重庆市大学城高中英语 Unit 1 Friends and Friendship(第5课时)教案 重庆大学版必修3

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1、Unit 1 Friends and Friendship章节:further reading课时:1 课题名称Sam and lightning三维目标1. Get the main idea of the passage2. Practice reading skills - skimming and scanning3. Understand the meaning of friendship重点目标Get the main idea of the passageUnderstand the meaning of friendship 难点目标Practice reading skill

2、s - skimming and scanning导入示标Do you think the real friendship only happens between human beings?Show students of a pictures of some animals目标三导Step1 Learning& doing & thinking1LearningWhat can you get from the picture I showed you just now?Look up the new words and phrasesEase, occupy, in the blink

3、of an eye, sorrow, and try to explain them in EnglishWords analysisOccupy(v) _(adj)Meaning _Reading occupies most of my free time.The bathroom is occupied.She is occupied in writing a novel.riskat ones own risk_at risk_at the risk of doing. _at risk to sb_take a risk to do._risk ones health _risk do

4、ing._doing21 yearsagelaterTheir fridneshipsSamAn _ dog given by my _ to _At first, they_ their distance, lightningA _ kitten given by _They were_ThinkingHow did sam and lightning come to their house?_What happened to lightning after sams death?_How do you definite the friendship between sam and ligh

5、tning?_What is your feeling after reading the story?达标检测1. -May I sit beside you, sir? - No, you _. My girlfriend is coming soon.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt ( )2.- _ I speak to Mary, please? -Sorry, she_ come to the phone because she isnt in.A. Might; wont B. Cant; mustnt C. May; cant D.

6、 Couldnt; shouldnt( )3. - I want to know if I _ smoke here. - No, you_ . Could you see the sign “NO SMOKING” there?A. can; neednt B. must; cant C. shall; wont D. may; mustnt( )4. My wife never remembers my telephone number. She always _ look it up. A. must B. should C. would D. has to( )5. - _ you p

7、ass me the English magazine, please? - Sure. Here you are.A. Could B. Need C. Must D. Might反思总结1.知识建构2.能力提高3.课堂体验课后练习Working in a hospital with cancer patients was a hard job.They usually just wanted to _1_.Albert taught me _2_ about cancer patients.One afternoon while making the rounds (巡查病房) I _3_

8、hima pale old man with a look of death,head buried under a blanket.He didnt move when I _4_ myself,and he said nothing.A nurse told me some of his history.There was _5_ looking after him.His wife was dead,and his five sons were gone.Well,_6_ I could help.The next day I wore a dress,not my _7_ nursin

9、g uniform.Albert shouted at the nurses to let them get out.Giving him a _8_ smile,I pulled a chair close to his bed.He looked _9_.I told him how I liked working here.He said nothing.Two days later,I learned that Albert had asked when Id be _10_.The nurses referred to him as my “boyfriend” and _11_ g

10、ot around.I never argued.Outside his room,Id tell others not to _12_ “my Albert”Soon he agreed to sit on the side of the bed to _13_ his tolerance,energy and balance.He _14_ to “work” with physical treatment if Id return to “_15_”Two months later,Albert could move around by himself.We celebrated his

11、 discharge (出院) from the hospital with a _16_.Albert and I danced.He was leading though he wasnt _17_.Tears rolled down cheeks as we said our _18_.Then one afternoon,a(n) _19_ woman came.“So you are the woman who reminded my Albert that he is a _20_!” She smiled as she handed me a wedding invitation

12、.1A.dieBlieCworkDlearn2A.littleBmuchCnothingDeverything3A.heldBknockedCmetDgreeted4A.behavedBseatedCenjoyedDintroduced5A.nobodyBsomebodyCeverybodyDanybody6A.generallyBprobablyCcompletelyDhardly7A.cheapBbeautifulCusualDbig8A.sickBbitterCmysteriousDsweet9A.confusedBlostCamusedDbored10A.off dutyBon dut

13、yCat homeDon the air11A.papersBfriendsCwordDsecret12A.disappointBscareCmarryDbother13A.build upBtake upCrise upDcatch up14A.refusedBagreedCfailedDhated15A.standBsingCtalkDlisten16A.reformBpicnicCcardDparty17A.famousBskillfulCstupidDdull18A.goodbyesBsurprisesCsadnessDhappiness19A.angryBcrazyClovelyDthin20A.biologistBstrangerCcitizenDman 南洋兄弟烟草公司是以粤商简照南、简玉阶兄弟为主体,南洋华侨集资创办的在旧中国最大的一家民族资本烟草企业。简照南、简玉阶兄弟原在香港经营怡兴泰商号、贩运土洋新货于日本、香港、泰国之间,数年后积余资本3万多元。5


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