实习证明 英 文版.docx

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1、第一篇:实习证明英文版 英文实习证明(一) internship certificate example human resource operations date: april 21, 2014 to whom it may concern this is to certify that miss xxx has completed her internship in (organizational name)’s finance department starting from january 28, 2014 to march 28, 2014. her duties in

2、cluded • checking the credit files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different departments • monthly bank reconciliations of loan accounts • vouchers entry in mis. during her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude f(请收藏好范文 网WwW.HaoWoRD.com)or learning and ability to

3、 grasp diverse concepts quickly. she possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player. we wish her best of luck for future endeavors. xxx manager hr & administration 实习证明模版(二) practice certificate it is certified that * finished her/his one-month prac

4、tice from * to * in our 办(是什么?)。during the time, he/she worked hard and had a good performance.he/she kept improving his/her study in specialty and theory.on dealing with his/her work, he/she was strict with himself/herself, concerned about all the others and doing well in all his/her work. now the

5、practice is over. this is our practice certificate *province*办 ( stamp) 实习证明 兹有 学校 同学于 年 月 日至 年 月 日在 在我办为期一月的寒假实习。期间,工作积极,成绩突出 该同学不断加强专业知识和理论知识的学习,工作中,严格要求自己,关心集体,较好地完成了各项工作,现已结束。 特此证明。 xx省xx办(实习单位盖章) 第二篇:实习证明 英文版 实习证明英文版 reallearningcardming thelogisticsinstituteofsouthwestjiaotonguniversity: myuni

6、tisnowacceptedyourschoolclastudentsandotherpeople thetrainingunit,timefromyearmonthtoyearmonthdate. herebycertifythat unit/legalrepresentative(signature): unitcall: unitaddress: studentcontactphone: reallearningcardming thelogisticsinstituteofsouthwestjiaotonguniversity: myunitisnowacceptedyourschoo

7、lclastudentsandotherpeople thetrainingunit,timefromyearmonthtoyearmonthdate. herebycertifythat unit/legalrepresentative(signature): unitcall: unitaddress: studentcontactphone: schoolstudentslearningcardming. haveaxxxxschoolstudentsinxxxtoxxmonthxdayinxxxxemploymentpracticebase. herebycertifythat. (x

8、xxxxxemploymentpracticebasepracticeunitseal) two00xxmonthxday studentspracticecertificate itisa*universitydepartmentofprofessional*studentsin studentspracticecertificate itis_school_studentsto_years_month_to_years_month_in_employmentpracticebase. herebycertifythat. _employmentpracticebase (thepracti

9、ceunitseal) confirmationletter xxxxcompany: yourcompanyxxmanagercomradexxx,formerdepartmentofourcompanyxxdepartmentmanager.heisinmycompany,workactively,withapioneeringandinnovativespirit,anduprightstyle,paycloseattentiontomarketdynamics,tomycompanytocreateagoodeconomicbenefits. herebycertifythat xxx

10、xxxxcompany(seal) xxxxxxmonthxxday confirmationletter dragoncomputercompany youcompanyhillsrockybeadsgayfrom1997to2014inourschoollearning.herebycertifythat. sincerelyyours salute! xxcollege(seal) thisistocertifythatcomradeisnowengagedinthework,accumulatedoveryears. herebycertifythat unitname(officia

11、lseal) attn: thisistocertifythat_ismystaff,in_department_duties.sofar,yeargroincomeofabout_element. herebycertifythat. thisprovedonlyworkworkcertificatetwo xxschool: theschoolisaprofessionalxxxxxxx,xxxequaltoxxxxtoxx,xxxxmonthxxdayinmycompanyxxdepartmentinternship,outstandingperformanceinallaspects.

12、specialtyshow. xxcompany(chapter) xxxxmonthxxday 第三篇:实习证明(英文版) internship certification 第四篇:实习证明(中英文版) 实习证明 兹有xx同学于xx年xx月xx日至xxxx年xx月xx日在xx实习。 该学生实习期间工作认真,善于思考,能够举一反三,能够将在学校所学的知识灵活应用到具体的工作中去,保质保量完成工作任务。在工作中遇到不懂的地方,能够积极向富有经验的前辈请教。对于别人提出的工作建议,可以虚心听取。同时,该学生严格遵守我公司的各项规章制度, 服从实习安排, 完成实习任务。与公司同事和睦相处,展示了优秀

13、的团队合作精神和沟通能力,与其一同工作的员工均对该学生的表现予以肯定。 现在该学生在我公司已经实习结束,特此证明。 (实习单位盖章) 2014年4月25日 internship certificate xxx, student from xxx, started her internship in planning department of xxx on xx, xxxx and ended onxx, xxxx. during the student's internship she put much effort into her work and study. she had

14、been proficient at thinking and solving problems and applying the methods to working out those alike. this student never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. the student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. at the same time, the student adheres to the company's rules. respec


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