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1、,第2讲 七年级(上) Units 59,七年级(上) Units 59 (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分),综合能力提高 一、单项选择(10分) 1. _ man in a black hat is my PE. teacher. He often plays_ soccer with us. A. A; the B. The; a C. The; / D. A; / 【解析】考查冠词的用法。名词man后有作后置定语的介词 短语修饰,表特指,因此用定冠词the;play与球类名词连 用时其前不加冠词。 【答案】C,2. When is _? Its July 16th. A. Child

2、rens Day B. May Day C. Teachers Day D. your birthday 【解析】考查节日及日期。A、B、C 三个节日都在固定的 日期,与所给答语不符,故选D。 【答案】D,3. Physics _ more difficult than Chinese, do you think so? Yes, I think so. A. is B. are C. has D. have 【解析】句意为“物理比语文难学多了,你认为是这样 吗?”physics在此作为一门学科,谓语动词应用单数形式 is,故选A。 【答案】A,4. (2016北京)_ are these b

3、ananas? $3.99. A. How much B. How long C. How heavy D. How big 【解析】考查特殊疑问词的用法。根据答语的价格信息可知, 问句询问的是“这些香蕉多少钱?”故How much符合题意。 【答案】A,5. Mum, what are you cooking? It _ so sweet. 【导学号35490032】 A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【解析】考查系动词辨析。taste“尝起来”;feel“摸起来”; sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。说话人还不知道妈妈 在煮什么,故只能

4、闻到味道。 【答案】D,6. Will you please take a message for the head teacher? _. A. It doesnt matter B. Sure, Ill be glad to C. Yes, Ill take D. I can help you 【解析】考查交际用语。It doesnt matter.“没关系”;Sure, Ill be glad to.“当然可以,很乐意效劳”;Yes, Ill take.“好的,我可以(捎个口信)”; I can help you.“我能帮 你”。C项和D项用于交际用语语气较生硬,故排除。句意 为“请你给

5、班主任捎个口信好吗?”“当然可以了,很乐 意效劳。”故选B。 【答案】B,7. The singer felt very sorry and decided he would never drive again after drinking. The traffic accident was really a _ to him. A. game B. pleasure C. skill D. lesson 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。be a lesson to sb.意为“对于某 人来说是一个教训”。 【答案】D,8. (2016成都)Teachers Day is _ September 1

6、0. A. in B. on C. at 【解析】考查介词的用法。在具体的某一天要用介词on,故 选B。 【答案】B,9. Math is as interesting as English, I think. _. English is more interesting than math. 【导学号35490033】 A. I think so B. I dont think so C. I hope so D. I dont hope so 【解析】考查交际用语。I think so.“我认为如此”;I dont think so.“我认为并非如此”;I hope so.“我希望如此”;

7、I dont hope so.一般用I hope not.代替,意为“我不希望如 此。”由下句句意“英语比数学有趣。”及上句句意“我 认为数学和英语一样有趣。”可推测,答语为“我认为不 是这样的。”故选B。 【答案】B,10. Hi, Betty. Your skirt looks beautiful. _ A. Really? B. Oh, no. C. Thanks a lot. D. Yes, it is. 【解析】考查交际用语。当别人赞美自己时,应该向对方说 “谢谢”。 【答案】C,1Acrazy Bbeautiful Clazy Dugly 【解析】人们说她“漂亮”,像一个洋娃娃,故

8、所缺的词是beautiful。 【答案】B 2Athink Bhope Csuggest Dask 【解析】我们一起出去的时候,人们经常“以为”我比她年龄大,故所缺的词是think。 【答案】A,3Awrong Bwelcome Cimportant Dinteresting 【解析】甚至在出事的时候,Connie也是乐观的。go wrong意为“出错;出故障”。 【答案】A 4Alessons Bsymbols Cnovels Dresults 【解析】上周她知道了考试“结果”,故所缺的词是results。 【答案】D,5Astupid Binterested Csad Dglad 【解析】

9、结合上文的描述可知,她考得不太好,由此可推断,我原本以为她会“伤心”,故所缺的词是sad。 【答案】C 6Aalthough Bif Cbefore Deven though 【解析】每天放学后,“如果”老师在办公室有空,她就会向他们求助,故所缺的词是if。 【答案】B,7Asees Blikes Cwakes Dcatches 【解析】结合上文中提到的“Connie和别人相处得都很和睦。”可知,我家里的每个人都“喜欢”她,故所缺的词是likes。 【答案】B 8Asuddenly Bearly Crecently Dtogether 【解析】当你听到她笑的时候,你会自然地“一起”笑,故所缺的

10、词是together。 【答案】D,9Abetter Bangrier Cbusier Dheavier 【解析】当我觉得不开心的时候,我会和Connie聊聊,她会使我感觉“更好”,故所缺的词是better。 【答案】A 10Apurpose Bopinion Cfriendship Dhabit 【解析】我觉得我和Connie之间的“友谊”是很珍贵的,故所缺的词是friendship。 【答案】C,1You _ learning English. Alike Bhate 【答案】A 2You often _. Aremember new words quite well Bforget ne

11、w words quickly 【答案】A,3In your English class, you are _. Aactive and relaxed Bshy and nervous 【答案】B 4While reading, you feel _. AOK even if you dont know all the words Buncomfortable unless you know all the words 【答案】B,5In writing, you _. Amake few grammar mistakes Bdont know how to use grammar rules in a right way 【答案】B What is your result? The more “A”s youve got, the better an English learner you are. 5 “A”s:Well done. You are a top English learner! 34 “A”s: Not bad. You are a fair English learner. 02 “A”s: Dont give up. Find a way that suits you to learn better.,Yours, Liu Yun,



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