高中英语 Unit 20 New Frontiers-Lesson3 ScientificBreakthroughs自我小测 北师大版选修7

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1、Unit 20 New Frontiers-Lesson3 ScientificBreakthroughs.翻译合成词1oneyearold2worldfamous3farreaching4doublechecked5massproduced.用括号内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空In 1929,another farreaching finding 1._(be made) by the son of a Scottish shepherd.Before he 2._(go) on holiday,biologist Alexander Fleming left a dish with bac

2、teria in it in his laboratory.When he came back,he noticed something strange.He doublechecked and 3._(see) a blue mould in the dish around which the bacteria 4._(be destroyed)This blue mould was in fact the natural form of penicillin,which Fleming realised 5._(be used)to kill bacteria.单项填空1When you

3、are in_,it is _that you should wrestle with the difficulties in certain procedures.Aapproval;unconsciousBdiagram;explicitCdilemma;premier Dabsence;thankful2They invented a special microscope,_ was a patent,with which they could operate on the patients with_ organs.A/;thrilled Bthat;adjustedCwho;upda

4、ted Dwhich;donated3Though we split two weeks ago,I have been _with him by cell phones in a_way,and meanwhile he has offered a microwave as a birthday present.Apurchasing;adequateBcorresponding;outspokenCguaranteeing;handyDembarrassing;electronic4With the assistance of the_,the navy can send_ to hit

5、the jets of the enemy despite mist.Amedium;certificateBtelescopes;missilesCmicroscope;databaseDcolleagues;specialists5The_of experiment was that he found mould by accident,which was called penicillin to _ the disease for the patients.Aissue;rescue Boutcome;cureCenterprise;stop Doutput;kill6Please re

6、main _ until the plane has come to a complete stop.Ato seat Bto be seatedCseating Dseated.完形填空I was on a bus one March evening.The driver didnt _1_ to start the bus soon because it was not yet_2_.A middleaged woman got on.Tired and sad,she told her story_3_,not to anyone in particular.On her way to

7、the station,half of her_4_ was stolen.The other half was hidden under her blouse,so she_5_ still had some left.A few minutes later,she stopped crying,but still looked _6_.When all the seats were taken,the driver started the engine.The conductor began to collect fares(车费)When she came to an old man i

8、n wornout clothes,he _7_that he had spent all his money when he had accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home.On hearing this,she ordered the old man to _8_ the bus.The old man was almost in tears as he _9_ her to let him take the bus home.The driver took the conductors side a

9、nd repeated the conductors _10_.The woman was watching the incident._11_ the driver and the conductor raised their voices at the old man,she interfered(干预)“Stop_12_ him!Cant you see hes only trying to get home?”“He doesnt have any money!” the driver_13_.“Well,thats no _14_ to throw him off the bus,”

10、 she insisted.Then she reached inside her blouse,took out her_15_ money,and handed it to the conductor.“Heres his fare and mine.Just stop giving him a_16_ time.”All heads turned to the woman.“Its only money,” she shrugged.She rode the rest of the way home _17_ a happy smile,with the money shed lost

11、earlier _18_.On the road of life,the help of strangers can _19_ our loads and lift our spirits.How much sweeter the _20_ will be when we make it a little smoother for others!1A.try Bcare Cdecide Dintend2A.empty Bfull Ccrowded Dready3A.tearfully Bseriously Ccarefully Dcalmly4A.fare Bpossession Cmoney

12、 Dwealth5A.strangely Bhappily Csecretly Dfortunately6A.unsatisfied Bweak Cunhappy Dexcited7A.explained Bdeclared C.admitted Dfound8A.get off Bstart Cget on Dstop9A.begged Bscolded Cpraised Dthanked10A.request Baction Csuggestion Dcommand11A.Unless BAlthough CUntil DWhen12A.attacking Bbothering Cblam

13、ing Dwronging13A.warned Bwhispered Cshouted Drepeated14A.problem Bneed Cmatter Dreason15A.spending Bcollected Cremaining Dborrowed16A.busy Bcold Chard Dfearful17A.giving Bwearing Ctaking Dforcing18A.forgotten Bused Cearned Dreturned19A.move Bincrease Clighten Dcarry20A.world Bjourney Csmile Dfriends

14、hip参考答案.1答案:一岁的2答案:举世闻名的3答案:深远的,伸至远处的4答案:复查的5答案:大批生产的.答案:1.was made2.went3.saw4.had been destroyed5.could be used.1解析:从wrestle with the difficulties看出“要努力解决难以处理的事物”,第一空白处应该填入dilemma,说明“you”处于困境中,第二空白处应该填入premier表明“按照一定的程序对付困难是很重要的”。approval“赞成”;unconscious“无意识的”;diagram“图表”;explicit“清楚的”;absence“缺席”

15、;thankful“感激的”。A、B和D项与本题无关。答案:C2解析:从第一个逗号前面的句子看出第一空白处应该填入which,构成非限制性定语从句,而不能够填入that,修饰microscope。第二空白处应该填入donated,donated organs“捐献的器官”。D项符合句意“他们发明了一种特殊的显微镜,用来对患者进行器官移植手术,这是一个专利”。thrilled“感到兴奋的”;adjusted“已经调整的”;updated“更新了的”。答案:D3解析:从though引导的从句看出第一空白处应该填入corresponding,表示“尽管在两周前我们俩分手了,但一直通过手机互相通信”;第二空白处应该填入outspoken表



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