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1、Oliver twist 邱轶斐 21109215 The author Main Characters Other characters Summary Charles John Huffam Dickens, (1812.7.2 1870.6.9), was the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era, He created some of literatures most iconic characters, with the theme of social reform running throughout his wo

2、rk. His works are intended to expose and criticize all the poverty,injustice,hypocrisy 虚伪 and corruption of the 19th-century England, particularly London. 1) Sketches by Boz 博兹特写集, the first book 2) The Pickwick Papers 匹克威克外传 3. Oliver Twist 奥克佛特维斯特,雾都孤儿 4. Nichols Nickleby 尼古拉斯尼克尔贝 5. The Old Curio

3、sity Shop 老古玩店 6. Barnaby Rudge 巴纳比拉奇 Oliver Twist The novels protagonist. He is an orphan born in a workhouse, and Dickens uses his situation to criticize public policy toward the poor in 1830s in England. Though he is treated with cruelty and surrounded by coarseness for most of his life, he is a

4、pious虔诚的, innocent child, and his charms draw the attention of several wealthy benefactors. His true identity is the central mystery of the novel. Fagin A conniving career criminal. Fagin takes in homeless children and trains them to pick pockets for him. He is also a buyer of other peoples stolen g

5、oods. He rarely commits crimes himself, preferring to employ others to do such thing. Nancy A young prostitute and one of Fagins former child pickpockets. Nancy is also Bill Sikess lover. Her love for Sikes and her sense of moral decency come into conflict when Sikes abuses Oliver. Despite her crimi

6、nal lifestyle, she is among the noblest characters in the novel. In the end, she gives her life for Oliver when Sikes murders her for revealing Monkss plots. Mr. Brownlow A well-off, erudite博学的 gentleman who serves as Olivers first benefactor. Mr. Brownlow owns a portrait of Agnes Fleming and was en

7、gaged to Mr. Leefords sister when she died. Throughout the novel, he behaves with compassion and common sense and emerges as a natural leader. Agnes - Olivers mother who died after giving birth to Oliver. The only thing she left was a locket with her name inscribed. Mr. Sowerberry- A coffin maker Ja

8、ck Dawkins- “Artful Dodger” is a young accomplished thief who finds Oliver on the road to London and introduces him to Fagin. Monks- Olivers elder brother , dont split his inheritance. Mr. Sikes Another evil character who is a member of Fagins gang. Who kill Nancy. Rose Maylie -The adopted niece of

9、Mrs. Maylie who turns out to be Olivers Aunt. She is kind, loving, and a great joy in Olivers life. Olivers mother has been found very sick in the street, and she gives birth to Oliver just before she dies. Oliver himself is born in a workhouse and treated cruelly. The story follows Oliver as he esc

10、apes the workhouse and runs away to London. There, he is picked up by “Artful Dodger”, whos one of the Jew Fagins gang of boys and taken to Fagins den in the London slums. Since then, he was trained to be a pickpocket. After Oliver is caught by an old man, the victim of the thieves, Mr. Brownlow res

11、cues him from arrest and brings him to his house where for the first time in Olivers life he feels happy. Unfortunately, Oliver is kidnapped by Fagin to do the same job again. Fagin is prompted to do this by the Mr. Monks, Olivers half-brother. When Oliver is shot and wounded in the house of Mrs. Maylie and Rose. They let him settle with them. Oliver is adopted by Mr. Brownlow. Finally, Fagin and the rest of the gang are arrested. He is executed处死 after Oliver has visited him in the condemned cell. At last we know, Olivers mother and Rose were sisters. Thank you


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