高中英语 Unit 21 Human Biology-Warm-up自我小测 北师大版选修7

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《高中英语 Unit 21 Human Biology-Warm-up自我小测 北师大版选修7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 21 Human Biology-Warm-up自我小测 北师大版选修7(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 21 Human Biology-Warm-up.单词拼写1There is a story _(流传)that our English teacher is going to go abroad next month.2My teacher asked me to _(领会)what he said and then do more exercises.3The _(矿物)resources in Tibet are abundant.4The farmers are _(抽水)water from the deep well to water their plants.5Gran

2、dmothers hearing is getting worse.She needs a_(听力) aid.选词并用其适当形式填空 digestchewtasteSome books are to be_1_,others to be swallowed,and some few to be _2_and_3_.回答问题1These organs absorb oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide.They are found on either side of the heart.They receive air as a result of breat

3、hing and when blood passes through,they give it oxygen.Can you guess what they are?2This is a very delicate organ.There are two in a body and they have delicate lids which protect them.Light enters and reaches special light sensitive cells.These work like a camera and finally send signals to the bra

4、in.Whats it?3This organ is like a bag which receives everything you eat.It digests your food and sends vitamins and minerals into the blood.Whats that?参考答案.1答案:circulating2答案:digest3答案:mineral4答案:pumping5答案:hearing.答案:1.tasted2.chewed3.digested.1答案:They are lungs.2答案:Its an eye.3答案:Thats stomach.任务型阅读在江苏高考英语试题中占有较大比重,考题形式以表格形和树状形为主,文章体裁以议论文、说明文为主,文章篇幅往往较长,阅读量大,但结构清晰。该题型综合性很强,思维含量较高,答案既要忠实于原文,又要不局限于原文,原词填空题和词性、词形变换题在逐渐减少,通过归纳总结得出答案的题逐渐增多,另外还有推断作者意图和态度的考题,这必将增加该题型的难度,所以得分一直偏低2


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