外研版下册分练习modulerules and suggestions

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1、Module 5 Rules and suggestionsUnit 1 You must keep to the pathI. 根据首字母提示写出单词1. Any helpful s_ would be welcome.2. Are you all c_ now about what you have to do?3. The r_ of the game are quite simple.4. She is a tour guide, so she always 1_ the way while visiting the Science Museum.5. Its one oclock n

2、ow. You must be s_! Could I get you something to eat?. 单项选择1. -May I swim in the lake, Dad?-No, you _. Look! Here is a notice “No swimming!”A. may not B. mightnt C. mustnt D. neednt2. -Could I borrow your dictionary?-Of course you _.A. call B. must C. should D. will3. -I cant stop smoking, doctor.-F

3、or your health, Im afraid you _.A. may B. need C. have to D. must4. -Is there a table for 4, please?-_, please. Is the one near the backdoor, OK?A. Take your time B. This way C. You are welcome D. After you5. Go _ the bridge. Youll find the library on the left.A. cross B. across C. through D. pastII

4、I. 选用合适的情态动词填空should, shouldnt, can, cant, have to, neednt, might, may must mustnt 1. As students, we _ obey the school rules.2. Put on warm clothes. You _ feel cold later on.3. I missed the bus, so I _ take a taxi.4. I think children _ really learn to respect their elders. 5.-Lets go to the concert

5、 together.-Sorry, I _. I _ go to a meeting6. Children _ play near the street. Its dangerous.7. -Must I return the book tomorrow morning?-No, you _. You _ keep it for three days.8. -May I try on the jeans?-Yes, you _. 根据汉语提示完成句子1. 听着!我有重要的事情告诉大家。_ _ ! I have something important to tell you.2. 顺着小路走你就

6、会及时到达那里的。_ _ the path -you will get there on time.3. 你领头,我们跟着。If you _ _ _, well follow.4. 你注意到她什么时候离开的吗?Did you notice when she _ _?5. 作为一名学生,独立完成作业是非常重要的。As a student, its very important to finish our homework _ _ _.拓展提升V. 根据下面通知,在横线处填写适当的内容补全对话There will be a science report in Dongfang Huge Plays

7、 Theatre on Sunday morning. Here is a notice to the audience.Notice to the audiencePlease bring your ticket. If you dont have your ticket, you cant go into the hall. Dont run or shout in the hall. If you do, youll have to leave.Dont wear slippers. If you do, the workers wont let you in.Keep your mob

8、ile phone off. If you dont, you will bother others.Please dont bring your under 12-year-old children here. If they come, I they wont understand the report.Keep the hall clean. Dont throw your rubbish around. Or the hall will be dirty.Dont bring any food into the hall. If you do, the workers will tak

9、e it away.A: Are you free tomorrow?B: Yes. Why?A: Are you going to listen to _1_?B: Where?A: _2_ I have two tickets. Would you like to go with me?B: Great, Id love to. But I have to take my little nephew there.A: _3_B: What will happen_4_?A: He cant understand the report. He cant keep quiet.B: Yes,

10、you are right. Lets bring some food.A: Oh, we cant do that. If we bring some food, _5_.B: Oh, I see. 第2课时Unit 2 You mustnt move.I. 根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词1. The policeman made a polite g_ at the driver to stop the car. 2. We couldnt have a picnic because of the s_ change in the weather.3. B_ is thicker than

11、water. 4. The children stood _ (不动)and watched as the deer came closer. 5. Its very _ (安静的)out here in the woods. . 将下列汉语词组译成英语1. 入睡 2. 伸手去摸 3. 拾起;捡起 4. 收拾干净;整理好 5. 继续行进 6. 尤其是;最重要的是 7. 每一次 8. 置于某物之外;使与某物分开 . 单项选择1. - _ you hear me, Ann?-Yes, but not clearly. A. Will B. Can C. Must D. May2. - Ming _

12、 row a boat when he was ten. And he still _ now. A. cant; cant B. could; couldnt C. couldnt; cant D. couldnt; couldnt3. He _ a piece of waste paper, and put it into the rubbish bag. A. picked up B. threw away C. looked for D. handed in4. _! Its very dangerous to climb 80 high.A. Look out B. Be caref

13、ul C. Watch out D. A, B and C5. -Wheres Mr. Lin, do you know?-Well, its hard to say. But I saw him _ a football game just now. A. was watching B. watching C. had watched D. watched. 用括号内单词的适当形式填空1. I like rainy days. I often fall asleep _ (listen)to the sound of rain2. When the parents went to the g

14、ate, they saw their son _ (give)the cup of water to an old man. 3. Every time my aunt _ (come)here, she always buys me some gifts. 4. People all over the world hope to live a _ (peace)and wealthy life. 6. That _ (sleep)boy has been _ (sleep). V. 用方框中的词或短语的适当形式填空 tidy up pick up go reach out above all1. The woman _ her hand for the rope but failed.


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