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1、绝密启用前 浙江省名校新高考研究联盟2012届第二次联考自选模块试题卷命题单位:浙江省名校新高考研究联盟成员校本试题卷共18 个题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和测试号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸上。 2将选定的题号按规定要求先用2B铅笔填写在答题纸上的“题号”框内,确定后再用签字笔或钢笔描黑,否则,答题视为无效。 3考生可任选6道题作答;所答试题应与题号一致;多答视为无效。语 文题号:01“中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)阅读下面的文字,完成后面的题目。(10分) 跋李庄简公家书陆 游李丈参政罢政归乡里,时某年二十矣。时时来访先君,剧谈终

2、日。每言秦氏,必曰“咸阳”,愤切慷慨,形于色辞。一日平旦来,共饭,谓先君曰:“闻赵相过岭,悲忧出涕。仆不然,谪命下,青鞋布袜行矣,岂能作儿女态耶?”方言此时,目如炬,声如钟,其英伟刚毅之气,使人兴起。后四十年,偶读公家书虽徒海表,气不少衰,丁宁训戒之语,皆足垂范百世。犹想见其青鞋布袜时也。淳熙戊申五月已未,笠泽陆某题。1. 从文章中找出作者写这篇跋文目的的语句。(3分) 2. 赏析这篇序跋文中塑造的人物形象。(7分) 题号:02“中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)阅读下面的文字,然后完成后面的题目。(10分)半 棵 树牛汉真的,我看见过半棵树/在一个荒凉的山丘上/像一个人/为了避开迎面的风暴

3、/侧着身子挺立着它是被二月的一次雷电/从树尖到树根/齐楂楂劈掉了半边/春天来到的时候/半棵树仍然直直的挺立着/长满了青青的枝叶半棵树/还是一整棵树那样高/还是一整棵树那样伟岸/人们说/雷电还要来劈它/因为它还是那么直那么高/雷电从远远的天边盯住了它请简要赏析诗歌中运用的象征手法及其表达效果。(不少于150字)(10分) 数 学题号:03“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10分)(1)求不等式的解集;(2)已知是正数,且满足,求的最小值.ks5u 题号:04“矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10分)已知抛物线:,抛物线:,直线:(为参数),记抛物线与抛物线围成的封闭曲线为C,直线与曲线C交于、两点

4、(在的上方).(1)当时,试用表示;(2)当时,探究是否为常数.英 语题号:05阅读理解(分两节,共5小题:每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文后的要求答题。Man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it is of books or of

5、men. 1 . It is the same today that it always was,and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth and comforting and cons

6、oling us in age.Men often discover their close relation to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this:“Love me

7、, love my book.” 2 . Men can think, feel and sympathize with each other through their favorite authors. They live in him together, and he in them.A good book is often the best container of a life treasuring the best that life could think out; for the world of a mans life is, for the most part, but t

8、he world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues deca

9、y, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors minds ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad p

10、roducts. 3 .Books introduce us into the best society. 4 . We hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which t

11、hey describe.The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which one still listens.第一节 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D和E 中选出最适合填入短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A. They bring us into the presence of the greate

12、st minds that have ever lived B. All the books can long survive and inspire us greatly C. The book is a truer and higher bond of union D. Nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good E. A good book may be among the best of friends第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下列问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。5. What

13、 message does the passage convey?_题号:06填空 阅读下面短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。高考资源网 Susan, I am very worried about a problem I am having at work. I hope you will be able to give me some advice.I have been working in an office for two months now. It is my first job 1 I left univers

14、ity, so I am very eager to succeed in it. Recently I noticed one of my workmates 2 (take) a large number of office supplies from the cupboard and putting them into his bag. When I asked him what he was doing, he said it was 3 of my business. As I was new, I didnt like to say any 4 about this problem.Then a terrible thing happened. Today our manager found that the cupboard was almost 5 and called everyb


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