sat写作素材 整理.docx

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1、Lincoln & Helen Keller & Forrest Gump: In addition, through experiences of lives burgeon the individual achievements in the future. Instructions and inspirations in the early time of ones life can bequeath one the advanced personality and practical skills, which probably results in success w

2、hen they grow up. Numerous examples stand for my point on this topic, such as Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller and Forrest Gump. On one hand, the poverty in life and failures during elections did not despair Lincoln, and he nevertheless triumph in his political life with his perseverance, and abolished

3、 the slavery for his dream of equality and human rights; on the other, the innate physical imperfection could not prevent one from success. Helen Keller, inspired by her family teacher, stood up in adversities and became the most famous moral writer throughout the globe. Her personal experience resc

4、ued millions of people from the depth of desperation; what is more, people can benefit from others as well. The intellectual defect never discouraged Forrest Gump. Instead, encouraged by his mum and friend, he learned to keep on chasing what he considered precious and understood the essence of the l

5、ife. Environment technology: The unlimited use of fossil fuels, which became indispensable to our industry today, really gives rise to unexpected catastrophes. Although changes in energy uses ushered in a new era of Scientific Revolution, the burn of fossil fuels, rather than a clean and efficient w

6、ay to get energy, will finally strike the human society. The natural gas, coal and oil used to power industrial processes and motor vehicles put harmful compounds into the atmosphere, such as CO2, CO, SO2and tiny solid particles. The emission of these chemical gases may cause disasters. In 1952, abo

7、ut 4000 people died in London in the notorious event called London Fogs. What is more, this burning activity is also bringing about a global-scale climatic change, known as the Global Warming. Warmer temperatures are expected to partially melt the polar ice cap, leading to a sea-level rise of 1 mete

8、r by the year 2100. If sea levels do rise at this rate, Florida Ever glade would be inundated under salt water in the next century! The seemingly advanced technology, rather than benefits us today, induces more trouble out of peoples expect. On one hand, the newly-invented appliances may deprive us

9、of our opportunities and interests to get close to the nature. We have color television to enjoy the televised view of Rocky Mountains, but we lost the primitive beauty of nature in a concrete forest; on the other, new technology may contradict to our extant standard. Gene technology, considered one

10、 of the greatest inventions in the world, places doubt on the moral criterion; Furthermore, some so-called powerful weapons we invented can finally become the tools of terrible war. We vaunted of creating the atomic bomb, however if used improperly, we may ultimately destroy ourselves. Einstein&

11、John Nash & Galileo Challenging authority always leads to a social progress in science. The current main views, obviously, were once novelties impelling the world. However, every time has its own motif, and the previous impetus may stand as an obstacle in the way of social progress. Thus, only t

12、hrough changing these decrepit theories can the whole human beings benefit. The example of Einstein, John Nash and Galileo justify me view. On one hand, the new theory may help in completing the current one. With the help of Relativity, initiated by Albert Einstein, nowadays scientists can explicate

13、 the motion of objects which speed comparable to light; on the other, new perception gives a new outlook on life. People come to the negotiating table, inaugurating a new era of commerce, and attribute the most to the author of a revolutionary theoryJohn Nash; furthermore, the novelty may provides i

14、mpetus to a new domain. Abandoning the previous geocentric view, the world begins to probe the cosmos under the guide of Galileos heliocentric theory. Were there not so many individuals daring to challenge, our society would never have developed to the current height. Humanity:Mother Teresa& Hel

15、en Keller By taking social responsibility, the famous set up a model for the future. With the indication of the past examples, most of individuals may feel confident when toiling onward into the progress of humanity. The examples of Helen Keller and Mother Teresa justify my point. On one hand, the h

16、umanity of individuals may inspire the whole world to devote on this field. Abandoning the previous comfortable life as a teacher, Mother Teresa, defying all the obstacles, set up the foundation called Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta. Consequently, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and other celebrities donated most of their money to their own foundati


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