blems. Ask the Ss to read and fill in the blanks in the chart.A friend offers you cigarettes at a party.You should _ and talk to your friend about the _ of smoking.Children often think medicine is candy and eat it._ medicine from children.An “Internet friend” wants to meet you.Tell your parents about it, agree to meet _ and you s


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