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1、七年级上学期英语期末复习课件,完成句子,Unit 1 My names Gina. 1. -你堂兄弟的名字是什么? -他的名字是托尼布朗。 What is _ name? _ is Tony Brown. 2. 她姓什么? What is her _? 3. 他的电话号码是多少? What is his _?,your cousins,His name,family/last name,telephone number,Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 1. 这是我的铅笔盒,你的在你的课桌上。 This is _, _ is on your desk. 2. 那个不是吉姆

2、的手表,他的手表在家里。 That isnt _, _ is at home. 3. 请打5296403找大卫。 Please _ David _ 5296403. 4. -这是你的笔记本吗?-不,不是。 -Is this _ _? -No, _ isnt. 5. -那些是些什么?-是一些土豆。 -What are _? -_ are some _.,my pencil-case,yours,Jims watch,His watch,call,at,your notebook,it,those,They,potatoes,Unit 3 This is my sister. 1. 这是一个苹果,

3、那是一个橙子。 This is _ and _ is _. 2. -黄洛明是你的哥哥吗? -不,不是。他是我的堂兄。 -Is _ your brother? - No, he isnt. He is _. 3. 多谢你的全家福照片。 Thanks for your _ of your _. 4. -谁是你的姐姐? -穿着红色短裙的女孩是我的姐姐。 -Who is your sister? -The girl _is _.,an apple,that,an orange,Huang Luoming,my cousin,photo,family,in red skirt,my sister,Uni

4、t 4 Where is my backpack? 1. -你的钥匙在桌子上吗?-是的。 -_ keys on the table? -Yes, _ are. 2. 你的英语字典在我的课桌上。 _ English _ is on _desk 3. 你能不能把这本字典拿给托尼? Can you _ this dictionary _ Tony? 4. 在我的房间里有两个篮球。 _ two _ in my room. 5. 在桌子上你能看到一块手表吗? Can you _ on the table?,Are your,they,Your,dictionary,my,take,to,There ar

5、e,basketballs,see a watch,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 1. -你有一个网球拍吗? -不,我没有。但是我有一个乒乓球拍。 -Do you have a _? -No, I dont. _ a ping-pong _. 2. -安有一本英语字典吗?-是的,她有。 - _ Ann _ an English dictionary? -Yes, she _. 3. 让约翰和我们一起踢足球吧! Let John _ with us together! 4. 我们有许多运动俱乐部。_ many sports clubs. 5. 埃得有四个排球

6、和九个棒球。 Ed _ volleyballs and nine baseballs. 6. 托尼周末在电视上看足球比赛。 Tony _ football matches _ TV on weekends.,tennis racket,But I have,bat,Does,have,does,play soccer,We have,Has four,watches,on,Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 1. 我想吃两个西红柿。 I want _ two _. 2. 在篮子里有一些椰菜。 _ some _ in the basket. 3. 克拉克先生常常吃许多健康食品

7、。 Mr. Clark often _ a lot of _. 4. 玛丽喜欢吃两个鸡蛋喝一杯牛奶作为早餐。 Mary likes _ two eggs and a glass of milk_. 5. 你的爷爷通常吃一碗牛肉面条作为午餐吗? _ your grandfather eat a bowl of beef noodles _?,to eat,tomatoes,There is,broccoli,eats,healthy food,having,for breakfast,Does,for lunch,Unit 7 How much are these pants? 1. -这些短袜

8、要多少钱?-两美元。 -How much _ socks? -_ two dollars. 2. 这件蓝色的短裙要多少钱? How much _ skirt? 3. 迈克想要一件白色的T-恤衫。 Mike _ white T-shirt. 4. 迈克想买一件白色的T-恤衫。 Mike _ white T-shirt. 5. 你的朋友想要什么颜色? What color _ want?,are these,They are,is this blue,wants a,wants to buy a,does your friend,6. 那件黑色的毛衣42元。 That _forty-two Yua

9、n. 7. 你可以买这些衬衣,每件只要22元。 You can buy these _for only twenty-two Yuan _. 8. 蓝色的短裤特价,只要15元。 The blue shorts are _for only 15 Yuan. 9. 我们有适合女孩子穿的粉红色短裙。 We have _ skirts _ girls. 10. 我的爷爷想给我买一个新的双肩背包。 My grandfather wants _ a new backpack.,black sweater is,shirts,each,on sale,pink,for,to buy me,Unit 8 Wh

10、en is your birthday? 1. 第二个房间是吉姆的。 _ room is _. 2. 布朗先生女儿的生日是在一月九日。 _ birthday is on January _. 3. 在中国,新年常常在二月份。 In _, New Years Day is often _. 4. 第三个女孩喜欢弹钢琴。 _ likes _ piano. 5. 六月一日是儿童节吗? _ June the first _? 6. -你的朋友多大年龄?-他今年十二岁。 -How old _? -He is _ _ _ this year. 7. 你们五月份有一个艺术节吗? _ you have _ i

11、n May? 8. 李四光出生在1889年10月26日。 _was born _,1889.,The second,Jims,Mr. Browns daughters,the ninth,China,in February,The third girl,playing the,Is,Childrens Day,is your friend,twelve years old,Do,an Art Festival,Li Siguang,on October the twenty-sixth,Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? 1. -你喜欢哪一种电影? -我喜

12、欢动作片和喜剧片。 -What _ of movies do you like? -I like _ movies and _. 2. -你最喜欢的食物是什么?-我最喜欢吃鸡肉。 -What is your _? -I like _ best. 3.我们能从这些纪录片中学到很多关于历史的事情。 We can learn a lot about _ from these _. 4.刘强喜欢恐怖片,但他不喜欢京剧。 Liu Qiang _ the thrillers, _ he _ Beijing Opera. 5.我认为憨豆先生是一部分非常成功的喜剧片。 I think the movie Mr

13、. Bean is _.,kind,action,favorite food,eating chicken,history,likes,comedies,documentaries,but,doesnt like,a very successful comedy.,Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? 1.玛丽亚会拉小提琴,但是她不会打网球。 Maria can play _, _she cant play _.,the violin,but,tennis,2. Tom下个月打算去参观长城。 Tom _the Great Wall next month.,is going to visit,3. Sam 会吹小号,他吹得非常好。 Sam can play_, and he can play it_.,the trumpet,very well,4. 你能在电脑方面帮助我们吗? Can you help _ _ the computer?,us,with,5. 安会下国际象棋,她想加入象棋俱乐部。 Ann can play _, she wants to join_.,chess,the chess club,6. -Kate为什么想加入美术俱乐部-因为她擅长画画。 -_ Kate want to joi



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