辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes readingⅠ导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes readingⅠ导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes readingⅠ导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第2页
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辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes readingⅠ导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第3页
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《辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes readingⅠ导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省锦州市凌海市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes readingⅠ导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 TV programmerreading【导学目标】1.进一步认识和掌握与电视节目相关的词汇、词组2.提高根据所阅读的文章判断正误的能力3.把学生的爱好和时间安排与电视节目匹配起来4.鼓励学生拥有适度的、合理的业余爱好【导学重难点】1.进一步认识和掌握与电视节目相关的词汇、词组2.提高根据所阅读的文章判断正误的能力【导学过程】一.自主预习(一)预习本课的生词,你会读吗?根据音标和规则试着读几遍吧,并理解他们的词义和词性,把不会读的记下来_(二) 听录音,跟读P80-81课文至少三遍,注意模仿语音语调。二.合作交流1.小组合作,互相检查预习的情况, 讨论解决预习中的问题。2.完成课

2、本B1题,小组成员互相检测。3.阅读课文回答下列问题:When can we watch TV?How can we know some information about TV programmes?4.阅读Beijing Music Awards这段文章,回答下列问题:How will this years Beijing Music Awards be covered ?Who will attend the presentation ?What have lots of fans voted online for?How can people win two free concert

3、tickets ?5.阅读Golden TV Murder in a Country House 部分,完成下列填空题:Murder in a Country House is a h_ film d_ by Cindy Clark, a new d_. In the film, a doctor is found d_ in his house. Was he killed or did he kill h_? You wont find out the answer u_ the end of the film. The film is excellent and full of h_ a

4、nd m_. If you enjoy s_ m_, you will love this film. If you gets_ e_, do not watch it! The a_ are all new, y_ they all did very well.5.阅读Golden TV Tiger Watch部分,回答下列问题:What kind of programme is “Tiger Watch”?What does it take a close look at?What do people kill the Asian tigers for?How will you feel

5、while watching it if you love animals?When and where was it filmed?5.听录音跟读课文内容。6.小组合作完成课本的B2,B3题。小组成员相互核对答案。学习反思_课堂检测一.写出下列单词:1.Tom is searching for_(最新的)information about sports on the Intemet.2. The famous doctors talk_(涉及)many topics.3. Do you know how many people will_(出席)the fashion show?4. The

6、 headmaster will_(宣布)the results of the competition.5. He is a popular singer. He has a lot of_(歌迷)二. 把下列句子译成汉语1. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with up-to-date information._2. The programme covers different sports, such as swimming, basketball and football._3. If you enjoy solving

7、 mysteries, you might like this film._4. The situation will continue unless humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones._5. In the documentary, you can see scenes from India, one of the new places where tigers still live in the wild._参考答案:一.1.the lastest 2. with 3.attend 4.announce 5.fans二. 1.一周新闻体育摘要以及最新消息。2.本节目报道不同的体育运动,如:游泳,篮球和足球。3.如果你喜欢解决神秘问题,你或许喜欢这部电影。4.除非人们不在为获取虎皮和虎骨而停止猎杀它们,否则这种情形还将继续。5.在这部纪录片中,你能够看到来自印度的风光,那里是世界上仅存的几处还有老虎在野外生存的地方之一。南洋兄弟烟草公司是以粤商简照南、简玉阶兄弟为主体,南洋华侨集资创办的在旧中国最大的一家民族资本烟草企业。简照南、简玉阶兄弟原在香港经营怡兴泰商号、贩运土洋新货于日本、香港、泰国之间,数年后积余资本3万多元。3



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