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1、七年级上册译林版期中测验7 / 7 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途七年级上册英语期中考试一、单项选择。( )1. Jim arrives _ London _ the afternoon of December 5th . A. at, in B. at, on C. in, on D. on, in( )2. Are there _ apples on the table?- No, there arent _. A. some, someB. any, any C. some, any D. any, some( )3. We have three _ in the lab bu

2、ilding. A. computer roomB. computer rooms C. computers roomsD. computers rooms ( )4. Our class is on _ floor of the Classroom Building.A. two B. the twoC. secondD. the second( )5. There is a blackboard _ the classroom and another one _ the classroom.A. in the front of, at the back of B. in the front

3、 of, at back ofC. in front of, at the back of D. in front of, at back of ( )6.Where he ? A. does, from B. is , from C. does, come from D. B and C ( )7.-What Sandys brother do? -He is a teacher. He English in a school. A. does, teach B. is, teach C. does, teaches D. is, teaches ( )8.Thegirloftenplays

4、_basketballinherbedroom. A.anB.theC./D.A9. -Hi,LiPing._?-Itssevenfiftynow.A. HowareyouB.WhendoyougetupC.WhattimeisitD.Whereisyourwatch10. Thereisabigtree_theclassroom.A. infrontof B.atthefront C.inthefrontof D.infront11. There_abiggardenandmanybuildingsnearourschool.A. areB.hasC.haveD.Is12. Ilovemyn

5、ewschoolbecausetheteachers_verykindtome.A. allare B.alllooks C.lookall D.areall13. HowlongdoesKittyspendonherhomework? _.A. HalfanhourB.Ahalfhour C.Halfhours D.Anhalfhour14. Whatsyour_,Rick? Ilikeplayingbasketball.A. job B.name C.Age D.Hobby15. Somebirds_tothesouthbeforewinter.A.run B.swim C.walk D.

6、fly二、完形填空。Its Saturday today. Ashley is 1 with her mother. She wants her mother to buy a new 2 for her. In a clothing shop, she finds an orange one. She tries it 3 . Its too small. She wants a 4 one, but the bigger ones are not 5 . Ashley doesnt like other colours. Her mother asks, “Shall we go to a

7、nother shop to have a look?” So they 6 this shop and into another. The second shop is much bigger than the first one, and in it there are many kinds of sweaters of different sizes and colours. Ashley tries on an orange one. Its too big. She tries a smaller one. Its perfect (完美). “How much is it?” As

8、hleys mother asks the shopkeeper. “120 dollars,” answers the woman. “OK, we will take it!” Ashleys mother says. But then she finds that this sweater is too 7 . She doesnt have 8 money with her. “Would you like a cheaper one?” the woman asks. “No, we shall take this one. It 9 my daughter. We shall co

9、me back to buy it tomorrow.” Ashleys mother answers. After that, they 10 the shop to buy some food and drinks in the supermarket.( ) 1. A. working B. shopping C. walking D. playing( ) 2. A. sweater B. book C. watch D. computer( ) 3. A. out B. in C. on D. off( ) 4. A. smaller B. newer C. older D. big

10、ger( ) 5. A. yellow B. orange C. red D. blue( ) 6. A. leave B. go C. come D. take( ) 7. A. cheap B. nice C. new D. expensive( ) 8. A. purse B. clothes C. money D. bike( ) 9. A. matches B. fits C. gets D. Likes( ) 10. A. come B. leave C. come into D. go away三、阅读理解。AAn old man sees some money on the r

11、oad outside the school gate. He picks it up and waits there all day, but no one comes to take it back. He says, “I dont have any money, so Im going to take this.”A woman hears his words. She says, “Yes, take it and buy some food with it.The old man takes the money to a shop. He buys five pens with i

12、t. Then he stands at the gate of the school. He gives the pens to the poor boys and girls. Now he has no money, but he is very happy.( ) 1. The old man _. A. doesnt pick the money up B. picks the money up C. takes his money back and goes away D. waits outside the shop all day( ) 2. The woman says to the old man, “_.” A. You can buy some food with the money B. You must buy some pens with it C. You cannot take the money



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