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1、Fifteen of the world s most poisonous animal,世界上十五种最毒的动物,子弹蚁,Paraponera is a genus of ant consisting of a single species, commonly known as the lesser giant hunting ant, conga ant, or bullet ant (Paraponera clavata), named on account of its powerful and potent sting, which is said to be as painful a

2、s being shot with a bullet. It inhabits humid lowland rainforests from Nicaragua south to Paraguay. The bullet ant is called Hormiga Veinticuatro or 24 (hour) ant by the locals, referring to the 24 hours of pain that follow being stung.,子弹蚁是由一种属的蚂蚁组成一个单一的物种,俗称小巨人狩猎蚂蚁,康蚂蚁,或子弹蚁,因其强大的颚和强有力的刺痛被命名,据说这痛苦像

3、是被子弹打中一样。它栖息潮湿的低地热带雨林,从尼加拉瓜南部到巴拉圭。子弹蚁被本地人称为“24小时蚂蚁”,指的是被蜇后会伴随着24个小时的痛苦。,这些一英寸长的昆虫的名字是根据它们的毒刺命名的,被它们叮后产生的痛感,就像被子弹射中一样。大部分科学家称,这种昆虫的毒刺使人产生的痛感最为剧烈。辛辛那提动物园无脊椎动物、爬行动物和两栖动物馆馆长兰迪摩根马说:“我曾被子弹蚁叮咬过,我感觉与其他毒虫相比,那种痛感是最剧烈的。它能持续2到3个小时,我一直感觉好像有人用棒球棍重重地击打我,那种疼痛深入骨髓,令人难以忍受。”子弹蚁在施密特刺痛指数(Schmidt Sting PainIndex)上的得分最高,这

4、个指数是由西南生物学研究所所长贾斯廷施密特制作的,该指数图表把不同昆虫的致痛因素进行对比。他是如何知道这些昆虫的刺痛程度呢?为了制作这个指数表,他亲自尝试了各种毒虫的叮咬。施密特刺痛指数这样描述了子弹蚁的刺痛,“不参杂任何成分的剧烈疼痛。就像赤脚走在火红的木炭上,而且还有3英寸长生锈的钉子扎入脚后跟里。”南美洲的一个本土部落(子弹蚁的产地)用子弹蚁对本部的年轻人进行严格考验年轻人必须戴上有数百只发怒的子弹蚁的手套。这些年轻人不仅每次要让子弹蚁叮咬10分钟,而且还要不断重复20次。但是对他们来说幸运的是,虽然这种昆虫叮咬后非常疼痛,但是它不会留下永久性损伤。,蚂蚁中的战斗蚁,箱形水母,Box j

5、ellyfish (class Cubozoa) are cnidarian invertebrates distinguished by their cube-shaped medusae. Box jellyfish are known for the extremely potent venom produced by some species: Chironex fleckeri, Carukia barnesi and Malo kingi are among the most venomous creatures in the world. Stings from these an

6、d a few other species in the class are extremely painful and sometimes fatal to humans,箱型水母(类立方水母纲)是区分他们的立方水母的刺细胞动物无脊椎动物。箱型水母被称为是能产生极强的毒液的一些物种:Chironex fleckeri, carukia barnesi和Malo kingi是世界上最恶毒的动物。被这些或是其他一些种类的水母蛰到是极其痛苦的,有些时候对人类来说是致命的。,这些透明的海洋生物是热带海滩上的毒物。它们被认为是动物界里非常危险的一种生物,它们的触须包含剧毒,可致人类丧命。而且这种毒液可

7、引起令人无法忍受的剧烈疼痛。箱形水母的触须会向受害者的皮肤里释放很多毒针,每个毒针都包含一种致痛因子,因此它被称为“世上最令人痛苦的毒刺”。马里兰大学医学院皮肤科以前的负责人约瑟夫波内特博士说:“毫无疑问它们确实那么厉害。子弹蚁简直无法跟它相比。”圣地亚哥动物园爬行动物和两栖动物馆长丹鲍威尔表示,虽然箱形水母的毒刺看起来就是一个防御工具,但是“它们不仅利用这些毒刺折磨海滩上的人,而且还利用它们捕杀猎物,例如小虾。”因为奋力挣扎的小虾很容易对箱形水母脆弱的身躯产生破坏,因此它必须快速杀死小虾。,海洋中的温柔杀手,响尾蛇和它们的近亲,Rattlesnakes are a group of veno

8、mous snakes of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus1 of the subfamily Crotalinae (pit vipers). There are 32 known species of rattlesnake, with between 65-70 subspecies,2 all native to the Americas, ranging from southern Alberta and southern British Columbia in Canada to Central Argentina.Rattlesnakes a

9、re predators who live in a wide array of habitats, hunting small animals such as birds and rodents. They kill their prey with a venomous bite, rather than by constricting. All rattlesnakes possess a set of fangs with which they inject large quantities of hemotoxic venom. The venom travels through th

10、e bloodstream, destroying tissue and causing swelling, internal bleeding, and intense pain. Some species, such as the Mojave Rattlesnake, additionally possess a neurotoxic component in their venom that causes paralysis and other nervous symptoms.The threat of envenomation, advertised by the loud sha

11、king of the titular noisemaker at the end of their tail, deters many predators. However, rattlesnakes fall prey to hawks, weasels, king snakes, and a variety of other species. Very large numbers of rattlesnakes are killed by humans. Rattlesnake populations in many areas are severely threatened by ha

12、bitat destruction, poaching, and extermination campaigns.,响尾蛇是一类剧毒的蛇,属于响尾蛇属的亚科蝮亚科(“毒蛇”)。有32种已知的响尾蛇,以及65 - 70亚种,它们全部原产于美洲,从阿尔伯塔南部和南部的英国哥伦比亚到加拿大中部阿根廷。响尾蛇是食肉动物,生活在一个广泛的栖息地,狩猎小动物如鸟类和啮齿动物。他们杀死猎物的方式是有毒的一咬,而不是收缩身体使食物窒息。响尾蛇的毒牙中拥有大量血毒素的毒液。毒液通过血液,破坏组织,造成肿胀,内部出血和剧烈的疼痛。一些物种,如莫哈韦响尾蛇,具有另外毒性成分的毒液来麻痹神经。响尾蛇最大的威力是他们后


14、尾蛇咬伤后,也产生了相同感觉。她说:“我感觉到剧烈的灼烧感,好像有人在用烙铁烧我,但是身上永远不会留下烙印。”被这种毒蛇咬伤后之所以会产生剧烈疼痛,是因为它的毒液具有破坏组织的作用,它能分解细胞壁,引起内出血。毒液流经身体各部位,不断对身体造成破坏,因此痛感也会越来越剧烈。可对组织产生破坏作用的毒蛇的毒液,并不是专门用来对付人类的,而是用来消化食物的。蛇在捕捉啮齿动物、鸟类和其他猎物时,毒液能帮助它们快速分解猎物的组织,方便它们把猎物吞下肚。,冷血杀手,赤魟,The red stingray (Dasyatis akajei) is a species of stingray in the f

15、amily Dasyatidae, found in the northwestern Pacific Ocean off Japan, Korea, and China, and possibly elsewhere. It primarily inhabits shallow, sandy habitats close to shore, and has been known to enter brackish water. The red stingray has a diamond-shaped pectoral fin disc and gains its common name f

16、rom its bright orange-red underside; there may also be patches of orange at various spots on its upper surface. Most individuals are no more than 1 m (3.3 ft) long.Feeding mainly on crustaceans and bony fishes, the red stingray plays a key ecological role as an apex predator in its environment. Repr

17、oduction is aplacental viviparous, with females giving birth to 1 or up to 10 pups at a time. The red stingray is valued as food in Japan; large numbers are caught as bycatch and brought to market, which has seemingly led to a population decline in this unprolific species. As a result, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has assessed it as Near Threatened.,



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