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1、我对二副工作的一点体会谢谢广大网友们的抬爱,对鄙人的我对三副业务的一点心得体会一文有些许认可。应网友们的要求,现奉上二副业务一文,虽然本人也算个菜鸟,才刚刚做第三条船的二副。业务和经验肯定有不足之处,权当朋友们交流所用了,有不足之处,还望不吝赐教。 在开始讲二副业务之前,我想把我们公司的ISM规则里面规定的二副法定责任和大家介绍一下。虽然说各个公司的ISM规则不太一样,但是对于二副业务这一项来说,我想差不多应该都是大同小异的。里面介绍的比较笼统,我会尽力解释清楚的。 Specific duties of 2nd officer5 W! t! p2 x g& P8 g9 e$ p: |! x1

2、j* z: z% w# S! O The 2nd officer is responsible to the master for the proper performance of his assigned duties and his conduct as a watch keeper and navigator. R8 9 L! j! J4 J* r5 : fDuring cargo and ballast operations, he is responsible to the chief officer.The 2nd officer is the navigating office

3、r and his duties will include (but are not limited to) :7 i- # K+ l. # l, d; P/ b! R- - $ 8 C- n, G Keeping a navigational watch. Keeping a watch in port Drawing up safe courses and passage planning as directed by the master |: T6 xW0 n Ensuring that all charts and nautical publications are availabl

4、e and corrected up to date reflect the latest published information.+ P4 ?: ww y$ U0 H a% * U Ensuring that the latest available editions of charts and nautical publications for vessels current trade are ordered and received.5 p$ J: H$ G V0 ?& L( y* Q9 d Routine daily duties related to the vessels v

5、oyage performance. Control and maintenance of nautical equipment carried on board. This includes but is not limited to the following: K2 - Q) j w. LGyro compass and associated equipment& N6 # R) l8 7 wmagnetic compasses and associated equipmentRadar and anti-collision devicesSatellite navigational e

6、quipment2 6 i% O- F: UChronometers and clocks3 G2 t% s0 # b DBarometers and meteorological instrumentsEcho sounder and shallow water indicatorsSpeed and distance logsSextant and Azimuth mirrors! o R- k* P( NL, y; X0 B5 bNavigation lights, shapes and signals, and other navigational equipment on board

7、.2 2 L z# c1 , h/ E5 V5 HMeans of signalling and communication9 P- n V1 X1 R$ xKeeping conversant with GMDSS equipment and procedures% b2 gW( U / L2 O1 l Security Duties as per relevant section of ship security plan.2 b; E4 y% 1 |- g1 Y1 o! G Assisting the chief officer in the pre-planning and carry

8、ing out of cargo operations including stability ,stress and bending moment calculations. Maintaining the ships medicine cabinet and providing first aid and other medical treatment under the supervision of the master. Maintaining a medical log book. L& Mm4 K( R7 A: T* ) _ Familiarizing himself with a

9、ll duties performed by the chief officer under the guidance of the chief officer and in turn instructing the 3rd officer and familiarizing him with the duties and responsibilities of the 2nd officer. Upon joining a vessel he has to report the master and then to check all items assigned to his respon

10、sibility and report any deficiencies to the master4 T2 T F+ % Y- If on duty, preparing and testing the bridge equipment prior to departure and reporting deficiencies to the master. 总体来说,二副职责主要包括如下几个方面:5 e% I7 A( ( L r0 b; |9 N一。航行值班和港口值班责任二。航线设计责任( d8 , d, a4 7 Q O7 |( L: D1 p三。航海图书保管和改正责任四。驾驶台设备的维修

11、保养责任五。医疗药品设备的保养和更新,以及应急医疗救助组长。六。文件工作4 S F+ A1 4 ?! V2 l$ V5 Q8 七。靠泊和锚泊作业A.航行值班和港口值班责任6 E3 A3 p) L3 X 针对第一项,在三副业务里面我已经详细介绍过了,在这里就不多做介绍。需要特别介绍的是,作为二副,不管你手上有没有大副证。当值甲板货班的时候,已经不再是和三副一样,领完装卸货图负责甲板安全装卸就可以了事的。这个时候你应该慢慢去熟悉大副的业务,尤其是配货和压载水系统。常言道:有备才能无患。只有自己早做准备,才不至于等到自己真正做到大副的时候手忙脚乱。公司ISM规则里面最后一条也规定了:Familiar

12、izing himself with all duties performed by the chief officer under the guidance of the chief officer. B 航线设计责任+ M8 9 u7 S/ k+ z! - N4 9 C; A 当二副领到一个新的航次计划或者说船舶改跑新的航线的时候,这个时候,二副的工作开始繁忙起来。有如下几个准备工作要提前做好:对照航海图书总目录NP131选出从目前港口到新港口所需用的海图,需要指出的是,出于安全的考虑,能用大比例尺海图的时候尽量避免使用小比例尺海图。将选好的海图交给船长审查,及早向公司申请,以免到时开航的

13、时候还没有新航区的海图,耽误了班期。9 w) o: n/ F& f* r: w, 选出对应新港口或则新航区所需要用的各种航海图书:NP 281,NP283, NP286;对应航区的灯标雾号表和航路指南以及潮汐表。 由于NP282 和NP 284还有NP285三本图书是全*用,所以不需要重新申请。等到新的海图或则航海图书都到手后,在对应的航海图书上查阅对应目的港的相关信息,并用标签纸写上港名贴上以便以后方便查阅。如NP286(可以查阅目的港的引水信息和港口联系方式),潮汐表,还有航路指南(可以查阅目的港的详细信息,港口最大吃水,内外锚地等相关信息) 当前期准备工作都完成后,开始准备设计航线:首先

14、确定航线走的是恒向线航线还是大圆航线。至于该走恒向线或者大圆航线,相信大家都是科班出身,学校老师教的肯定比我清楚多了。我的经验是:对于东西跨度较大且中间没有大面积大陆隔断的时候,建议走大圆航线。比如从中国到美国或者加拿大。 如果东西跨度较大但是中间有大面积大陆隔断的时候,建议走恒向线航线或则混合航线。比如我们船从阿比让开往新加坡,东西跨度有够大,不过我们走的就是恒向线航线。由于从阿比让开往新加坡需要经过好望角(当然你也可以选择走北非转过来,经过地中海和红海,过苏伊士运河,经过亚丁湾,路过索马里,然后在穿过印度洋到达新加坡。如果你比较二的话。),而从阿比让到南非开普敦东西跨度不是很大,所以没有必




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