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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 中外英文学术语篇中词块的结构和功能对比研究 姓名:柳佳佳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:潘璠 2011-05-17 III 摘 要 随着语料库语言学的兴起,词块研究也日益受到专家学者的关注。词块是流利 语言产出的一个重要成分。不同语域(如会话和学术写作)中的词块存在很大差异, 不同学科之间的词块也存在一定的差异。如果学习者或二语作者对词块使用不当, 就会使得他们所输出的语言显得不地道或不专业。 就国内外词块相关研究来看,大多是对比研究本族语专家和(本族语或二语) 学习者使用的词块差异,很少有基于二语作者的研究。同时,关于特定学科词块的

2、研究也较少,几乎未见关于电信专业词块的研究。本研究自建了总量约 1 0 0 万词的 电信专业本族语作者语料库和中国作者语料库,对两库中所有的 4 词词块进行结构 和功能的分类和比较,并详细研究了两库中的前 5 0个词块,旨在发现电信领域的 中国学者与本族语学者在学术论文中词块使用的异同。研究发现:国内学者更加依 赖词块来构建文章。结构上,国内库中短语类词块的比例小于句子片段类词块的, 国外库反之。国内库中, “名词+ o f ”和“介词+ o f ”类词块的数量和比例都比国外 库少, “动词被动态”和“动词主动态”类词块的数量和比例都比国外库多。功能 上,国内外库中研究导向类的词块比例都是最高

3、,但是每个大类和小类比例在国内 外库中是不同的。两库中的前 5 0个词块在种类和频率上有很大差异。在特定的结 构类和功能类中,国内外学者最常用的词块也存在一定的差异。国内学者在使用具 体词块时存在意义误用、搭配不当、词类误用等问题。 国外库词块的结构和功能分布特点进一步支持了前人的研究结论:学术英语词 块更偏短语化,在科技类文章中,研究导向类的词块最多。关于国内学者学术词块 使用上的数量、结构、功能和语用特点的研究发现将会丰富关于非本族语作者和学 习者的词块研究,同时对 E S P 和 E A P 教学有着较直接的指导意义。 关键词:词块 结构 功能 电信英语 语料库驱动 I Abstract

4、 With the rise of corpus linguistics, the study of lexical bundles is receiving more attention from scholars. Lexical bundles are an important component of fluent linguistic production. Bundles in different genres (e.g. conversation and academic writings) vary considerably. Bundles in different disc

5、iplines also differ to a certain degree. If learners or L2 writers fail to use bundles appropriately, their linguistic production will seem unnatural or unprofessional. Among the related studies conducted at home and abroad, most of them focus on the differences between bundles used by native expert

6、s and (native or L2) learners, few concern L2 writers. Besides, only a few researches investigate bundles of specific disciplines, and there is hardly any study of bundles in telecommunication field. This study establishes two electronic corpora of English research papers on telecommunication writte

7、n by native scholars and Chinese scholars, with a total of about 1 million words. All 4- word bundles in two corpora are classified and compared in terms of their structures and functions, and the top 50 bundles in two corpora are studied in detail. The aim of this study is to discover the similarit

8、ies and differences between bundles used by native scholars and Chinese scholars. The findings are as follows: Chinese scholars have a greater reliance on bundles to construct texts. Structurally, in Chinese scholar corpus (CTEC), there are more clausal bundles than phrasal bundles, contrary to the

9、case in native scholar corpus (NTEC). Functionally, research- oriented bundles take up the largest proportion in both corpora, but the percentages of each major category or sub- category are different between two corpora. As for the top 50 bundles, two corpora differ considerably in the types and fr

10、equencies of bundles. Bundles of specific structural or functional category in two corpora are also different. Some bundles are misused or inappropriately used by Chinese scholars in terms of meaning, word class, II collocation, etc. The characteristics of the structural and functional distributions

11、 of bundles in NTEC further prove the findings of some previous researches, that is, the bundles in academic proses are more phrasal than clausal in nature, and in writings of hard sciences, research- oriented bundles take up the largest proportion. The findings regarding the distributional, structu

12、ral, functional and pragmatic characteristics of bundles in CTEC will enrich studies of bundles used by learners or non- native writers, and can provide guidance for ESP or EAP teaching. Key words: lexical bundles structures functions telecommunication English corpus- driven approach VI List of Tabl

13、es Table 1.1 Structural Categories Presented in Cortes (2004) 7 Table 1.2 Structural Categories Presented in Hyland (2008a, 2008b) 7 Table 2.1 Structural Categories Employed in This Study 19 Table 3.1 Overall Distribution of Lexical Bundles in This Study 21 Table 3.2 Structural Distribution of Lexic

14、al Bundles in Two Corpora 23 Table 3.3 Functional Distribution of Lexical Bundles in Two Corpora 32 Table 3.4 List of the Top 50 Lexical Bundles in Two Corpora 40 Table 3.5 List of the 19 Bundles Shared by Two Corpora Classified by Frequency Differences 43 Table 3.6 Structural Classifications of the Top 50 Bundles in Two Corpora 44 Table 3.7 Functional Classifica



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