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1、河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 以读促写策略在7-9年级语文单元教学中的实施 姓名:王雅莉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:学科教学语文 指导教师:刘静 20100328 III 摘 要 新课改伊始, 全日制义务教育语文课程标准提出了许多新的教学理念,对阅读 教学和作文教学也有相应的明确要求和建议, 但依然采用单元模式编选教材、 安排课程。 这些一方面反映了单元教学体系依然有顽强的生命力和一定的优越性, 是适应现阶段语 文教学现状的; 另一方面也充分肯定了阅读教学和作文教学相辅相成、 互相促进的作用。 但在教学实际中,师生往往忽略阅读对写作的指导和借鉴作用,把写作教学与阅读教学 分离,造成阅读课上谈阅读

2、,作文课上说作文的现象,更没有充分开掘 79 年级语文 课程中的阅读资源为写作教学服务。而笔者认为,在单元教学体系中实施“以读促写” 的策略,是既能提高阅读教学效率又能为学生奠定写作基础的最有效手段。 本论文中着重探讨在 79 年级语文教学课程中实施“以读促写” 策略,即以 7-9 年级语文教材为材料模板,以单元教学为单位,因循客观的读写教学规律和学生的学习 心理,从学生实际出发,根据学生读写情况,将写作知识分解为连续的知识链条,并制 定相应的阶段性写作教学目标,将对应的写作知识和写作目标分步骤、分阶段地应用到 到阅读课程和写作课程中,使阅读课程有明确的写作教学目标,写作课程能够巩固学到 的阅

3、读知识、写作知识和写作技能,达到由单元阅读教学迁移到写作教学的一种教学设 想。 本论文由三部分组成: 第一章,回顾单元读写教学的历史演变过程和教学现状,提出本论文的研究方向和 现实意义。第一节,梳理针对单元读写教学的研究成果,发现针对单元教学的研究和读 写结合教学的研究很多,但针对“以现有阅读教材为基础的单元读写结合教学”的研究 很少;第二节,列举了单元教学的现状并分析了造成此种现象的原因。第三节,提出本 论文的写作缘由、相关概念界定,以及对教学的现实意义。 第二章,详尽地阐释以读促写策略在 79 年级语文单元教学中的实施。第一节, 关于单元阅读教学中如何培养学生的写作能力,按照由字词积累到语

4、言文字的规律,分 别从语言的感悟积累、写作思维的培育、多种写作实践三方面来阐述。第二节,阐述运 用阅读知识指导写作教学的方法,主要从逆转阅读思维过程应用于写作过程,比较阅读 方法在作文评改中的运用,以及精读法在修改作文中的运用三方面来阐明。第三节,通 IV 过分析三个教学案例,展示在单元教学中实施“以读促写”策略的流程。 第三章,论述实施“以读促写”策略对教师素质的要求,包括整合资源的理念、文 章学理论方面的知识、调控课堂节奏的能力、预设迁移生成的能力四部分。 关键词:单元教学 读写结合 以读促写 教学策略 V Abstract In the educational reform, there

5、 are various new educational ideas in The Curriculum Standard of the Chinese Course in the Full-time Compulsory Education. There are more specific requirements and suggestions on reading and writing teaching. The textbooks are still unit-based. Hence units are still regarded as the basis of the whol

6、e teaching. Both reading and writing are seen closely related in the textbook compilation. Nevertheless, reading and writing are taught separately. That is, there are few connections between reading and writing teaching in classes. Thus, texts are merely taught to develop the students reading skill,

7、 while writing is taught for its own right. In such cases, the reading texts in Grades 7- 9 textbooks are not sufficiently used in classes. Actually the writing skill should be taught on the basis of text reading. Thus both the students reading and writing skills can be more effectively improved. Th

8、is thesis is intended to advocate the “reading-based writing teaching” strategy in Grades 7 - 9 Chinese course teaching. That is, in each unit teaching in Grades 7 - 9, the reading skill should be taught with specific writing aims, while the writing skill should be taught effectively so that the stu

9、dents reading skill can be enhanced. Thus, the transfer from reading skill teaching to writing skill teaching can be realized in the unit teaching. In doing so, much attention should be paid to the reality of reading and writing teaching and the students psychological characteristics. Hence, the wri

10、ting knowledge and teaching objective should be further specified so that they can be specifically taught in each unit. There are three chapters in this thesis. Chapter One is literature review presenting relevant researches, history and present condition of reading and writing teaching. It is true

11、that there are many researches on unit teaching and the coordination between reading and writing teaching. However, there are few researches on the coordination between reading and writing in unit teaching. So it is necessary to do such researches. Chapter Two presents the application of the “readin

12、g-based writing teaching” strategy in Grades 7 - 9 Chinese course. Firstly, attention should be paid to the three factors of language VI sense, writing psychology and writing practice in unit reading teaching. Secondly, the writing skill should be taught with the help of reading knowledge. That is,

13、the writing procedure can be guided with backward reading; the writing can be evaluated with the comparative reading method; and the article can be bettered with the intensive reading method. Thirdly, three cases are presented so as to show how such a strategy can be used in unit teaching. Chapter T

14、hree discusses the qualifications of teachers in implimenting the “reading-based writing teaching” strategy including the conception of material management, the theoretical foundation of reading and writing, the class teaching ability and the transfer anticipation ability. Key words: unit teaching;

15、coordination between reading and writing; reading-based writing skill teaching strategy II 学位论文原创性声明 学位论文原创性声明 本人所提交的学位论文以读促写策略在 7-9 年级语文单元教学中的实施 ,是在 导师的指导下, 独立进行研究工作所取得的原创性成果。 除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。 对本文的研究做出重 要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中标明。 本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 论文作者(签名) : 指导教师确认(签名) : 年 月 日 年 月

16、日 学位论文版权使用授权书 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解河北师范大学有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交学 位论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权河北师范大学可以将学位论 文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保 存、汇编学位论文。 (保密的学位论文在 年解密后适用本授权书) 论文作者(签名) : 指导教师(签名) : 年 月 日 年 月 日 1 引 论 引 论 新课改伊始, 全日制义务教育语文课程标准提出了许多新的教学理念,对阅读 教学也有明确的要求和建议,指出“阅读教学的重点是培养学生具有感受、理解、欣赏 和评价的能力” , “提倡多角度的、有创意的阅读拓展思维空间” , “有些诗文应要求 学生诵读,以利于积累、体验、培养语感”这些要求从侧面体现了阅读教学在语文 课程中的重要地位,它不仅是培养学生阅读能力的途径,更是是培养学生表达能力、分 析问题能力、交际能力等其他能力的有效途径,这样看来,阅读教学培养的是学生多方 面的能力,当然也包括写作能力。但教


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