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1、学习记录表11 请写出下列名词的复数形式。 parent parents photo photos bus buses life lives half halves child children woman women tooth teeth2 频度副词often, always, sometimes,usually等在句中的位置是有规律的,请写出这些规律,并各举一个例子。1)在动词 to be 之后: eg. Im usually ill on planes.Are you usually at home on Monday?2)在实意动词之前。 eg. I sometimes go to

2、London.I always work on Monday.3)在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前。 eg. He doesnt always work on Tuesday.I dont usually go to work by bus.3 请写出现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例子。1)表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作。eg. Im waiting for an important call from my boss in Shanghai.2)表示这一阶段正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻这个活动可能并没有进行。 eg. Liufan is currently w

3、orking on TV advertisements, but right now he is on holiday.4 请用学过的功能句型介绍一下你自己的姓名,年龄,所在城市,工作。 eg. My name is Im called Im eg. Im years old. eg. I live in Sanmen. eg. Im a teacher./a policeman./a doctor.开放英语(1)作业1(Unit 1-6)第一部分:交际用语1-5 AABBA 第二部分:词汇与结构6-10 BACCC 11-15 BBCCC 16-20 BABBA 21-25 BACCA 第三

4、部分:句型变换 26. Is he a manager?27. Does she usually go to work by bus?28. Are there fifty students in the class?29. Do they have a large house? / Have they a large house?30. Is he currently working on TV advertisements?第四部分:阅读理解31-35 BAABB 36-40 BBBAC第五部分:翻译41. 会议室在底楼。42. 他现在正和一位顾客说话。43. 午餐时间戴维通常在办公室吃一

5、块三明治。44. 我预定了一间单人房。45. 我正在等老板从上海打来的一个重要电话。学习记录表21 请你归纳一下表达建议这一功能句,举例并答复。1) Could you do? eg. Could you tell me your car number, please?Yes, of course. / No, sorry.2) What would you like (to do)? eg. What would you like to drink?Id like a glass of wine, please.3) What / How about doing? eg. What /How

6、 about seeing a film?Well, I dont know. / Yes, thats a good idea.4) Why dont sb. do ? eg. Why dont you go swimming?Well, I dont know. / Yes, thats a good idea.5) Why not do ? eg. Why not ask him yourself? Brilliant.6) Lets. -Lets get a big tin. -OK.2 请用学过的功能句型描述一下你自己的外貌,性格,兴趣爱好以及所擅长的事情。Boys: Im tall

7、, I have short black hair with big eyes and a short beard. I am kind and out-going. I like seafood. I prefer playing football to playing basketball. Im experienced at playing the computer.Girls: Im slim and tall. I have a friendly face ,long black wavy hair with big eyes. I am kind and out-going. I

8、like eating snacks, I prefer fish to meat. I am interested in seeing films ,esp. comedy films. I am not good at English, but I am hard working. 开放英语(1)作业2第一部分:交际用语1-5 ABBAA 第二部分:词汇与结构6-10 BCBAC 11-15 CAAAA 16-20 BABAA 21-25 ACABC 第三部分:句型变换 26. You cant smoke in the bedrooms.27. It doesnt usually sno

9、w in winter in Ireland.28. Dont put them on the desk.29. He hasnt got brown wavy hair.30. I dont need to buy any apples.第四部分:阅读理解31-35 BAAAB 36-40 CAABA第五部分:翻译41. 这个起居室既宽敞又舒畅。42. 比起读报,我更喜欢看电视。43. 银行在报刊经售点的对面。44. 他从我这儿借走很多钱。45. 从机场到市中心乘出租车要四十分钟。学习记录表31写出比较级的句子结构,并举出例子。1) A is + 比较级 + than + Beg. He i

10、s taller than me /I. She is more relaxed than Frank. She is less experienced in computers than Frank.2) A is as +形容词原形 + as B eg. Gorge is as hard-working as Tom. eg. He is as a good student as Mary.3) A is the same as B eg. Business life in Shanghai is the same as in London.4) A is different from B

11、 eg. My housewarming party is different from Marys.2 写出表示将来的句子结构,并举个例子。1)一般现在时表示预先安排的日程。(P171)eg.The month after next, I do two gym sessions and I do Taichi as well.2)现在进行时表示将来的安排。(P193)eg. When is she flying for Paris?eg. She is staying in France from Tuesday till Thursday.3)一般将来时表示预测。(P203)eg. How

12、 much will we need? We will need 15 kilos.4)一般将来时表示将来的客观事实(P207)。eg. Molly will be here. Eg. That will be 50$s.5)一般将来时表示即时的决定。(P238)eg. Ill put it in the garage. Its cold there.6)be going to表示将来的计划和意图。(P239)eg. Tom is going to borrow his fathers car.eg. Im going to clean the house.开放英语(1)作业3(Units13

13、- 18)第一部分:交际用语1-5 ABABA 第二部分:词汇与结构6-10 BBBAA 11-15 BACBA 16-20 ABBAB 21-25 CCBAA 第三部分:句型变换 26. How does he go to work?27. When is she flying for Paris?28. Where is the bus stop?29. They wont go to the wedding reception.30. He wasnt at the party last night.第四部分:阅读理解31-35 BABAA 36-40 BCBAB第五部分:翻译41. 你

14、需要降低体温。42. 我在担心下个星期的考试。43. 他擅长网页设计,比她好得多。44. 这项工作有四个求职者。45. 我们将在九月三十号前作出决定。开放英语(1)作业4第一部分:交际用语1-5 BAAAB 第二部分:词汇与结构6-10 BBBBB 11-15 BBCCC 16-20 CCAAB 21-25 CCBAA 第三部分:句型变换 26. Does he always work on Tuesday?27. I dont have to work every evening.28. My computer isnt working.29. How long will the meal take?30. How much does the flat cost a month?第四部分:阅读理解31-35 BABBA 36-40 BBACA第五部分:翻译41. 我每周游泳一次。42. 你要去哪一个博物馆?43. 她对电脑比我更不感兴趣。44. 请你打开那个瓶子,好吗?45. 北京的天气和纽约的天气是一样的。5


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