论酒店职业经理人发展路径 投稿:阎瀄瀅

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《论酒店职业经理人发展路径 投稿:阎瀄瀅》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《论酒店职业经理人发展路径 投稿:阎瀄瀅(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、论酒店职业经理人发展路径 投稿:阎瀄瀅姓名:高升 学号:092514413709酒店管理专一班摘 要随着全球经济的发展,全球经济化带来的全球旅游热,促进了我国酒店业的发展,同时对我国酒店业也提出了更高的要求。传统的经营管理模式已经不能满足现在的市场要求,因此我国酒店业在近几年开始不断完善,不断发展,对于酒店职业经理人的要求也越来越高,需求也越来越大!但是我国酒店职业经理人起步慢,发展慢,国外职业经理人进入国内市场,国内酒店职业经理人的发展空间被压制。在这样的一个大的社会前景下,培养发展酒店职业经理人是一个非常紧要的事!一个酒店职业经理人的成长道路是漫长的,是艰辛的。酒店职业经理人要具备的能力和

2、素质是很广泛的。从现代酒店发展来说,最重要和最核心的资源之一就是人力资源。酒店职业经理人即酒店的管理者,是酒店人力资源的重要组成部分,是饭店的核心竞争力因素。近30年来酒店职业经理人在我国的发展速度比较缓慢。目前,随着国内外社会和经济格局发生重大变化,饭店业职业经理人将面对新的发展机遇,所以要面对市场竞争,作为一个酒店职业经理人,必须不但完善,提高自己的职业能力。关 键 词: 酒店业 职业经理人 机遇 素质 能力。 AbstractWith the development of the global economy, global economy brought about by the gl

3、obal tourist hot, promoted the development of Chinas hotel industry, at the same time on the hotel industry has put forward higher requirements. Traditional management models have been unable to meet current market requirements, so the hotel industry in China started to improve in recent years, cont

4、inuous development, demand for hotel professional manager is getting higher and higher, demand is also growing! but the hotel professional manager in China started slow, slower development, overseas professional manager to enter the domestic market, domestic professional managers of the hotel room w

5、as suppressed. Under the prospect of such a society, hotel professional manager training development is a very critical thing! Hotels growth is long, and is tough. Professional managers to have the ability and quality of the hotel is very broad. From the development of modern hotel, one of the most

6、important and centralresource is human resources. Hotel professional manager that is the hotels Manager, is an important part of hotel HR, is the core competitiveness of the hotel. Hotel professional manager in the past 30 years our speed of development slow. At present, with the major changes in th

7、e social and economic situation at home and abroad, professional managers will have to face new opportunities for development of the hotel industry.Key words: hotel industry professional managers opportunity quality ability 摘 要 . I ABSTRACT . II 绪 论 . III1 酒店职业经理人概述 . 21.1酒店职业经理人的含义 . 21.2国内外饭店经理人研究

8、态势. 21.2.1国外关于经理人角色理论的研究 . 21.2.2国外关于经理人管理能力的研究 . 32中外酒店职业经理人的差异 . 42.1中外酒店职业经理人差异概述 . 42.1.1职业态度:现阶段国内职业经理人等价交换、按酬付出的 . 42 酒店职业经理人面临的机 . 12.1 国际酒店进入中国市场带来的机遇 . 13 打造成功酒店职业经理人的路径 . 23.1 加强自身的成熟过程 . 23.1.1 酒店职业经理人应具有的素质 .酒店职业经理人应该具备的业务素质 . 酒店职业经理人应该具备的职业道德素质 . 33.1.2酒店职业经理人应具备的能力 . 制定计划能力 .



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