【金榜夺冠】高中英语 Unit4 Exploring plants课件 选修9

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1、选修 9,Unit 4 Exploring plants,.写出下列必考单词1异国情调的,外来的 adj._2磅秤,天平,规模,范围 n_3教会的,传教的;传教士adj.& n_4尽力,竭力n._5锚,抛锚n. &v._6海盗n._ 7鸽子n._8花瓣 n_ 9红枣n._10降低,跌落,减弱vt._,11铲,铁锹n._12推迟;延迟vt. _13金字塔n._14纪念碑 n_15腐烂,腐败 v_16气味,香味,臭味 n_,答案:1exotic2 scale3.missionary4.endeavour5.anchor6.pirate7.dove8.petal9.red date10.lower

2、11spade12.postpone13.pyramid14.monument15.rot16.odour,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.对授粉 v_;虫媒 n_ 2.限制,约束v._;限制,约束 n_;限制的adj._ 3.流畅的,流利的adj._;流利,流畅 n_ 4.灌溉 v_;灌溉 n_,5.发展,进展,进化v._;进化,演变 n_ 6.产生,发生 v_;一代人,一辈人 n_,答案:1pollinate;pollinator2.restrict;restriction;restrictive3.fluent;fluency4.irrigate;irrigation5.evolve;ev

3、olution 6generate;generation, 活学活用用所给单词的适当形式填空1After traveling USA,he is _in American English and he can speak English _now. (fluency)2All the models wore _clothes to show the _tendency of the year.3Darwins theory of _suggests that living things have been _all the time. (evolve),4When he first came

4、to Britain,he didnt know speed _to 30 miles per hour and this _upset him a lot.,答案:1fluent;fluently2fashionable;fashion3evolution;evolving4was restricted;restriction,.翻译下列必背短语1追溯到;远在年代_2(对某人)有吸引力;求助_3贴上;附上_4利用机会做 _5大规模地_6发出(气味、热等)分发 _7建起 _,答案:1date back to2.appeal to3.attach to 4take the opportunity

5、 of 5.on a large scale6.give out7.set up, 活学活用 根据句后的解析,选择适当的短语完成下列句子1Many Hope Schools _with the help of the whole country. (build)2What Liu Xiang said in the interview _those who love sports. (being attractive)3The heater _a lot of heat. (send out),4You should _studying in this famous university to

6、 improve yourself as much as possible. (make use of chances to do)5A copy of notes is _your book,please look it up later. (to fix,fasten),答案:1have been set up 2appealed to3gives out4take the opportunity of5attached to,.重点句型However,it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exp

7、loration of the botanical world began on a large scale.然而,直到18和19世纪人们才开始大规模地探索植物世界。句型: It is/was not until that.直到才, 模仿造句(1)直到20世纪70年代末中国才真正认识到发展经济的重要性。_(2)直到汤姆把真相告诉我我才知道发生了什么事情。_,答案:(1)It was not until the late 1970s that China realized the importance of developing its economy.(2)It was not until T

8、om told me of the truth that I knew what had happened.,.语篇领悟根据课文 Plant Exploration in the 18th And 19th Centuries The plants look so familiar _(1)_ we often dont know that many of them are from countries far away, which dates _(2)_ the earliest time. Many plant collectors realized the value of plant

9、s from distant lands. _(3)_, the exploration of the botanical world didnt begin on _(4)_ large scale _(5)_the 18th And the 19th centuries. Of course, they had many difficulties in the trips, _(6)_(face) many dangers including disease, near-starvation, severe environments and conflicts _(7)_the local

10、 people.,The missionaries collected large _(8)_(quantity) of specimens, but there was not enough in Western gardens. However, the botanists were very _(9)_(excite) with the knowledge that China had many kinds of plants, so collectors _(10)_(send) to China to collect more kinds.,答案:(1)that(2)back to(

11、3)However(4)a(5)until(6)facing(7)with(8)quantities(9)excited(10)were sent,.考点活用用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 我父亲书架上的花瓶可以追溯到100年前,我父亲总是把它看得很重要。 花瓶是在我爷爷去世时传给我父亲的。我爷爷碰巧结识了一个美国艺术家Adam。他对中国文化很感兴趣,甚至喜欢中国式的修面方式。离开中国前,他送了一个密封在玻璃器皿里用丝绸包得严严实实的花瓶给我爷爷,并告诉我爷爷把花瓶放在一米八的高处,里面的水就不会干,插在里面的花吐露芬芳至少达一个月, 否则,花就很容易腐烂。我父亲把引起很多人兴趣的花瓶捐给

12、了博物馆。,答案:The vase on my fathers bookshelf dates back to 100 years ago and my father is always attaching too much importance to it because it was passed on to my father when my grandfather died. My grandfather happened to make acquaintance with an American artist named Adam who was so interested in C

13、hinese culture that he even liked shaving his head in Chinese style. Before he left China,he sent a sealed glass container in which there was a vase wrapped in silk. He told my grandfather to place the vase on a shelf 1.8 metres high so that the water in it would never run dry and the flowers would

14、not rot easily,giving out fragrant smell for at least a month. Last month my father donated the vase appealing to many people to the museum.,1.However,it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale.然而,直到18和19世纪人们才开始大规模地探索植物世界。 on a large scale:大规模地, 即学即练,完成下列句子 (1)They are preparing for war _.(大规模地) (2)The industry in our province is developing _.(大规模地),



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