八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you packed yet?Reading课件

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1、Unit 8 Have you packed it yet? Reading,Who is he?,Why did he come to visit Xian?,Because Xian is his hometown, the place where his ancestors lived.,Where does he live?,Lian Zhan,Taiwan,go back to the place where your ancestors lived, worked, studied and played,Ningbo is the place where Stephen Chous

2、 ancestors lived,Do you know where your own ancestors come from?,Family roots,a overseas Chinese,She has come to look for her families roots.,Before You Read,Discuss these questions:,Do you, or someone you know, have family members who lived outside China?,2. Have you ever talked about your ancestor

3、s with your family?,3. Do you think “ancestors” are important?,Reading Task,Hes already visited the place where his ancestors lived. 根据课本第116-117页的短文完成下列表格,每空词数不限。,The local government,Two weeks,going to their ancestors village,16 and 25,Chinese culture,“In Search of Roots”,1. What is it? It is the

4、name of a summer camp program to help young overseas Chinese to look for their family roots.,2. Who organized it? It is organized by the local government of Guangdong Province. 3. When did the program start? It started in 1980.,4. How successful is the program? It has brought thousands of overseas C

5、hinese students to China, their homeland.,5. What are the camp members like? They are usually between 16 and 25 years old, can hardly speak Chinese and have never been to China before.,6. Where are they from?,Canada,America,Robert Qian,Cathy Qin,7. What do they do during their stay in China?,.,study

6、 Chinese culture,see the changes,visit interesting sights,watch the villagers do their daily activities,go to their ancestors villages,drink village well,take walks,8. Whats the purpose of the program?,The purpose of the program is to give young overseas Chinese the chance to learn more about themse

7、lves.,9. Have they realized their purpose? Yes. 1) Theyve enjoyed the trip. 2) Theyve begun to understand their Chinese roots and who they are.,3) Theyve known more about their ancestors and homeland. 4) Its an important step for them. They are looking forward to finding out more about their roots.,

8、Imagine you are Robert. After returning from China, you write a letter to your good friend about the “In search of Roots”.,Dear , I have just returned from a two-week trip to Guangdong Province in Southern China. In the past fourteen days,I have been to my ancestors village. There, we studied Chines

9、e culture, saw changes that had happened in that area, and visited the interesting things. Thanks to this trip, I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots, Now I am proud of being a Chinese boy. Robert.,Fill in blanks.,1. You can not see the _(根)of a tree. 2. Do you think money is the _(根源)of all

10、 evil? 3. HuangDi is one of our _(祖先). 4. Going to college is an important _ in his life(转折点). 5. The visitors are _(主要地)Americans.,root,source,ancestors,turning point,mostly,6. I _(深深地感动)by what he said. 7. The policemen _(搜寻)the murderer now. 8. The expert are trying to_(使变清) the water in this riv

11、er. 9. After dinner, you must _(收拾, 清理)the table. 10. Sima Qian is a famous _(历史学家).,was deeply moved,are searching for,clarify,clear,historian,Put the following sentences into English. 今年我去过那里两次。 I have been there twice this year. 2. 到现在我只学了一千英语单词。 Up till now I have only learned a thousand English

12、 words. 3. 这学期他不太用功。 He hasnt worked very hard this term.,4. 今天我什么东西都还没吃。 I havent eaten anything today. 5. 你看过这样的电影了吗? Have you ever seen any film like this? 6. 这是我看过的最有意思的书。 This is the most interesting book I have ever read.,2014年暑假期间我到一家饭店打工,给饭店刷盘子,打扫卫生。每天工作7个小时,为期4周,赚了200元钱。这项工作辛苦而枯燥,我感到很疲劳,但从中体验到了生活之不易。,Homework,每想到新学期我将能用自己赚的钱买书,便感到非常的骄傲与自豪 要求: 1. 语言通顺,流畅,语法正确; 2. 适当发挥,谈谈自己的感想; 3. 词数为80词左右。,


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