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1、? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ! ? “#$? % ?4-A:7.;BC?DEF5-G?jeklmno*?pqr? ?st? j?mu?vr?j?lu3wUxr?st proofreading of the rare books over sixteen thousand in person; his writing about three million words, he was very eminent of contemporary scholars and bibliophists. He has written

2、a large number of inscriptions, were recorder in edition impartation origin and existence or disappear of these rare books, we study and sort out the ancient books are great academic value; his academic thought of “attention and had not blind faith in old and ancient,” the library idea of “collectio

3、n and had not enslaved the books” and “books for publication and propagation”, far-reaching impact on future generations. About the researching of all Fu Zengxiang, Li Jueyuans master thesis, Hunan Normal University, “On Fu Zengxiangs Document Science Thoug ht “ , Sun Rongleis doctoral dissertation,

4、 Shandong University, “ The Study Of The Modern Collectors Fu Zengxiang “, these two papers with Fu Zengxiang simple chronicle. Ill take these two simple chronicle for the foundation, through the works of Fu Zengxiang, such as bibliographies, inscriptions, travels, poetry and diaries. The meticulous

5、 combing of his life story, to reveal his course of growth, participating in official experience, collection and learning from alpha to omega, sum up his academic status and contribution of protection as well as publishing rare books , hand make up the Fu Zengxiang study weak link, for other people

6、to provide basic information. The Chronicle on the basis of his words, experience, and other information, to study the this thesis in the following aspects: The system arrangement of Fu Zengxiangs life, strive to accurately detailed introduction to his academic achievement. Second, making a textual

7、research on his friends and travel, to introduce some famous scholars. Third, using the original data, textual research on some knotty problems, errors are corrected. Finally, for the academic circle to lay the foundation for further study of Fu Zengxiang Key wordsFu ZengxiangChronicle Rare booksIns

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