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1、-五年级英语下册期中测试卷姓名 班级 分数 听力部分一、听一听,圈出你听到的单词。(10分)1. bicycle truck 2. stand sit 3. point play 4. sleep song 5. hard hurt 6. baby boy 7. quick quiet 8. Tiananmen Square Palace Museum 9. play cards fly a kite 10. go shopping buy gift二、听一听,按顺序在相应的图片下标号。(10分)() () () () ()三、听一听,连一连。(10分)My mother feels scar

2、ed.Danny see a restaurant.Li Ming is reading a newspaper.Jenny is not hungry.Kim likes some soup.四、听一听,完成句子。(10分)Danny is sleeping. Hes .I would like milk. Is it? Its Jenny.Jenny is ing. She is . 笔试部分一、看图补全单词。(10分)ca m n wo peo chil 二、写出反义词。(10分)slowly-( ) loudly-( ) slow-( ) these-( ) this-( )三、看图,

3、将单词序号标在相应的位置。(13分)1. arm 11. ear2. nose 12. shoulder3. elbow 13. face4. eye5. leg6. foot7. hand 8. head9. knee10. mouth四、读一读,选一选。(10分)( ) 1. The bicycle goes . A. quick B. quickly( ) 2. Would you like tea? A. a B. an C. some( ) 3. I am . I am quiet. A. crying B. standing( ) 4. What time is it now? .

4、 A. Its 7:00. B. Its on the desk.( ) 5. The children are laughing . A. quietly B.loudly五、看图完成句子。(3分) 1. E is walking. Jenny: I can he you.2. Danny: I hu my nose。 六、仿照例子写句子。(4分)1. This is hard. 2. I like fish. 七、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误。(10分)This is our classroom. Its very big and bright(明亮的). I like it very

5、much. There are twenty desks in the classroom. And there are nineteen boys and eleven girls in our classroom. Mr. Wang is our teacher. He is a good teacher.1. Our classroom is very big. ( )2. There are twelve desks in the classroom. ( )3. Mr. Wang is our teacher. ( )4. There are thirty children in the classroom. ( )5. Mr. Wang is a good woman. ( )-



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