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1、-三年级下册英语期末模拟试卷(二)时间:60分钟 分值:100分 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的词。 (10分)(原创题) ( ) 1.A.door B.window C.book ( ) 2.A.she B.this C.he ( ) 3.A.schoolbag B.pencil case C.pencil ( ) 4.A.cow B.duck C.chicken ( ) 5.A.these apples B.those oranges C.that pear ( ) 6.A.come in B.wake up C.stand up ( ) 7.A.Hes my father.

2、 B. Hes my uncle. C.Hes my brother. ( )8.A.Whos this? B. Whos he? C.Whos she? ( ) 9.A.What time is it? B. What are these? C.What are those? ( )10.A.How old are you? B. Whos that man? C.Whos that woman?二、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符,相符的写“”,不相符的写“”。 (5 分)(改编题)1. 2. 3 ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( )三、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(5分)(改

3、编题) ( ) 1.A. Its a duck. B. Theyre cows. ( ) 2.A. Hes behind the door. B. Its in the tree. ( ) 3.A. Yes , it is. B. No, that isnt. ( ) 4. A. Im nine. B. Its nine oclock. ( )5. A . Yes, they are. B. Those are pears.四、听录音,判断所听内容与所给句子是否一致,一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”。(5分) ( )1. Whos that girl? ( )2. What are those

4、 under the tree? ( )3. Its on your book. ( )4. Now its behind the chair. ( )5. How old is he?五、听录音,写单词,完成句子,每空一词。(5分)(创新题) 1.Its time for . 2.What are ? They are trees. 3.Id like an T-shirt. 4.Bobby,heres your .5. the door ,please. 笔试部分(70分)一、从每组中找出不同类的单词。(10分)(改编题) ( )1.A.chair B. bird C. desk ( )2

5、.A .drink B. eat C.boy ( )3.A.dinner B. bag C. breakfast ( )4.A .three B. in C. one ( )5.A .cow B. hot dog C.pig 2、 请写出下列所给短语相应的中文或英文。(10分)(改编题) 1.在门的后面 6.in the tree 2.那个女孩 7.wake up 3.五个梨 8.How lovely! 4.打开书本 _ 9.on the farm _ 5.上课 _ 10.listen to _三、根据情景,选择最佳答案。(10分)(创新题) ( ) 1. 你上课迟到了,听到老师说什么你可以进

6、教室: A. Open the door. B. Sit down,please. C. Come in , please. ( ) 2.你想让别人动作快点,你会说: A. Wake up. B.Stand up. C.Hurry up.( ) 3. 当你发现自己做错了事情后,你应该说: A. Im sorry. B. Would you like a pie? C.Dont sleep. ( ) 4. 在图书馆看书,有人在喊,你应该对她/他说: A. Dont talk. B. Dont shout. C. Dont run ( ) 5.你想告诉你同学这不是你的书包,你会说: A. This

7、 isnt my pencil. B. That isnt my bag. C. This isnt my schoolbag. ( ) 6. 你想告诉别人小鸟现在在树上,你会说: A. Wheres the bird ? B. Its in the tree now. C. Its on the tree now. ( ) 7.营业员把东西拿给你时,他会说: A. Here you are. B. How old are you? C. Im nine ( ) 8.填写资料时,别人要知道你的年龄,会问你: A.How old are you? B. Who is he ? C. Where

8、are you? ( ) 9.你不知道现在什么时间,你会问: A. Where is the time? B. What time is it? C. What is it? ( )10.当你欢迎客人来到你的学校,你会说: A. This is my school. B.Its time for school. C. Welcome to my school.4、 单项选择(10分)(创新题) ( )1. that woman? Shes my aunt. A. What B. Whos C. Who ( )2.What are these? - . A .Its a pig. B. An i

9、ce cream. C.Cows. ( )3.Look at the A.lunch box B. blackboard C. schoolbag ( )4Its six oclock in the afternoon. Its time for_ A. dinner B. breakfast C.lunch( )5.Im nine.What about you? - . A. Im fine. B. Im eleven. C.Shes eleven.( )6.Look! The cows are . A. on the farm B. in the library C. in the box( )7. nice cap! A. How B. What C. What a ( )8. Its time bed. A. for B. to C. at ( )9. Is that her skirt ? Yes, . A. she is B. he is. C. it is ( )10 . Look , the apple is_ the tree. A. in B. on C. under



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