(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater

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《(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(成都专版)2017年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater第五课时Section B (3aSelf Check)【学习目标】1学生复习形容词及副词的比较级、最高级。掌握生词crowded。2学生能够通过描述周围的地点及事物来综合运用所学的形容词及副词的比较级和最高级的用法。3学生明白每个人都有自身的特长、优点和特点,每个人都可以从他人那儿学习到你所需要的可贵的品质和精神。【学习重点】学生能综合运用所学的形容词或副词的最高级,根据提示来完成相关任务。【学习难点】学生能运用所学的形容词或副词的最高级的用法来描写自己周围的一些地点和事物等Learning action tips:Let

2、 students talk about “Whats your favorite place to go to on weekends? Why is it?”1The Childrens Center is the best place to go to on weekends. Because I can play tennis and pingpong. I can speak English with friends.2The best place to go to is Central Park. Because I can swim and climb the hill.I ca

3、n fly kites and take a walk in the woods.Task 1Learning action tips:Preview the words on Page7 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols,then underline new words in 2b and mark the Chinese meaning.【Method coach】take walkstake a walkhave a walk 表示“散步”在英语中“take/havea名词”表示“做一次动作”。例如

4、:have a rest/breaktake a rest/break休息一下have a looktake a look看一看have a bath/showertake a bath/shower洗个澡Task 2Learning action tips:1Let students look at the pictures in 3a and the words in the box.Teacher: Look at 3a and read the words in the chart.2Let students read the passage,select the superlativ

5、e degrees of the right words to fill in the blanks. Then ask 23 students to read the article. Teacher pays attention to the pronunciation,correct it in time, check the answers together.3Finish the diagram in 3b, and make the dialogue with 3b and the contents in the unit.情景导入生成问题1Whats your favorite

6、place to go on weekends?S:_2Why is it?S:_自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read the new words and the phrases.1I can read.(我会读)crowded, quietly, uncomfortable, comfortably, popular, one of the small coffee shops, near the park, an excellent sports center2I can write.(我会写)翻译下列短语及句子:(1)见我的朋友meet_my_friends(2)街头艺人str

7、eet_performers(3)最有创造的人the_most_creative_people(4)最安静地享受阳光的地方the_place_where_you_can_enjoy_your_time_most_quietly(5)周末最好的去处the_best_place_to_go_to_on_weekends.(6)每个人都有适合自己的事情。There_is_something_for_everyone.(7)一大盘饺子a_big_plate_of_dumplings(8)极好的老师 fantastic_teacher(9)非常棒的运动中心an_excellent_sports_cent

8、er(10)宽敞的教室big_classroom3I can summarize.(我会总结)不定式to do作定语的用法:(1)不定式作定语时,应放在被修饰词的后面。如:the best place to go to on weekends 周末可去的最好的地方(2)不定式作定语与所修饰的词之间通常构成动宾关系或主谓关系。如:He has a lot of homework to_do他有许多要做的作业。(动宾关系)He is always the first to_come他总是第一个来。(主谓关系)(3)如果动词不定式中的动词是不及物动词,则不定式中要有介词。如:There is not

9、hing to worry about没有什么可以担心的。(1)请给我一张写信的纸。 Please give me a piece of paper to_write_a_letter_on(2)夏天要去的最好的地方是北戴河。The best place to_go_to_is Bei Daihe in Summer.(3)我们必须找一个工人来修这个房子。We must find a worker to_build_the_house.(4)他正在找一支写字的笔。He is looking for a pen to_write_with(5)这有一些你必须遵守的交通规则。Here are so

10、me traffic rules for you to_followTask 2Make conversations and write an article.1I can make conversations.(我会编对话)A:Whats the best clothes store to go to?B:Ai Huas. It has the best clothes. And you can buy the cheapest clothes.A:Whats your favorite place to go to on weekends?B:Central Park is the bes

11、t place to go to on weekends.A:Why is it ?B:Because I can swim and climb the hill in it.A:Which is the best city in China?B:Sanya. Because it has the most beautiful beaches.4.Finish the task in 3c, imitate the article in 3a and write a passage according to the contents discussed in 3b, then read it

12、to your partner.【Method coach】uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的“前缀un形容词”常构成此形容词的反义词。【导练】happy(adj.高兴的)unhappy(不高兴的)common(adj.普通的;寻常的)uncommon(不寻常的;非凡的)Task 3Learning action tips:1Finish the task in 1, discuss it after that and choose right answers.2Students read the passage quickly,know the mainidea well and

13、 discuss it to finish the task in 2.3First ask some students to read the passage and translate it. Teacher pays attention to students pronunciation and translating and corrects mistakes in time【Method coach】You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan.在这个句子中引出价格的介词是for。【导练】我们的T恤衫只卖10美元。We have Tshirts for_only $10.【备注】2.I can use.(我会用)你能结合课文内容填空,来介绍我们自己周围的好地方吗?引导学生完成3a。让学生阅读文章,选择合适的词填入合适的位置。3I can write.(我会写作)完成3c的任务,让学生根据3b中所讨论的内容,模仿3a的文章写


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