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1、第1章 切削加工基础知识1.1切削加工概述切削cutting; 加工 machining; 金属切削 metal cutting (metal removal);金属切削工艺 metal-removal process; 金属工艺学 technology of metals;机器制造machine-building;机械加工 machining; 冷加工 cold machining;热加工 hot working;工件 workpiece;切屑chip;常见的加工方法 universal machining method;钻削drilling; 镗削 boring;车削 turning;磨削

2、grinding;铣削 milling;刨削 planning;插削slotting;锉filing ; 划线lineation; 錾切carving; 锯sawing; 刮削facing;钻孔boring; 攻丝 tap;1.2零件表面构成及成形方法变形力 deforming force;变形 deformation;几何形状 geometrical;尺寸dimension;精度 precision;表面光洁度surface finish;共轭曲线 conjugate curve;范成法 generation method;轴 shaft;1.3机床的切削运动及切削要素主运动 main mo

3、vement;主运动方向 direction of main movement; 进给方向 direction of feed;进给运动 feed movement;合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed;合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting;合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting ;切削速度 cutting speed;传动 drive/transmission;切削用量 cutting parameters;切削速度 cutting speed;切削深度 dept

4、h of cut;进给速度 feed force;切削功率 cutting power;1.4金属切削刀具合金工具钢alloy tool steel; 高速钢 high-speed steel;硬质合金 hard alloy; 易加工 ease of manufacturing ;切削刀具 cutting tool;刀具 cutter;车刀 lathe tool;主切削刃 main cutting edge;副切削刃assistant cutting edge; 刀体 tool body ;刀柄tool shank;前刀面 rake face;主后刀面 major flank;刀尖 nose

5、of tool;主剖面系tool orthogonal plane system;切削平面 tool cutting edge plane;主剖面 tool orthogonal plane;切削宽度 width of the uncut chip;进给平面系 assumed working plane system;加工表面 transient surface;前角 rake angle;后角 clearance angle;主偏角 tool cutting edge angle;刀尖角nose angle; 1.5刀具切削过程及磨削机理塑性变形 plastic distortion; 微观

6、组织,显微结构microstructure ;切削力cutting force;切削温度 cutting temperature;积屑瘤built-up edge; 刀尖磨损nose wear; 月牙洼crater;残留应力residual stress;应力 stress;硬度 rigidity;磨削grinding;砂轮 grinding wheel;磨粒grain;剪切 shear;摩擦 friction;内力 internal force;1.61.8 切削加工质量、材料的切削加工性、切削液的选择加工精度 machining accuracy;表面质量 surface finish;工

7、艺性能technological performance; 材料切削加工性指标 machinability index of material; 切削液 cutting fluid ; 切削油 cutting oil;1.9 件的装夹及夹具定位梢 dowel;定位 allocation;机床夹具 jig;组装线Assembly line;机械零件 mechanical parts;钳工 locksmith;精加工 finish machining;粗加工 rough machining; 气动夹紧 pneuma-lock;同心,同心度concentricity ;垂直度perpendicula

8、r;基准 benchmark;基准线 reference line;夹具fixture; 通用夹具 universal fixture;专用夹具 Fixture for special purpose;可调夹具adjustable fixture;组合夹具 modular fixture; 工序 process;设计基准designing datum;工艺基准 datum features in process;1.10 金属切削机床机床 machine tool;机床运动 motion of machine;机床型号 machine tool model;机床加工精度 machining a

9、ccuracy of machine tool;车床 lathe; 普通车床engine lathe; 卧式车床horizontal lathe; 立式车床 vertical lathe;钻床drill press;镗床boring machine;铣床 milling machine;磨床 grinder(grinding machine);牛头刨床shaper; 龙门刨床planer;插床 slotting machine(slotter); 第2章 常用加工方法综述及加工方案选择一、 车削车削 turning;车刀 lathe tool ;车床 lathe ;普通车床engine lat

10、he; 卧式车床horizontal lathe; 立式车床 vertical lathe; 仿形车床 duplicating lathe (copy lathe); 转塔车床turret lathe;细长轴 long slender shaft纵向车削 straight turning;锥体车削 taper turning;仿形车削 contour turning; 端面车削 facing;回转表面 surface of revolution; 平面 flat surface;圆面round surface ;仿形表面contoured surface ; 退刀槽recess ;卡盘 chu

11、ck; 尾架tailstock;床头箱,主轴箱headstock; 销 pin;卡箍 bar clasp;花盘faceplate;主轴 spindle;二、钻削钻削drilling;钻床drill press; 钻头 drill; 锪孔counter boring; 内表面internal surface ; 铰孔、扩孔reaming; 攻丝 tapping; 孔加工 spot facing machining;铰 ream;铰刀 reamer;盲孔blind hole;麻花钻 twist drill;埋头孔countersink; 锥柄taper shank;三、镗削镗削 bore;镗床bo

12、ring machine;镗杆boring bar ;纵向镗削straight boring;表面光洁度surface finish; 卧式镗孔机horizontal boring machine; 四、铣削 铣削mill;铣床 milling machine ;铣刀 milling cutter;缝Slot ;槽groove;平面 flat surface; 圆面round surface ;仿形表面contoured surface;周铣Peripheral milling ;端铣face milling; multi model miller; 靠模铣床; copy milling ma

13、chine; 仿形铣床 ; contouring machine; 五、磨削磨削grinding;磨床 grinder(grinding machine);外圆磨削 external grinding;内圆磨削 internal grinding(cylindrical grinding);平面磨削 plane grinding abrasive;外圆磨床cylindrical grinding machine; 平面磨床surface grinder;外圆磨床cylindrical grinding machine ; 内圆磨床internal cylindrical machine; 成形

14、磨床form grinding machine;仿形磨床copy grinding machine ; 万能工具磨床universal tool grinding machine; 六、拉削 拉削broaching; 拉床 broaching machine;拉刀 broaching tool; 外表面拉削 external surface broaching;内表面拉削internal surface broaching;多功能机床 multifunction machine;多齿刀具 multitooth tool;切屑槽 chip gullet; 七、刨削刨削planning;牛头刨床shaper; 龙门刨床planer;龙门刨削 planning;旋臂刨床 radial drilling machine ;仿形刨床copy shaping machine; 八、齿轮加工齿轮加工gear machining;齿轮 gear; 滚齿 gear hobbing;滚齿刀 hobbing cutter;直齿圆柱齿轮 straight tooth



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