【开学大礼包】2013届高考英语一轮复习 Unit3Underthesea精品课件 新人教版选修7

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1、(2012安徽师大附中高三模拟)某校英文报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。请结合发生在你身边的一两件事情,以“The early bird will catch worms”为题写一篇英语短文,说明一切成功源于凡事要早做规划,不断追求,辛勤劳作。,注意:1.字数:120词左右;2短文中不能出现有关于本人真实校名、班级、人名等具体信息;3要求卷面干净整洁,字迹工整清楚。_,【满分作文】The early bird will catch wormsAn old saying “The early bird will catch worms” reminds us

2、 that if people want to be successful and outstanding,they must plan ahead of time and make their efforts to overcome all the possible difficulties.For example,the Chinese athletes excellent performance in 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver is definitely the result of their early planning and ha

3、rd training.If they don t set the aim and hard work,even though they have the best talents,they cant compete with others and get more medals.,Another case in this point is my learning experience.I was good at English,but I couldnt pass the exam,for I wasnt prepared well before the examination.I had

4、many problems to solve at that time.As I met the complex things,I was at a loss.The reason was that I had no plan and involved in much trouble and didnt study more hard,so I failed.In short,the saying shows us the importance of planning,working hard and constantly trying.,【高级词汇】successful and outsta

5、nding出类拔萃compete with与竞争involved in卷入,【佳句变换】1The old saying “The early bird will catch worms” teaches us a lesson that to be successful and outstanding,they must plan ahead of time and make their efforts to overcome all the possible difficulties.2While they have the best talents,they set very challe

6、nging aims and work hard,which will pay off sooner or later.Otherwise,they wont have the competence to win more medals.3I have come to realize the essence of the old saying from my own learning experience.,4At all times,I feel at a loss about how to deal with the complex things.5.The reason why I fa

7、iled was that I had no plan and involved in much trouble and didnt study more hard.,.词汇链条1_ vt.拖;拉;扯2_ n目标;靶子3_ n& vt.目击者;目击 _ n智慧 _ adj.智慧的4_ v逃避;逃跑 _ n跳蚤5_ adj.纯的;纯洁的 _ n纯洁 _ adv.完全地 纯粹地6_adj.狭窄的;狭隘的_ adv.狭隘地;差一点,dragtargetwitness,wit,witty,flee,flea,pure,purity,purely,narrow,narrowly,7_ vt.催促;极力主

8、张_ adj.急迫的;紧要的8_ n住所;住宿 _ vt.容纳;使适应9_ vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃 10_ v思考;映射;反射 _ n反应;反响_ adj.沉思的11_ adj.生动的;鲜明的 _n生动12_ adj.好的;整齐的;匀称的 _ adv.整齐地 _ n整齐13_adj.浅的;_ adv.肤浅地 _n浅;肤浅,urge,urgent,accommodation,accommodate,abandon,reflect,reflection,reflective,vivid,vividness,neat,neatly,neatness,shallow,shallowly,shallow

9、ness,.重点短语1_对知道;明白2_与此同时3_帮助4_吓死5upside down_6hold back_7urge sb to do sth_8vivid imagination_,become aware ofin the meantimehelp outbe scared to death,上下翻转 阻挡 催促某人做某事,力劝某人做某事 丰富的想象力,.经典句式1The report urged that_.这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。2Someone_last night.The police are now looking for eyewitnesses to the

10、robbery.昨晚有人闯入银行,现在警察正在寻找这次抢劫的目击证人。3I told myself they werent dangerous but that didnt _for a moment! 我告诉自己他们并不危险,但是仍然有一会我吓得要死。,all children be taught to swim,broke into the bank,4People at the party were worried about Bob because no one was _. 聚会的人们很担心鲍勃,因为没有人知道他去了哪儿。5Id rather have more work hours

11、 so that I can earn enough money to_at college.我宁愿多工作几小时,以便能够挣足够的钱来帮助读大学的两个孩子。,aware of where he had gone,help out my two kids,.短文填空Most of the life in the ocean can be found in the first zone,which begins at the _1_and goes down about 200 metres.Because there is _2_ at this level,plants are able to

12、 grow.Marine _3_ such as dolphins,sharks,sea turtles and sea lions,and of course a _4_ of fish,live in the sunlit part of the ocean.It is difficult to _5_ from other animals in this area,but many species have adapted by _6_ dark on the top and light on the _7_.This makes it difficult to see them _8_

13、 the dark water below and the blue sky above.答案1.surface2.sunlight3.animals4.variety5.hide6becoming7.bottom8.against,bear /give witness 证明;作证witness to (doing/having done) sth 证明某事;证实做了某事an eye witness to sth.目击者in witness of 为作证;作为的证明sp/time witness 目睹、经历巨变,(1)Police have to come forward.警方呼吁目击者站出来

14、。朗文(2)Businesses are (经历)a difficult time,which has in turn produced influence on consumers desire to go green.商业正经历一个艰难的时期,反过来也促进消费者对于绿色的期望。牛津,appealed for witness,witnessing,直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)Crime _(目击证人) may be willing to assist the police,but most are unwilling to give their names when reporting a crime.(2009江西卷)答案witnesses,


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