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1、-2019-2020学年福建省泉州市泉港区七年级(上)期末英语试卷一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. 下列字母中,有共同读音ei的选项是()A. ABMB. ALQC. AHK2. -Welcometoourschool,Boysandgirls!-()A. IlltakeitB. ThankyouC. Thatsright3. -ishisT-shirt?-Itswhiteandgreen()A. WhatclassB. WhatcolorC. Whattime4. -Wouldyoulikesomethingtoeat?-YesSomeplease()A. breadB. m

2、ilkC. applejuice5. -Mom,myglovesareCouldyoubuymeanewpair?-Allright()A. oldB. coolC. nice6. -Hi!Jane,IsthatMariasbag?-No,itsnotIthinkitsMichaels()A. hisB. hersC. mine7. -DoesLiPingspeakEnglishwell?-No,hedoesntitatall()A. giveB. seeC. like8. -Look!Its18:00now-OhItstimedinnerLetsgo()A. haveB. havingC.

3、tohave9. -Michael,Howaboutgoingfishingwithmethisafternoon?-()A. SeeyouthenB. Goodidea!C. Yes,Whatsup?10. -TheredT-shirtisveryniceWhynotit,madam?-OK,Thanks()A. thinkaboutB. looklikeC. tryon11. -Hello!ThisisSally-ThisisLilyIwanttospeaktoMrGao()A. Whoisthis?B. Isthatall?C. MayIhelpyou?12. -Whoisthewoma

4、ngreen?-IthinkshesMichaelsaunt()A. withB. inC. at13. -Whatdoesthebabylooklike?-She/Hehas()A. shorthairB. acoatC. sleep14. -Excuseme,Doyouhaveaknife?-Sorry,Idont,ButBillhas()A. thatB. itC. one15. -MayIhelpyou?-Weneed2kilosofapplesandrice()A. someB. anyC. no二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共15.0分)My name is Zhao Lei,

5、a student from Beijing I have a new(16) His name is John He (17) from America Now he comes to China (18)his parents and studies (学习) Chinese in our school We are in the same class He can speak (19) Chinese My English is not good,(20) we often help each otherI go to school with (21) every morning We

6、have lunch at school He likes Chinese (22) very much and Jiaozi is his (23) On Sunday, he comes to my home and fly kites with me He says,Chinese people are very (24) to us We are very glad to (25) in China I have a good time every day16. A. bookB. teacherC. photo17. A. takesB. comesC. looks18. A. ab

7、outB. inC. with19. A. a box ofB. a littleC. a lot20. A. soB. butC. and21. A. herB. himC. them22. A. thingsB. schoolC. food23. A. toyB. favoriteC. name24. A. kindB. cleverC. cute25. A. makeB. getC. live三、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40.0分)AI have a nice photo My classmates Jim, Tina and I are in it The boy in blac

8、k is Jim He is from Canada His favorite actor is Jet Lee The girl in a yellow coat is Tina She is Jims twin(双胞胎)sister But they look different Tina has a small mouth, but Jims mouth is wide Tinas favorite actor is Jackie ChanCan you see me in the photo? The girl in a pink jacket is me! My name is We

9、i Fang I come from China I have a round face and big eyes My favorite actor is Bruce Lee Jim and Tina are new students in our class, too So I often help them at school We are good friends26. We cansee _ children in the photoA. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six27. What color jacket is Wei Fang in? _ A. RedB.

10、 GreenC. PinkD. Blue28. Who is Jims favorite actor? _ A. Wei FangB. Jackie ChanC. Bruce LeeD. Jet Lee29. Wei Fang, Jim and Tina _ A. have the same lookB. come from CanadaC. speak English wellD. often help each other at school30. Whats the passage(短文) about ? _ A. My Favorite ActorB. A Nice Photo Of

11、My FamilyC. The Photo Of My SchoolD. The Photo Of My Good FriendsBBai Yun, 14,I like Miss Li, my Chinese teacher She looks very nice She is often in a red coat Red is her favorite color She is strict (严格的)with usGao Tian, 13Miss Ye, my English teacher, helps me a lot She is tall and has long hair Sh

12、e asks us to read English books every day She says it is agood way to study(学习) EnglishYangGuang, 14,My favorite teacher is Mr Wu He is our Chinese teacher He is very glad to have his classes He is kind to students and his students all like him He is good at singing, too He is so cool31. Who is ofte

13、n in a red coat? _ A. Miss LiB. Miss YeC. Miss WuD. Miss Xu32. What does Miss Ye look like? _ A. She is shortB. She looks coolC. She has long hairD. She is old33. What does Mr Wu do? _ A. He is a cookB. He is a workerC. He is a doctorD. He is a Chinese teacher34. Which one is right ?(哪一项正确?) _ A. Mr Wu can sing very wellB. Bai Yun and Gao Tian are 13C. Yang Guang likes pink a lotD. Miss Li reads English every day35. The passage(文章) is about some students _ A. favorite classB. favorite teachersC. favorite


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