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1、美国文学课程学习项目与实践文本阅读与文本研究,乐山师范学院 2015级英本1班 崔丽蓉 1528140123 2018年5月,The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,CONTENTS,Introduction to Mark Twain,Summary of the Text,Translation of the Text,My Study Topic,PART ONE,Brief Introduction to Mark Twain,Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 April 21

2、, 1910), better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer. His novel shows a pure American temperament, marking the development of Native American literature.,Introduction,As a lecturer,He was in great demand as a featured speaker, perf

3、orming solo humorous talks similar to modern stand-up comedy.,As a writer,Twain began his career writing light, humorous verse, but he became a chronicler of the vanities, hypocrisies, and murderous acts of mankind.,The Million Pound Note,Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,W

4、orks,PART TWO,Summary of The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County,The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is a short story by Mark Twain. It was his first great success as a writer and brought him national attention. In the story, the narrator retells a story about the gambler Jim Smi

5、ley he heard from a bartender, Simon Wheeler.,Summary,This story tells us that a gambling player in Calaveras county has trained a frog who can jump very high. He often wins money with gambling of the frog. One day, he met a passer-by and insisted on Jumping Frog competition with the other party. Fo

6、r this reason, he also looked for a frog for the man without frog. The stranger while he was away for a frog, took a teaspoon and filled it full of quail shot. Of course his frog couldnt jump up, so that passers-by won the game and a large sum of money.,PART THREE,Translation of The Celebrated Jumpi

7、ng Frog of Calaveras County,只要他从后头点蛤蟆一下,你就看吧,那蛤蟆像翻煎饼一样在空中打个转兴许翻一个筋斗,要是起得好,也许能翻两个,然后稳稳当当地爪朝下落地,就像一只猎。他还训那蛤蟆逮苍蝇,勤学苦练,练得那蛤蟆不论苍蝇飞出去多远,只要瞧得见,回回都能逮得着。,Hed give him a little punch behind, and the next minute youd see that frog whirling in the air like a doughnut-see him turn one summerset, or may be a coup

8、le, if he got a good start, and come down flat-footed and all right, like a cat. He got him up so in the matter of ketching flies, and kep him in practice so constant, that hed nail a fly every time as fur as he could see him.,Translation,这个斯迈雷有一匹母马小伙子们都管它叫“一刻钟老太太”,这话损了点儿,它跑得当然比这快一点儿他还经常靠这匹马赢钱呢。因为它慢

9、慢吞吞的,不是得气喘,生瘟热,就是有痨病,以及这一类乱七八糟的病。,“Thish-yer Smiley had a mare - the boys called her the fifteen-minute nag, but that was only in fun, you know, because of course, she was faster than that- and he uesd to win money on that hourse, for all she was so slow and always had the asthma, or the distemper,

10、or the consumption, or something of that kind.”,Translation,PART FOUR,Study on Writing Background of The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by Mark Twain,Gold Rush,Experiences,A Gold Rush is a discovery of goldsometimes accompanied by other precious metals and rare earth mineralsthat brings

11、 an onrush of miners seeking their fortune.,Major gold rushes took place in the 19th century in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, South Africa and the United States.,The Gold Rush was one of the most singnificant events in American history.,Gold Rush,Click here to modify the text , you may pos

12、t text here . Click here,ADD YOUR TITLE HERE,Click here to modify the text , you may post text here . Click here,Comparison about San Franciscos street,The gold rush accelerated the economic development of the United States. The gold rush caused the currency problem in the United States. The gold ru

13、sh has promoted the development of the western United States. The gold rush promoted the development of American workers movement.,The impact of gold rush on the United States,From 1857 to 1861, Twain worked as a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River. This occupation gave him his pen name, Mark T

14、wain.,After his father died of pneumonia, Mark Twain, who was a poor family member, began to work as an apprentice, newsboy, typesetting worker, sailor, gold rush worker, journalist and so on.,In 1863, he worked at a Virginia City newspaper. here he first uesd his pen name. In 1864, Twain moved to S

15、an Francisco, still as a journalist.,Experiences,There are many variations of passages of Lorem available, but the majority have suffered alteration,Calaveras County is located in the territory of California. At that time, everything in California was determined by gambling. The gold miners in the western United States were just like the gamble Jim Smy in The Celebrated Jumping frog of Calaveras County, who would like to go to Mexico following the dung beetle for a bet.,Thank You,


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