重庆市大学城高中英语 Unit 2 Learning from Helen Keller Listening&Speaking教案 重庆大学版必修2

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1、Unit 2 Learning from Helen Keller Listening&Speaking章节: Book 2 Unit 2 课时:1课时 课题名称Unit 2 Listening& Speaking三维目标1. Teach the students to grasp the key sentences in the listening materials and write them down quickly.2. Help the students master the expressions about agreement and disagreement.3. Let t

2、he students practice expressing agreement and disagreement.重点目标Language Points难点目标Grasp the key sentences in the listening materials and write them down quickly.导入示标Show the picture.目标三导Step 1. Learning & Doing & Thinking 1What is the common use of expression about agreement and disagreement?【Learni

3、ng】Discuss with your partner how you express agreement and disagreement, and then write down the typical sentence structures.【Doing】Useful sentence structures1. I disagree completely. 我完全不同意。 2. Maybe youre right. 也许你是对的。 3. I think thats a good idea. 我想那是个好主意。 4. Im glad we see eye to eye. 很高兴我们的看法

4、一致。 5. I couldnt agree with you more. 我非常同意你的看法。 6. I have to disagree with you on this. 在这件事情上我不同意你的看法。 7. Thats what I was thinking. 那就是我的想法。 8. You are exactly right. 你对极了。 9. Thats for sure. 那是肯定的。 10. Dont you agree? 难道你不同意吗? 11. Ill go along with you on this one. 在这一点上我同意你的看法。12. Im not sure I

5、 agree with you. 我不能肯定我同意你的意见。【Thinking】What other expressions can think of? Step 2. Learning & Doing & Thinking 2How to get main idea and detailed information of the listening material?【Learning】Predict what the passage is about.【Doing】Listen to a conversation and complete the following statements.

6、1. This conversation takes place _.A. at home B. in a class C. on the way downtown2. The speakers are going to _.A. do some shopping B. have a rest C. meet Aunt Martha3. The relationship between the two speakers is _.A. teacher and student B. father and child C. classmates4. The attitudes of the two

7、 speakers towards what they are going to do are _.A. the same B. different C. not mentioned5. At the end of the conversation, the child _.A. still objects to doing what they are going to doB. agrees to do what they are going to doC. falls into silence and does not say anything any more.【Thinking】How

8、 to fill in the blank as quickly as possible?1) A: I dont see why we have to go _ just to meet Aunt Martha.B: Yes. But I promised her a long time ago _ pick out some things for Jeff.A: Couldnt she_?B: Yes, of course, if she had to.2) B: Because I told her Id help. Besides, I want to. She has done a

9、lot of nice things for us, _?A: _?B: Come on. You know, she helped me a lot, especially _.A: Yeah, but that was a long time ago.B: That doesnt matter. She still did it. Besides, I know you will like it once you get there. _.3) A: Hey, do you think Aunt Martha will take us to that excellent place for

10、 lunch.B: _?A: Remember? The one with _, where she took us before.B: Oh, Yes. Johnsons.4) B: Thats not a waterfall, though; its a fountain.A: Whatever. Anyway, its water.B: I think we might go there, _.A: Hey, that was_.B: OK.Step 3. Learning & Doing & Thinking 3Do you agree with the Chinese saying

11、“子不教, 父之过。”(If a son is not raised well, the father is to blame.)? 【Learning】Discuss with your partner by sharing why you agree or disagree. Try to use the structures in the table below.【Doing】How to express agreementHow to express disagreementI agree.I agree withThats (quite) right/ true.You are ri

12、ght. Sure.Thats what I think, of course.I suppose youre right.I dont thinkI may be wrong, butOh, I dont know/ agree.Yes, but Im afraid I cant agree with you.Oh, surely not.No, I dont think so.【Thinking】What is the common use?You may start your discussion like this:A: Have you heard that John was taken to prison?B: No. What happened? I saw him only last week. ButA: 达标检测Practice the dialogue with your partners. 反思总结1.知识建构2.能力提高3.课堂体验课后练习Homework Use the expressions in your daily life. 南洋兄弟烟草公司是以粤商简照南、简玉阶兄弟为主体,南洋华侨集资创办的在旧中国最大的一家民族资本烟草企业。简照南、简玉阶兄弟原在香港经营怡兴泰商号、贩运土洋新货于日本、香港、泰国之间,数年后积余资本3万多元。5



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