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1、福建省厦门市同安区部分学校2016-2017学年七年级英语下学期期中联考试题第一部分(选择题)I. 听音理解 (共三节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅画中选出与句子内容相符的选项。(每个句子读两遍)第二节 听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A, B, C 三个选项中选出正确答案。 (每段对话读2遍。)听第1段对话,回答第6小题。6.What does the boy usually do at 6:30 a.m.?A. He runs. B. He gets up.C. He has breakfast.听第2段对话,回答第7小题。

2、7. What time does Ricky have dinner ?A. At six in the morning.B. At six in the evening. C. At eight in the evening.听第3段对话,回答第8小题。8. What does the boy want to know?A. The girls phone number. B. The girls e-mail address. C. The girls school address.听第4段对话,回答第9小题。9. What does the girl think of the tige

3、rs?A. They are cute.B. They are funny. C. They are scary.听第5段对话,回答第10小题。10. Where does Jenny usually have dinner?A. At home. B. In her school. C. In her grandparents home.听第6段对话,回答第1112小题。11. When may it be?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon . C. In the evening.12. Where do they want to go?A. Th

4、e zoo. B. The school. C. The park.听第7段对话,回答第1315小题。13. What club does the boy want to join?A. The swimming club.B. The English club.C. The chess club.14. Whats the boys name?A. Peter Black. B. Peter Simth. C. Tom Simth.15. How old is the boy?A. 13 years old. B. 14 years old. C. 15 years old.注意:请将该题的

5、答案书写在答题卡的第二部分第三节:听短文 根据短文内容及要求完成表格,每空一词(读三遍)The 48 at homeAfter schoolDo her 49 and cant go out on school nights.After dinnerWatch TV for half an hour after washing the dishes.At night Mary usually reads, but has to be in bed before 50 .Every weekend Practice the 51 in the music club.II. 语言知识应用:(共两节

6、, 20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)第一节 单项选择 从每小题所给的A, B, C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 (每小题1分,满分14分)( ) 16. The following word _ matches the sound tkA. tallB. talk C. take( ) 17. Do you often play _ soccer with your friends? No, I dont like sports. I often play _ piano in my free time.A. a; the B. the; / C. /; the ( ) 18

7、. My friend Frank sings well and he is _ good at dancing.A. not B. also C. too( ) 19.Oh, Tommy, you cant eat too much ice-cream. Sorry,mum. But it _really delicious.A. looks B. sounds C. tastes( ) 20. _ does it take you to go to school? Its about 20 minutes. A. How B. How long C. How far ( ) 21. If

8、a6, b5, whats the answer to the question a2ab1?_. A. Sixty-seven B. Forty-five C. One hundred ( ) 22. Miss Smith is good _ music, and she is good _ children in the music club.Aat; with Bfor; at Cwith; at ( ) 23. What do you think of the hot TV drama Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms? Well, I am bu

9、sy every day, so I _ watch TV dramas like this. A. always B. usually C. never ( ) 24. There is a new library _the park _ the supermarket. A. from, to B. either, or C. between, and ( ) 25. What can you do, Jenny? I can _ well. A. sing B. singing C. to sing ( ) 26. People in the _ are really friendly,

10、 they always treat us like their kids. A. river B. village C. bridge ( ) 27. Please be quiet. My little child _. A. goes to bedB. is sleepingC. is going to school ( ) 28. The roads are very busy these days. Thats too bad. I have to get up _ to get to school on time. A. late B. well C. early( ) 29. A

11、pple Pay(苹果支付) is a new way to buy things. Can you _ me how to use it? No problem. A. bring B. show C. join第二节 完形填空 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 (每小题1分,满分6分)Krocs family is very poor(穷),so he works in a restaurant(餐馆) to make some money after school. The boss(老板) asks 30 to clean the tables eve

12、ry day. Kroc is very unhappy. One day Kroc 31 home late. After dinner, Kroc says to his father, “I dont want to go to the restaurant tomorrow. I want to be a boss. I dont want to clean the tables every day.” His father 32 nothing. He asks Kroc to clean the table. Kroc cleans the table quickly. Then

13、his father wipes(擦) the table with a white cloth(布)and the cloth becomes(变得) very dirty. His father says to his son, Ray Kroc, “It is easy for you to clean a table, 33 you cant clean it very well. 34 can you be the boss?” Ray Krocs face gets red.He never forgets his fathers words(话). 35 that, he uses five cloths each time to clean the tables. He wo



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