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1、00:00.10Previously on desperate housewives00:01.80the boys are in my class because Im the only teacher who can handle them. 他被分到我的班级00:03.10是因为我是唯一能制服他们的老师00:05.90We may no longer be able to accommodate them. 我们不能再容忍他们了00:08.50Ultimatums were made. 她弄了手枪来自杀00:10.10She used this to kill herself. Why

2、would you keep it?00:13.10Questions were asked. 你为什么要留着它?00:13.40很多很多的疑问被提出来00:15.10Are you okay? 你还好吗?00:16.70I think hes hiding something. 我认为他一定所隐瞒00:18.30And lots of evidence 很多蛛丝马迹被发现了00:20.80was uncovered.00:22.50Exactly what is it youve hired me to do? 你想雇我来做什么?00:24.40Someone sent that note

3、to my wife, and I need to know who. 有人把这个送给我太太00:27.40You like Alfred Hitchcock? 我想知道是谁00:27.50你有时间吗?00:29.40I found it in the ruins of Edies home. 我在Eddie 家发现了这个00:32.00I found it under our bed. Its not mine. 我在床底下发现了这个00:34.10Talk about dirty laundry. 这不是我的00:34.50说到一大堆脏衣服00:43.10Every neighborhoo

4、d has a woman like Alberta Frome, 每个社区都会有像00:44.60Albert From 这样的女人00:46.40and every woman like Mrs. Frome has a cat. 每个像From 夫人这样的女人00:48.60都会有只猫00:50.70When she traveled, Mrs. Frome would arrange for friends to look after her beloved pet. 每次去旅行时00:51.80她就会安排她的朋友00:53.80照看她心爱的猫咪00:57.00This time, h

5、owever, she was forced to ask her neighbor Susan Mayer. 而这次她只好00:59.50安排邻居Susan Mayer01:02.80Mrs. Frome liked Susan, From夫人很喜欢Susan01:04.80but it was common knowledge on Wisteria Lane where Susan Mayer went, 但她的常识告诉她01:07.40当坏运气降临Susan Mayer头上时01:09.00bad luck was sure to follow. 喝凉水也会塞牙01:10.10倒霉的事

6、不断发生01:11.90Her misfortunes ranged from the commonplace. 从寻常的地方到非常的场合01:16.00to the unusual. 什么异乎寻常的事都发生了01:21.50To the truly bizarre.01:27.20As she waved goodbye, she worried that Susans streak of bad luck would continue. 当她和Susan挥手告别时01:29.00她担心Susan 的坏运气会01:31.00绵绵不绝01:33.20For that matter, so di

7、d her cat. 它的猫 也因此会沾染不幸01:41.40- Mr. Whiskers. - Kitty. Visker 先生01:43.60Dinner time. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. 该吃晚饭了01:45.60猫咪猫咪猫咪?01:49.10Thats weird. 很奇怪 01:51.10Cats cant open drawers, can they? 猫能自己开抽屉,是吗?01:54.00Are you sure you didnt leave them open this morning? 会不会是早上你自己打开的?01:56.00

8、No way. 绝不可能01:58.40Wow. 哇呜,是有人闯进来了吗?01:59.60Do you think somebody broke in?02:05.60Mr. Whiskers?! Mr. Whiskers?! Visker 先生?02:07.40Mr. Whiskers?! Mr. Whiskers?!02:10.60Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty! 猫咪猫咪猫咪?02:13.80Oh, please dont let anything happen to that cat. Mrs. Frome will kill me.02:18.60M

9、r. Whiskers?!02:21.10Though she didnt know it at the time, 她不知道02:23.50Susans luck. Susan 时来运转的时候到了02:26.10had finally started to change.02:30.00-=人人听力网 http:/=- 荣誉出品 本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径 03:05.04Episode 5 : Come in, Stranger03:10.60News that an intruder had breached the security of Wisteria Lane spre

10、ad like wildfire.03:16.80At a neighborhood watch meeting the next night, -=COSL-人人听力网=- 听译: 彭蓬 时间轴: flylinhai03:10.80神秘闯入者的消息03:12.80像野火一样迅速传遍了整个社区03:16.80那天晚上大家聚到一起03:19.10residents voiced their concerns over the increasing dangers their community faced. 来共同面对整个社区03:21.10将变得日益危险这个问题03:25.00Mrs. Ida

11、 Greenberg announced someone Art Greenberd 夫人说03:27.40was looking through her bathroom window whenever she took a shower. 只要她一洗澡就有人从窗户那偷看03:31.00Bob Fisk warned those present that an unnamed government agency Bob Fisk说03:32.30有个匿名的政府机构在偷听他们的电话03:34.90was listening in on their phone conversations.03:

12、38.00Helen vale spoke of a ruthless local teenage gang that had egged her minivan. Hellen Vail说03:39.40有一帮当地年轻人不断骚扰她03:44.90There are three factors that contribute to. 有三个原因导致03:46.70the evening concluded with Officer Thompson offering safety tips and a plan of action. 当晚他们决定请警官Tompson03:49.40来帮助他们,

13、给他们提供安全建议03:52.60But opportunity, you have some control over, 你们有机会对他们进行监控03:55.20so you can sign up for either daily or nightly patrols. 你们可以签名03:56.20申请白天或者夜间监控03:58.50And I know that might seem like overkill, 我知道这看起来有些夸张04:00.40but I guarantee regular surveillance will deter even the most determi

14、ned criminal. 但是有规律的防范能控制04:03.20哪怕是有预谋的犯罪04:05.30So are there any other questions? 有什么别的问题吗?04:07.30All right, then. Lets be careful out there. 那么好吧,要多加小心04:13.50Actually, I do have a question. Do you have a second? 事实上,我确实有个问题04:15.70Sure. How can I help? 你有时间吗?04:16.70Um, Im the one who discovere

15、d the break-in, 当然,我能帮上什么吗?04:17.00我曾遇到过闯入者04:19.30and I think I found some evidence. 还发现了证据04:21.20Evidence? 证据?04:22.70I think this is a screwdriver left behind by the burglar, 我认为这是闯入者04:24.50做案后留下的04:26.23and I didnt touch it. 我没有碰过它04:27.70Well, why didnt you give this to the investigating officers? 你为什么不把这个给警局调查?04:29.70I tried, and they so


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