八年级英语上册 Unit 4《Wild animals》复习课件 牛津译林版

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1、Revision,8A Unit4 Wild animals,Which animal do you like best?,中考链接情景对话,Because they are beautiful black-and-white animals.,我最喜欢大熊猫,因为它们是漂亮的黑白相间的动物。,I like giant pandas best.,2. Why do you like them best?,14.大熊猫Giant pandas人人喜欢大熊猫;大熊猫平静而安详, 吃竹笋和竹叶;2. 世界上现仅有大约一千只大熊猫,数目越来越少;3. 大熊猫生活的地方正在变为农田, 而且人们也为取其皮

2、毛而猎捕它们; 如此下去,世界上很快将再无大熊猫。,Everyone likes giant pandas. Giant pandas are quiet and peaceful.,They eat bamboo shoots and leaves.,Now, there are only about a thousand giant pandas in the world. Their number is going down.,Their living areas are becoming farmlands.,Also, people hunt them for their fur.,

3、If this continues, there will soon be no giant pandas in the world .,中考链接话题简述,熊猫宝宝名叫“希望”, 出生时重约90克, 每天吃母奶; 6个月时,开始吃竹笋和竹叶;2. 可悲的是,大熊猫在野外很难存活; 假如人们砍掉树和森林,大熊猫将无生存之处;3. 我们应当尽力保护它们。,The baby panda is called Xi Wang.,When she was born, she weighed about 90 grams.,She drank her mothers milk every day.,When

4、 she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves.,Sadly, it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild.,If people cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.,We should try our best to protect them.,中考链接话题简述,Revision for 8A Unit4,复习目标:,1. 学会写一份动物的

5、报告。2. 掌握条件状语从句和原因状语从句的用法以及because of 的用法,根据句意及所给首字母填空.The c_is called a ship or boat of the desert.Lets go across the road at the z_ crossing.Most people are afraid of the w_. They like eating meat.I read the story “The Hare and the T_.We often use she to refer to a f_.,amel,ebra,olves,ortoise,emale

6、,词汇:,课前导学,6. Have you seen the cartoon The L _ King?7. A m_is very good at climbing trees.8. A polar b_ is white and lives in the north pole.9. A g_ is an African animal with dark spots on a yellow skin and a long neck and legs.10. A s_has a long soft tail and lives in the tree.,ion,onkey,ear,iraffe

7、,quirrel,11. A k_lives in Australia and has a pocket in front.12. A g_ p_lives only in China and its favourite food is the bamboo.13. There is a d_ show in the Undersea World .14. A t_ lives in the forest or the mountain and eats small animals.15. The hunter likes to kill a b_ for its fur and paws.,

8、angaroo,iant,anda,olphin,iger,ear,1.看起来很美味2.第一次走出她的家门3.长成一只健康的大熊猫 4.一天长达14个小时5.没有住的地方 6.处于危险之中7.把拿走 8.采取下列措施9.鼓励做,look delicious,go outside her home for the first time,grow into a healthy giant panda,for up to 14 hours a day,have nowhere to live,(be) in danger,take . away,take the following action(s

9、),encourage sb. to do sth.,课前导学,11.生活在野外 12.将某人单独留下13.一直做某事 14.让/保持某人一直做某事15.挣很多钱16.阻止某人做某事17.生活区的丧失 18.用它们的骨头制成药19.用纸做成一个箱子,live in the wild,leave sb. alone / by oneself/ on ones own,keep doing sth,keep sb. doing sth.,make a lot of/ much money,keep/stop/prevent sb. from doing sth.,(the) loss of liv

10、ing areas,make medicine from their bones(看不出原材料),make a box out of paper (看出原材料),20.以团队形式一起劳动21.以家庭形式生活22.砍下(代词放中间)23.(数量)变得越来越少 24.采取行动做某事25.在四个月大的时候 26.又生了一个婴儿27.保持某人安全并远离危险,live as a family / live in family groups,work as a team,cut down,get smaller and smaller,take action(s) to do sth.,at four m

11、onths (old),have another baby,keep sb. safe from danger=protect,28. 直立行走29.跑走另一条路 30.步行穿过雨林31.一次去北京动物园的参观 32.一份关于野生生物的报告33.独自生活,walk upright,walk through a rainforest,run the other way,a visit to Beijing Zoo,a report on wild animals,live alone=live by oneself =live on ones own,34.好的视力、听力和嗅觉35.由动物皮毛制

12、成的衣服 36.失去某人的生命(死)37.开发新的农田 38.继续做某事,clothes made of animal fur,lose ones life = die,make new farmland,continue to do sth/ doing sth,good eyesight, hearing and smell,Language points,act take the following actions take an active part in do sth,知识梳理,2.courage(n)have (no) courage to do sthencourage (v)

13、 sb to do sth,action take action to do sth,active,actively,(adj),(adv),(n.),3. lose (v) lose ones waylose a game lose ones lifeadj: a lost childn: because of the loss of living areas mourn the loss of a great beauty,知识梳理,lost-lost,lost get /be lost,loss,the loss of,because + _because of + _,Sentence

14、 / Noun(phrase)/pronoun,Sentence / Noun(phrase)/pronoun,Noun (phrase) / Pronoun,Sentence,Use because or because of to give reasons.,语法总结,语法总结,because和because of的意思都是:因为,由于。 但是在用法上又有不同。 because:后加从句。 She doesnt go to school because she is ill. 她没来上学因为她生病了。 because of:后加代词/名词/动词的ing形式。 She doesnt go to school because of her illness. Because of working too hard, he was ill.,



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