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1、 Teaching aims : I. Enable the students to master the usage of it. II. Enable the students to learn useful “it” structures . . Enable the students to learn How to rewrite sentences using “it” structure. . Enable the Ss to learn how to use “it” structures. Who is ?Who is ? it it It It is .is . They T

2、old Him Dont You Ever Come Around Here Dont Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear The Fires In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear So Beat It, Just Beat It Beat it!Beat it! You Better Run You Better Do What You Can Dont Wanna See No Blood, Dont Be A Macho Man You Wanna Be Tough, Better D

3、o What You Can So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad This is it!This is it! It is never too old to learn. 活到老, 学到老。 It rains cats and dogs. 大雨滂沱。(倾盘大雨) “It” can be used in the Proverbs. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 It never rains but it pours. 不鸣则已, 一鸣惊人。 It is a poor mouse that has only on

4、e hole. 狡兔三窟。 “It” can be used in the Proverbs. It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 十年树木,百年树人。 . careful person. In each sentence, what does “it” refer to? -What do you think of the movie? -Its one of the best movies that Ive seen. the matter/thing Whos the lovely baby? My father is Mr.

5、Black. Its Mr. Blacks. the person who you are not sure of gender Where is the hare? It is in the hole. the animal mentioned above It can be used as personal pronouns , referring to _, _or _mentioned above, or the person who you are not sure of gender. Summary1 the person animal matter Look! Whats th

6、is? It is a big cat. instead of “this” It can be used as indicative(指示) pronoun instead of _, or _. Summary2 this that In the sentence, what does “it” refer to? Fill in the blanks, and then tell what “it” refers to. _ was a sunny day. Now _ was eight oclock. Peter decided to go for a walk to the par

7、k, though _ was two miles away. _ was so comfortable to walk on the street. _ was quiet there. it It It It It Suddenly _began to rain. He found _ hard to walk there. Then he took a bus home. Unfortunately _ went wrong. When he got home, he was wet through. Thus _ was a day that he would never forget

8、. itit it it It was a sunny day. It was eight oclock. Peter decided to go for a walk to the park, though it was two miles away. Suddenly it began to rain. It was quiet there. Summary 3 It can be used as impersonal pronouns to talk about _,_ _or _and so on. date distance weather time circumstance tim

9、edate distanceweather It was so comfortable to walk on the street. He found it hard to walk there. Summary 4 It can be used as_, _to stand for an infinitive , -ing form or a clause . Formal subject Formal object Formal Subject Formal Object Thus it was a day that he would never forget. Summary 5 It

10、can be used for _. Used for emphasis emphasis Remember useful structures Formal Subject 1. It is / was + necessary / possible / important + ( for sb. ) to do sth. / clause 2. It +is /was + ones hope/ ones duty/ an honour + that /( for sb. ) to do sth. 3. It is / was + known/ said/ reported. + that-c

11、lause 4. It +is /was + useless/ no use/ no good/ not any good/ not any use . + doing Formal Object 5. sb.+ make/ think/ believe/ consider / feel + it + adj./n. + to do sth. / clause 6. sb.+ like/ hate/ dislike/ appreciate/ depend on/ see to + it + clause (that / if/whether/when) Special Structures 7

12、. It takes sb. . to do sth. 8. It is (about / high) time that sb. + should do / did 9. It is the first time that + sb.+ have done 10.It was the first time that + sb.+ had done 11.It + is/has been + 段时间 + since +sb.+did . 12.It + was + 时间点 + when +sb.+ did 13.It was + 段时间 + before + 一般过去时 14.It will

13、be + 段时间 + before + 一般现在时 15.It doesnt matter whether ( if ) . 16.It seems/seemed/looks/looked +as if/though 17. It happens/ seems/ appears/ looks + that Emphatic Structure It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who.+其他成分. Is/was + it + 所强调的部分 + that / who? 疑问词 + is/was + it + that/who? Competition vs 1. Lets do

14、exercises. _ 2. I think that reading English every day is a good habit. I think_ It is time for us to do exercises. it a good habit to read English every day. 3. People suggest that my father should give up smoking. _ _ 4. Dont try to quit on a stressful day. _ _ It is no use trying to quit on a stressful day. It is suggested that my father gives up smoking. (should) give 5. Clearly, hes round and tall like a tree. _ _ 6. They reported that another earth satellite had been put into orbit. _ _ _ It is clear that hes round and tall like a tree. It was reported that another


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