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1、1压缩机施工方案 .The installation of compressor1.1概述 Summary上海赛科90万吨/年乙烯工程一标段有压缩机3台。裂解气压缩机(C-2000)由凝器式汽轮机驱动,为乙烯装置的心脏设备,安装中应严格按制造厂技术说明书和施工方案进行。压缩组的主要特性见表4-1。This rotary machinery installation plan is for the first bid of Shanghai SECCO 900,000 metric tons per year ethylene cracker project, which includes 82

2、 sets rotary machines, 3 sets compressors, The cracked gas compressor (C-2000), which is the heart of the equipment in ethylene plant, and is driven by the condensed steam turbine, needs to be installed strictly according to technical specification and the installation plan. The key characters of th

3、is compressor are listed below (see table1-1). 压缩机机组主要特性明细表 表1-1 The key characters of this compressor table 1-1设备名称name设备位号item No.结构形式type功率(kW)power驱动机形式driver单重(t)weight裂解气压缩机The cracked gas compressorC-2000离心压缩机centrifugal compressor 46435冷凝式汽轮机condensed steam turbine250除焦空气压缩机air compressorC-1

4、801X离心压缩机centrifugal compressor电动机electric motor50DPG循环压缩机DPG circulating compressorC-5501离心压缩机centrifugal compressor620电动机electric motor301.2通用要求general requirements1.2.1压缩机组安装程序见图4-1。the installation procedure for the centrifugal compressor driven by steam turbine is listed in figure 4-垫铁加工

5、采用机械加工,垫铁的表面粗糙度不得低于Ra5。The shims should be fabricated by machine, the surface roughness should not lower than Ra5.1.2.3压缩机联轴器对中找正采用西德Fixturlaser Shaft 200型激光对中仪,确保对中的质量和速度。The alignment of the compressor coupling will be executed with Fixturlaser Shaft 200 laser alignment instrument in order to ensu

6、re the quality and schedule.1.2 .4管道预制及组装时,要考虑管道的应力释放。管道在与机器连接时使用百分表监控,严禁强力对口。The piping stress releasing should be considered during prefabrication and assembly. Dial indicators shall be used where the piping connects to the machines.1.2.5机器及零、部件吊装时应符合下列要求: The following requirements shall be meet

7、when lifting the machine and the parts. 严禁将索具直接绑扎在加工面上,与机器接触的绑扎部位应垫上衬垫,或将索具用软材料包裹;The lifting rigging would be never directly touched the machined surfaces, proper gaskets should be inserted between the rigging and the surfaces, or the rigging is wrapped by the soft material.底座吊装时应有防止变形的措施;To preven

8、t the base frame distorting, proper measures should be taken before lifting,压缩机转子吊装时,应使用专用吊具,并保持轴向水平。严禁发生碰撞。The compressor rotors should be lifted by special rigging tool, and in horizontal. Collision is forbidden.1.2.6二次灌浆材料应按机器技术文件的要求执行,若机器技术文件无要求时,易使用CGM专用灌浆料或无收缩水泥砂浆。The back grouting material sh

9、all be selected according to the specifications of the machine. If there isnt special requirement, the special grouting material CGM or the non-shrinking mortar should be used. 1.2.7拆卸的零、部件应摆放有序,并不得直接放在地面上。All the disassembled parts should be stored and laid down in a tiny way and in a clean spot. L

10、aying down directly on the ground is prohibited.1.2.8零、部件的清洗除符合机器设备安装工程施工及验收通用规定GB 50231-98的有关规定外,还应符合下列要求:The cleaning of machinery parts should be done according to Machinery Installation and acceptance check general code GB50231-98, and according to the following additional requirements:严禁使用汽油清洗;

11、 Gasoline is not to be used;清洗干净的零、部件应分别放置在专用的零件箱内,对于精密零部件应精心包装保护,不得堆压。并设专人妥善保管;The cleaned parts should be stored in the special part-cases, for the precise parts, additional package and one layer only is needed. There would be specific persons to take care of all the parts.机器的转动和滑动部件,在防腐层未清理前,不得转动

12、和滑动,清洗检查合格后涂以机械油或汽轮机油保护。The rotating and sliding part should not be rotated and slidden before removing the anti-corrosion layer, and should be protected with machine oil or turbine oil after checking and cleaning.1.2.9机器组装后,各法兰、接头处均应封闭。After assembly, all flange and other connections should be clos

13、ed.1.2.10转子的监测元件应校验后装入,并应符合技术文件的规定。The rotator monitor should be installed after verification according to the technical specification.凝汽器(汽轮机)驱动机油系统开箱检验机器基础中间交接及处理、安置垫铁就位、初找正安装接管和膨胀节设备就位、找正、找平10.1.1 座安装就位找平轴端距调整、机组初对中整、机组轴就位压缩机地脚螺栓孔灌浆、地脚螺栓紧固螺栓紧固组装检查、测量各部间隙(由业主确定)复测轴端距、轴对中二次灌浆、机组精对中蒸汽及工艺管道安装吹扫、连接二次灌

14、浆解体检查(由业主确定)管道预制安装管道检查清洗管道复位油冲洗机组油系统循环机组最终复查轴对中调速、保安系统调整、仪表自控系统连锁调整试验驱动机单机试运行压缩机组无负荷试运行压缩机组联动负荷试运行机组竣工验收机组中间交工图1-1 压缩机机组施工基本程序 Steam turbinedriverOil systemOPIFoundation acceptance and treatment, shims installation Put in position, pre-alignment Nozzol and expansion joint installLaying down、leveling

15、, alignment10.1.2 座安装就位找平Shaft terminals position adjust、pre-alignment整、机组轴就位compressorAnchor bolts grouting, tightening螺栓紧固Assembly checking、gaps and clearance measurementRecheck shafts ends position and alignmentBack gouting、fine alignmentPiping blowing、connectionBack groutingDisassembly and checkPiping fabrication and installation Piping cleaning and checkPiping re-connectionOil flushing


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